Wow, the steam controller has a bigger bite of the pie than I expected.
I like the ability to find tune the configurations of it and it was great on certain game; but still I could never get it as good and comfortable as a mouse/KB for FPS games. So for FPS games, I stuck with M/KB and the steam controller for most everything else.

Keep in mind they conveniently left out how MUCH time a given controller is used by the players, which you'd think would be by far the most important metric instead of just happening to own or have used controllers of another type... because lots of people bought the Steam controller to try it out (and tried it in a number of different games, seeing if any actually justify the purchase), and never used it again after finding that it sucks in almost all games (I understand your experience is different... but I'd like to know why, because I've used it and I just can't see the value in the vast majority of games vs. a normal controller or a KB/mouse). I made the same mistake that many people did in buying one, but yet I'd still probably buy one today if I didn't know anyone to borrow one from to try - just to know if it's truly revolutionary as claimed, or a gimmick (it's a gimmick 95% of the time, in my opinion).