Recent content by pendragon1

  1. pendragon1

    Battlefield 2042

    have you tried stealth mode or playing with the detection levels? not all games work on the defaults....
  2. pendragon1

    Should I use Windows 7?

    no. try tiny11. and dont listen to the yahoos complain about the source not being their preferred tech person.
  3. pendragon1

    13900K - Out of Video Memory or BSOD during shader compilation in two UE5 games

    "bios defaults" probably means it has that core enhancement shit on, turn it off.
  4. pendragon1

    Assassin's Creed Red

    nope fuck that. shame...
  5. pendragon1

    ASUS Launches 16-Inch ZenScreen OLED MQ16AHE with 360-Degree Stand

    just trying to help the bot learn how to post properly....
  6. pendragon1

    Assassin's Creed Red

    lol is that who they are jammin in this, yasuke?! what a joke thats become....
  7. pendragon1

    Toshiba Successfully Demonstrates Nearline HDDs with Massive Capacity of Over 30TB
  8. pendragon1


    because i didnt put it in tech news?!
  9. pendragon1

    MSI MPG 321URX QD-OLED mistake=he bought the curved one...
  10. pendragon1

    Does Amazon sell New Pixels or are they all used?

    its not amazon, its 3rd party sellers. buy from the google store on there, it will be fine.
  11. pendragon1

    SUPER RARE ENGINEERING SAMPLE 3dfx Voodoo 4 4500 32MB PCI Video Graphics Card

    that thread is from 2013, no i dont remember it... and trevor hasnt been on in 5+ years... the point still stands, unless you are part of the very niche 3dfx "retro/restoration" scene most will have no clue who they are. they are NOT household names. ps: we dont need to keep this back and forth...
  12. pendragon1

    Sparkle released new card designs for Intel.

    i think only the 380s are low enough power. at least i havent seen 750/770 single slots...
  13. pendragon1

    SPD Sure Protection thread

    yeah those little tripp lite guys work good. did you have a q or something, or just letting us know?
  14. pendragon1

    SUPER RARE ENGINEERING SAMPLE 3dfx Voodoo 4 4500 32MB PCI Video Graphics Card

    not really, unless your part of that niche group. most moved on from 3dfx 20+ years ago...
  15. pendragon1

    ASUS Launches 16-Inch ZenScreen OLED MQ16AHE with 360-Degree Stand

    neat if you need something small and portable but the display section's over here: