Collatz time to overtake #1 and our competitor

  • Thread starter Deleted member 88227
  • Start date

Deleted member 88227

I did some quick calculations.

Right now I am sitting right at 21M points today.

The top team is sitting at 13M points for today.

So lets assume I can gain 7M points on them daily.

They have 2,755,570,941 and we have 314,798,312 points.

That's a difference of 2,440,772,629 points. In order for me to overcome that difference it will take me ~350 days. We only have 221 days left in the race. I am probably going to need a little help I think.

First place is BOINC@Denmark and they're overall in 4th place.

Our biggest competitor, so far, BOINC@Heidelberg is in 3rd place with Collatz Conjecture. We're only 1,289,758,001 points behind them. They've done 13M points for today also. So gaining 7M points I'll catch them in about 185 days.

So if you have idle/unused GPUs set them to Collatz Conjecture.
Skillz, Collatz has a unique config file you can also tweak to maximize performance that other projects do not have. If you read the first post in our Collatz thread, it explains it. Essentially each application they send out has its own config file separate from the app_config and cc_config that allows you to tell the work unit how aggressive to use your GPU. Take a look at that thread. I have not looked into preferred settings for newer cards but glance through the later posts for 900 series cards and maybe those settings will work well for you.
Read the info that is quoted in the first post to get an idea of what each part means.
I skimmed over it. I'll make those adjustments sometime tomorrow when I have time to be at them physically again.

If I can squeeze a few more million out of my setup then we will be golden!
You will find that Collatz is by far the highest credit paying project. Thus the reason it is so popular. The admin is a member of SETI.USA. He supports almost as much as SETI when it comes to hardware. He refuses to accept donation money/hardware at all. If he ever did accept hardware, it would be for testing and such and then returned. We actually asked him about Xeon Phi's when the first gen came down to reality prices.
Another thing about those config files.
If a) you reset the project b) you remove the project and re-add c) new apps are downloaded due to project changes, you will most likely have to re-save the config data into the config files again.
Skillz, for GPU, I'm currently doing Einstein@home. Again, I think we are stretched pretty thin here....

At the rate we are going, we have a good chance in Einstein.

But if everyone divert the GPU to collatz, we might be able to pull it off but at the expense of other GPU BOINC projects. Some thinking/strategy/planning may be required?
You guys stick with whatever project you're currently running. I'll get it ranked up in Collatz.

I think a lot of guys are trying to go for #1 in Moo! Wrapper right now. Once that's done then they can focus on Einstein until we're #1 there, too. Then toss a few at Collatz to help me if time allows.
Too many projects, not enough hardware and $......
Yeah...our GPU guys dwindled when users returned to FAH. Since GPU's are king there now, it took away from our BOINC production. That and GPUGrid can be frustrating when they have troubles keeping people fed. Most DC'ers want a set and forget arrangement.
I have my gpu's on Einstein as well....for now.
I've moved over to Collatz to see if we can cut down on that overtake time for Heidelberg's 3rd spot. We've left a bit of moat around 2nd place in Moo! which hopefully won't require much attention for while. We do seem to have lost a place in Milkyway recently though.

Much prefer to wolfpack the competition as the shortened timescales on each project give us all more variety.

It's more fun too!
I agree.
For those that haven't ran Collatz before or in a while, please keep in mind it requires both OpenCL and the latest C++ runtimes. If you are using MS Windows 10, the drivers MS installs for nVidia do not contain the OpenCL portion. So, every time MS updates the drivers, you need to re-install them from nVidia. Also, each application from Collatz has its on config file sent with it that is unique to the project. This is in additional to using an app_config and/or a cc_config file. Please refer to our Collatz thread for details on setting it up. mmonnin was one of the last to share what works for his setups. Unfortunately, with so many projects it is hard to keep each project up to date with newer hardware. If anyone plays around with it, please post in that thread your experiences so others may follow.
For those that haven't ran Collatz before or in a while, please keep in mind it requires both OpenCL and the latest C++ runtimes

One oddity that I noticed when setting up was that I got immediate computation errors with the 2013 C++ that was already installed. They resolved when I installed 2012. Maybe I should have tried a later version but 2012 seems to work just fine.

If anyone plays around with it, please post in that thread your experiences so others may follow.

No problem, I’ll post my configs over there. The thread was a great place to start for me.

I’ve also left my computers unhidden on the project website so that anyone can see runtimes and points per task. Hiding computers was a habit I picked up during my last stint in the DC Vault when both we and the Dutch Power Cows were playing mind games looking for what was on each project to counter each other’s moves. Oh happy days.
Yeah... I don't think anyone cares that much anymore. Not like anyone is purchasing gear to match these days. And realistically, it doesn't say which hosts are asking for work or how much work they are asking for. So, really a bad tactic to go off of. Still a lot of people out there thinking it is giving them the edge by doing it. Mostly it irritates those of us that help troubleshoot issues because we can't see the details.

I know some people still use it to keep the "you use your works PC's" whiners at bay. That way they don't see an Enterprise OS and start pointing at it. I've used Enterprise software outside of yup.
Am gathering this is a GPU only project? Or is it one in which CPUs aren't worth the trouble?
They also have (or at least did) have multi-threaded work units. However, slicker stated that it was more efficient to run them single threaded on CPU. Whether it is worth running on CPU is up to you, but like almost every GPU project, GPU's are king.
Safe to say those configs are working on my 980 Ti's??

Looking good. ppd has risen by almost 90% on the results taking about 470 seconds.

I'm a bit confused about three of the recent results being outliers at 700+ seconds. I guess this could be from prior to the settings taking effect or the primary card while you were messing with the computer?
I'm thinking that might be the explanation of the 900+ and 700+ result. Three cards in that system so two of them were probably partially already working on a WU and the third one was basically finished shortly after the changes. I'll check the stats on that host in a few hours see how she's doing.

Just switched my dual 980 Ti Linux rig also. Will switch the two single 980 Ti rigs in a short while.

Got a config for my 970s?
CPUs aren't worth the trouble.

They also have (or at least did) have multi-threaded work units. However, slicker stated that it was more efficient to run them single threaded on CPU. Whether it is worth running on CPU is up to you, but like almost every GPU project, GPU's are king.

I kind of figured as much, but was worth checking! I've attached to Asteroids@Home to see if I can't stir up some trouble there. :)
We are sending our primary weapon to Asteroids@Home. lol

They're screwed. :p
LOL! We'll see. ;) It's slow going as these WUs require a wingman. Currently sitting on 2,294 WU's awaiting validation @ 480/credits each; so ~1,101,000/c if they all check out as valid. Attached last night around 2200PST and the systems are still clearing out in-progress Rosetta WU's.
I kind of figured as much, but was worth checking! I've attached to Asteroids@Home to see if I can't stir up some trouble there. :)

Yay! I've been working on Asteroids and Universe, but my 28 cores can only do so much heh
Yay! I've been working on Asteroids and Universe, but my 28 cores can only do so much heh

In just under 25 hours I've had ~850K validated and the "validation pending" pile has grown to 2.235M credits. If that all validated now, given current scores, that would put us in 6th place. (Haven't looked to see what kind of output the teams in 6th-10th currently have... so could be wrong)
In just under 25 hours I've had ~850K validated and the "validation pending" pile has grown to 2.235M credits. If that all validated now, given current scores, that would put us in 6th place. (Haven't looked to see what kind of output the teams in 6th-10th currently have... so could be wrong)

I've done about 200k in each over the last week and a half...........
Well I do have 14 2P & 4P servers churning away at this 24/7. :p
So far the team has 520k points today on that project. The #1 team in FB has 263k points today.

I think you'll catch them rather quickly. lol
Crap, just realized my 3x 980 Ti setup was offline. Appears to have been off for a while now.
That is borderline neglect... BTW did you see my post in slack?
Yeah I should be ashamed. Someone should just take it from me since I don't deserve it. lol

No, I did not.
Not to seem selfish but I'm a bit relieved that the Collatz points drop-off wasn't part of the covert Skillz gpu rebuild stompage plan.

Just sayin :D
Daaaaaaaaamn! I thought I felt a breeze. Phoenicis passed me on over all BOINC credit with that massive 45 million PPD in Collatz... :watching: