
Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Valve has compiled an extensive data set for controller usage on the PC and an explanation of how PC gaming became so controller friendly in recent years. Valve has been working on Steam Input to allow gamers to remap and share controller profiles for individual games on the Steam Platform. These customization options have allowed gamers to experience PC games in new ways as even games that the developer never intended to have controller options can be configured to be used with a controller.

The most shocking statistic about controller usage among PC gamers is that 30 million Steam owners use controllers and 15 million own more than one. 458,725 use a Switch Pro controller to play games while another 195,914 use a SNES controller. The number of PS4 controller owners has eclipsed the amount of Xbox One gamepad owners, but if you add groups together they still can't match the number of Xbox 360 peripheral owners. Valve has sold 1.3 million Steam controllers and Steam Input now supports over 200 controller models.

The Steam Controller community plays a more diverse selection of games than other controller types, interacting with nearly twice the total number of titles compared to the next closest device. Additionally, many of these are titles without built-in controller support. We're happy to see our customers engaging with all kinds of games and will continue to improve the Steam Controller experience for our existing and future users.
I really find the XB1 the most comfortable for my hands, I can play hours without any pain compared to x360 version, whatever I try though with the PS controllers, I always stop after about an hour or two. PS4 is an improvement over the PS3 one, but still I'll go with an XB1 over the two.
It is interesting their conclusions about the Steam Controller.
The Steam Controller community plays a more diverse selection of games than other controller types, interacting with nearly twice the total number of titles compared to the next closest device.

Well if the rest of them are anything like me. They tried all those games to find one that the Steam Controller is actually good for. That thing could use a revision removing the right track pad and putting on a second analog stick.

That thing does have great software though.
Hopefully the data showing the number of people using the Dualshock 4 will speed up the amount of official support it gets. Despite Microsoft's best efforts, PC gamers are more likely to own a PS4 and/or Switch than a Xbox if they own a console.
Wow, the steam controller has a bigger bite of the pie than I expected.
I like the ability to find tune the configurations of it and it was great on certain game; but still I could never get it as good and comfortable as a mouse/KB for FPS games. So for FPS games, I stuck with M/KB and the steam controller for most everything else.
not really, a lot of games i'd rather go with a keypad (2d scrollers, adventure games), a wheel setup for racing. you want strategy and fps, KB+Mouse. PC is the best , but the console vs pc wars are really putting a lot of nonsense out there honestly.

2d platform: No doubt a controller is good for these. If I played them, I'd probably use a controller.

Adventure: Not sure which games you mean here. "Adventure" games to me are like the Lucas Arts/Sierra point & click games.

Racing: Wheel, for sure. I'd love a good modern air combat game like Falcon or AH64D Longbow to play with a joystick/throttle.
I generally use an XB1 controller, but for Monster Hunter World I was so used to using the Dualshock 4 after 350+ hours of play on the PS4, that I had to get a BT adapter to use it on my PC as well. Works great.
this is great since i just build my first PC, will use both the keyboard and mouse AND a controller.
Hopefully the data showing the number of people using the Dualshock 4 will speed up the amount of official support it gets. Despite Microsoft's best efforts, PC gamers are more likely to own a PS4 and/or Switch than a Xbox if they own a console.

I actually own a PS4 and a switch haha. Never owned an Xbox tho not for not wanting it, just never found anything i wanted on it.
I generally use an XB1 controller, but for Monster Hunter World I was so used to using the Dualshock 4 after 350+ hours of play on the PS4, that I had to get a BT adapter to use it on my PC as well. Works great.
I heard you can just plug and play the PS4 controller, is that not true?
Ah yeah, you can do that indeed. I just prefer having it be wireless.
Gotcha, waiting for my CPU to arrive this weekend so I'm stuck in limbo. Can't wait to plug in my ps4 controller and emulate old school games using a gtx 1060 haha
I heard you can just plug and play the PS4 controller, is that not true?
In Windows 10, you can. You still need an Xinput wrapper for games that don't support it since it uses DirectInput. All the emulators I know of have both DirectInput and Xinput support of one kind or another.
steam controller
love the interface in steam and how you can customize it
hate the trackpad.... while its not the WORST game pad ive used. its pretty darn close to it. i went back to 360 wired when i need an actual controller
I just wonder how these statistics work for people who barely ever use their controllers or only use them for secondary functions? Lots of people only bought into this because of the sales and don't actually ever use a controller. Also, many still primarily game with a keyboard and mouse but still have a controller attached for certain functions. Like for example, an FPS game where you play with a keyboard and mouse but when you hop in the in-game helicopter then you switch to the using the controller or joystick. Not the same as using the controller exclusively but i'd bet you would be included in those stats if they wanted you to be.
In Windows 10, you can. You still need an Xinput wrapper for games that don't support it since it uses DirectInput. All the emulators I know of have both DirectInput and Xinput support of one kind or another.
thanks, any good recommendations?
Notably absent is an indication of what percentage of users use a controller on PC.

I can see some narrow use cases where a controller may be beneficial (platformer/fighting games, sports games or driving games) but I don't play any of those.

Outside of these limited cases, using a controller on a PC is just plain moronic.

You possess the best device for control on the planet, yet you choose not to use it, in favor of a control device that is inaccurate and awful.

I plugged in a cheap USB controller for NES emulation purposes, but other than that, I've never used one, and I don't understand why anyone would.
For many years now I have been using a controller in my left hand and my mouse in my right, for any games that require aiming precision. (E.g. FPS games, or games like GTA when you are shooting). I love that Steam now lets you remap any controller as for a long time I was using third party keymappers to map keyboard controls like WASD to the left analog stick of the controller, now I can easily do it in Steam and in game.

I have tried the Steam controller and was overwhelmed at the customization options. I feel like if I invested the time it could be pretty great but ultimately, gaming for me is about simplicity and just turning something on and going. I don't want to spend a long time fiddling with options or getting used to new control schemes.
Racing, platformers, fighting games, pretty much any third person adventure game controls well with a controller.
I played through the Batman Arkham games and all the Dark Souls games using a controller. GTA I would juggle both (controller for driving and mouse/kb for onfoot).

Obviously if it's a fps title, I'm playing it solely using mouse and keyboard.
The 360 pad is holding up well. It would be nice to see support for PS4 motion controls going forward for racing games. Good way to control with more precision for gamers on a budget. Works well in GT Sport.
I can see mouse+kb for FPS games, but I can't imagine playing a game like the Batman Arkham series, Tomb Raider series, Assassin's Creed, etc. without a controller. I'm sure it can be done, but it just seems more natural with the controller.
I imagine for ps4 controller users that most games still show xbox controls? (E.g. press x instead of square).
I use the Xbox One controller 90% of the time. I swap over to the PS4 pad for anything that requires rapid d-pad inputs (Tekken mainly) and KB/M for games that revolve around nothing but twitch aiming.
For FPS games, keyboard and mouse is king for me most of the tine, but racing, adventure, platform and other games are best with a controller .

I live my Xbox One controller with the wiilreles dongle.

The steam controller was a good concept but I never really cared for it personally.
I have a XB360 controller at my desk and I TRY to use it, but it seems like every time I do, I'm back on the KB/M 15 minutes later.
KB+mouse or GTFO.

No. Correct tool for the job!

M+KB Shooters or anything first person really.
XInput gamepads Platformers, third person action / RPG, simple flight or space
High quality dual fight-stick setup Arcade games, fighting games

Then maybe a wheel or flight setup if you play a lot of those more serious sim types of games.

You wouldn't bring a crowbar to a gun party would you?

I have M+KB, XBOne pads, X360 pads, Dual Tank Stick (X-Arcade), various Logitech pads, Wiimotes, etc. They are all used in the right circumstances. It's the only way. :p I even have a couple of USB numeric keypads for playing things like Caves of Qud.

Honestly though, a KB+M and two good quality game pads would do the trick for most situations just fine.
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I got a couple of wireless 360 pads for my emulators. Almost never used to play PC games cause I only play shooters and StarCraft
No. Correct tool for the job!

M+KB Shooters or anything first person really.
XInput gamepads Platformers, third person action / RPG, simple flight or space
High quality dual fight-stick setup Arcade games, fighting games

Then maybe a wheel or flight setup if you pay a lot of those more serious sim types of games.

You wouldn't bring a crowbar to a gun party would you?

I have M+KB, XBOne pads, X360 pads, Dual Tank Stick (X-Arcade), various Logitech pads, Wiimotes, etc. They are all used in the right circumstances. It's the only way. :p I even have a couple of USB numeric keypads for playing things like Caves of Qud.

Honestly though, a KB+M and two good quality game pads would do the trick for most situations just fine.

I exclusively play first person games (and Sid Meier's Civilization) so no need to ever use anything except M+KB :p
I exclusively play first person games (and Sid Meier's Civilization) so no need to ever use anything except M+KB :p

Well then, you're a nerd! :D Kidding... That's valid. I would do the same if I had a narrow scope like that. Fact is though I play everything from C64 to arcade to old consoles, to new 2D indies to major first person shooters, fighting games, etc. Also in different rooms on different display and seating configurations. For me it pays to have the options, but I can totally see it not being important at all for many types of players.

You know, typing this makes me feel like I play too many games. :D I actually don't spend more than 2-5 hours a week most likely unless I'm totally engrossed in a particular game though. I just play a lot of different types.

I'd love to pick up a flight stick setup at some point. I guess that hinges on the success of Star Citizen though, because a gamepad does wonders in No Man's Sky, and I haven't decided if I'll ever go back to Elite Dangerous or not. I'd love to see a modern Strike Commander game. I'd buy a setup and a new machine again for that like I did the first time. :D
One of the great things about PC is versatility and a wide range of options. I've always used the tool that I felt best fit the game I was playing. For well over a decade I've been supplementing mouse and keyboard with Saitek controllers (pre-XInput), X360 controllers, XB1 controllers, official Sega USB Saturn controllers, NES and SNES controllers (via adapters), and this year I've taken to using the Switch Pro Controller over the X360/XB1 controllers. Currently playing Guacamelee 2 and The Messenger with it, and I finished Yooka-Laylee with it. Feels great for all those games. I also recently received an adapter as a berfday present to use Wii U Pro controllers on PC. My brother also uses the DualShock 4 on PC a lot (nice when you can use the touchpad to control the mouse cursor which is handy when you move to the couch). Of course I have a Logitech G27 racing wheel controller handy as well. I've been wanting to use mouse and keyboard for console gaming for many years, still waiting for devs to get on board with that. Systems have had USB ports since the PS2, and yet still nothing. I think Unreal Tournament 3 supported mouse and keyboard for gameplay on PS3. I see Warframe on XB1 is gonna support mouse and keyboard. I can only hope that more FPS and 3rd-person shooter games on console end up supporting it. Yeah though I'm loving the extreme controller support Valve is throwing into Steam. Really damn handy. I mapped Steam screenshots to Switch Pro Controller's dedicated screenshot button. All controllers are very highly configurable with Steam. Great job so far Valve. Of course for years I been making use of other programs as well, such as Joy-To-Key, and my brother used programs like ds4windows and x360ce and such. On PC, you always have an extreme wealth of options for whatever peripherals and controllers you wanna use, and how you wanna use them. Glad to see Steam is integrating a lot of useful functionality from other 3rd-party programs. PC continues to be the greatest platform for gaming.
thanks, any good recommendations?

For Steam you don't need to worry about 3rd party applications (usually) as Steam itself adds support for the PS4 controller. The annoying issue sometimes is that a game will lack good default configurations (which can be worked around) or they lack PS4 buttons meaning you will have to memorize what a 360 or XB1 pad looks like in order to figure out corresponding buttons on the PS4 controller. Otherwise, I believe DS4Windows is still the recommended app for making the controller work on everything.
The PS4/Xbox might be skewed a bit. I run a PS4 controller, but use the SCP drivers to emulate an xbox controller. It'll show that to Steam. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
KB+mouse or GTFO.

Come, now! I'm a PC player at heart and always have been, but controllers are just BETTER for some games - like anything that benefits from analog movement (left thumbstick, etc), but doesn't need super-precise aiming from a mouse. Driving games, for example... or some 3rd person action games. I know you're just trolling mostly, but I really don't get why controller choice is even still an argument outside of "mouse aim is more precise and that's the most important controller metric in FPS's and certain genres - but if that's not the case, a controller is almost always better unless you need an absurd number of unique buttons/keys"