xenoblade chronicles 3ds


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 8, 2005
Anyone got this? im looking at playing it for the first time and would love to know what my fellow H think of it . Most review site give it a score of 8/10 citing the blurry textures but said the feel of the game remains the same.
Thats the only negative of this port was the blurry textures, its the same game as the Wii version with no changes or whatnot, JUST the blurry textures.
I'm considering it. But I still have the Wii version that I haven't even opened. I've debated selling it for a long time. Hopefully get some feedback in this thread.
I'm considering it. But I still have the Wii version that I haven't even opened. I've debated selling it for a long time. Hopefully get some feedback in this thread.

I have my Wii version up on my shelf, I am not selling it.

The N3DS version is the same game, but they made way more of them available in the US. If your keeping the Wii version for eventual resale, it WILL go back up in price around the time Xenogears X has its Wii-U game release.

The N3DS version is worth getting none-the-less though if you actually want to play it, which it IS a great game.
Does this have turn-based combat like FF or what? Kinda hard to tell from the few videos I've seen.
Got the game in hand. Will do an impression when i play it.
Im really early in the game. Graphically the game was made for a bigger resolution and it shows. A lot of flickering and jaggies when scoping vast scenery. I really enjoy it so far , the story and characters are interesting . The combat system is also very neat , but having to use the dpad to choose the actions is cramping my left hand, but thats not a game problem.

I cant wait to play it more.
I have both the Wii and 3DS versions... Never managed to finish the playthrough on the Wii so I bought the 3DS version to play on plane rides, car rides, etc.

I see the blurriness of the textures, but I'll say that the Wii version had the same issue. I think it's not as garish on the 3DS screen (let's face it... blurry textures suck, but blurry textures on a 60" screen = the worst). I think the 3DS is fine here if not better off. If you want uber quality run it on dolphin to sharpen it up some.

The scale of the game's visuals do not translate well to the small screen... It's all there, but it's just not the same impact. Combat can feel pretty busy too with the interface on screen and all the bubbles everywhere. It's just more difficult to stay on top of things.

World-wise... Effing tiny icons... or I'm just getting too old for this shit and need reading glasses.

Game-wise, love it... JRPGs seem to have a love/hate relationship with players... I've rarely met someone on the fence. Same with MMORPGs... This thing is a hybrid of the two so it'll be hit or miss with folks.

I want to say this is probably one of most ambitious RPGs of any kind on a portable factor. I want to say it's what Persona 3/4 are to me the Vita for the 3DS. They don't compare directly, but relatively platform to platform that's how I'd compare them.
I have both the Wii and 3DS versions... Never managed to finish the playthrough on the Wii so I bought the 3DS version to play on plane rides, car rides, etc.

I see the blurriness of the textures, but I'll say that the Wii version had the same issue. I think it's not as garish on the 3DS screen (let's face it... blurry textures suck, but blurry textures on a 60" screen = the worst). I think the 3DS is fine here if not better off. If you want uber quality run it on dolphin to sharpen it up some.

The scale of the game's visuals do not translate well to the small screen... It's all there, but it's just not the same impact. Combat can feel pretty busy too with the interface on screen and all the bubbles everywhere. It's just more difficult to stay on top of things.

World-wise... Effing tiny icons... or I'm just getting too old for this shit and need reading glasses.

Game-wise, love it... JRPGs seem to have a love/hate relationship with players... I've rarely met someone on the fence. Same with MMORPGs... This thing is a hybrid of the two so it'll be hit or miss with folks.

I want to say this is probably one of most ambitious RPGs of any kind on a portable factor. I want to say it's what Persona 3/4 are to me the Vita for the 3DS. They don't compare directly, but relatively platform to platform that's how I'd compare them.

You just met a new person "on the fence". :D I've loved some of the older JRPGs. I absolutely love the simplistic ones like the Final Fantasy Legend games on the original Gameboy, I LOVE Chrono Trigger, and dabbled in other ones. My friend was a developer on Secret of Evermore (though that was more of an Action RPG with hints of J in it...) I liked a few of the other Final Fantasy games, but definitely don't get into these games on a regular basis. These days, I'm more of a Zelda game player. They're a little lighter on the dialog, have action oriented combat, but the adventure and sense of exploration (even though they're fairly linear overall) is greater IMO. I also really liked older (read late 80s/early 90s) western RPGs. Ultima series, that sort of thing.

I'm thinking I might like Xenoblade Chronicles though because people keep talking about the world, exploration, and locations. Those are the things that typically pull me into a game like this. Cool alien worlds (and sometimes fantasy worlds) are what get me in, and then the rest of the game can take its hold on me.

So, like I said, I'm on the fence about picking this up. It definitely seems like one that I'd like.
If you like fantasy/alien you will be served here.

Im trying to figure out all the mechanics of the game. The menus are deep.
10 hours in.

and cant stop playing.

This is exactly the sort of game I want right now. I don't have a ton of time on my hands, but I want it to call on me to suck up the little bits of gaming time I do have that aren't done on the PC. :D Which is to say, N3DS time in bed before I go to sleep after my wife falls asleep. This may do the trick.
Might pick this up at some point but I am balls deep in MH4U still so I probably won't have time for this.
I picked this up and sadly realized it's not for me. Can't return it now since I opened it, perhaps I'll try it again later.
What didn't you like about it? Just the overall genre, or is there something game specific? I'm still undecided on it, though it's sounding more and more interesting in some ways. I'm going on a trip in two weeks, so it could be just the thing for the plane ride. Or... not... :D
Honestly, I should have done more research on it, but I just don't enjoy anything futuristic. The mechanics seem ok, but I'm just not interested in the humans vs machines premise.
[L]imey;1041561082 said:
Honestly, I should have done more research on it, but I just don't enjoy anything futuristic. The mechanics seem ok, but I'm just not interested in the humans vs machines premise.

Ah, I see. I'm actually into that sort of thing to a degree, and the locations/worlds that I've seen here and there look intriguing, so I know at least setting-wise I'd like it. I think I'm just going to pick it up before my trip, and give it the proverbial whirling.
I swapped my copy for a copy of Bravely Default (seems more up my alley) on Reddit this morning.

Should be here in a few days, hopefully I enjoy that more.
wise from your gwave~

I've been playing this the past couple weeks and I'm blown away by how good it is. I do have the Wii version and tried to play it, but never got past colony 9 due to lack of interest. However, I decided to push forward on this one and I'm glad I did. Excellent story and music, and can be quite challenging sometimes. You really have to strategize how you're going to approach a group of enemies in order to avoid getting wiped.
I think I'm going to pick this up tomorrow. Been considering Fire Emblem: Awakening and Bravely Default and Xeno had fallen off my radar.
I restarted playing and been cleaning my long sidequest list. Its fun.
I ended up picking this up, but still haven't played it yet. (never played it on the Wii either...) As soon as I'm back in mobile mode, I'll give it a good whirling.
I made a conscious decision to not worry about sidequests unless it was fairly straightforward, and I'm enjoying the constant push forward. The pacing is good, IMO. Every boss has a story pay off that makes me want to find out what's going to happen next.
I've put about 35 hours into the Wii version before putting it down and never picking it up again. I bought the N3DS version on release day but just now have started putting some time into it since I'm between games I want to play (EOU2 due August 4th). After cranking up the camera turn speed I felt right at home playing the this on a handheld and have about 13 hours logged. I'm not a big fan of the 3DS analog stick but it works decently enough for extended periods of playtime. If I had to nitpick anything besides the obvious lowered graphic fidelity its that the 3D setting does very little. However, I leave it on because A) It slightly increases the overall viewable area compared to having it off and B) what effects 3D does give makes the game a little more pop over the flat, bland, and jagged mess I perceive it to be with it off.
I usually only put the 3D on during the cutscenes. Yeah, the game doesn't look great compressed down, but most of the time it's fine. It's usually when the camera is zoomed out while running on a light colored field. The gameplay is just fine though, and really shines. While I wish I was playing this on the Wii, the ability to bring this to work and play during poo breaks outweighs the superior graphic fidelity of the wii.