Xbox One to Get Keyboard and Mouse Support


Mar 3, 2018
A few years ago, Phil Spencer hinted at Xbox keyboard and mouse support, and it seems that feature has finally materialized. On their website, Microsoft announced that the Xbox One is getting keyboard and mouse support, but with a few caveats. Its up to developers to build the feature into their games, as it isn't enabled by default, and it'll only be available to Xbox Insiders "in the coming weeks." Microsoft says most USB keyboards and mice should work, but they announced a partnership with Razer to bring users "the best possible mouse and keyboard experience." Microsoft also said Warframe will be one of the first games to support the feature. Warframe is a co-op shooter, so it'll be interesting to see if games with a bigger focus on player versus player competition eventually get support.

We've been working closely with studios of all sizes to ensure mouse and keyboard experiences on console are fun, fair and correctly balanced, and look forward to introducing more games with support for mouse and keyboard input in the future. Tune into the November 10 edition of Inside Xbox for more details about additional titles supporting mouse and keyboard, and to learn more about our partnership with Razer.
Enter the age of the Elitist Console KBM Snob......clearly Lawbreakers should have delayed its launch.....
For my kid's sake, I'm glad this is finally happening...I will be getting them a wireless KBAM for their XB1.
Wow, so hell freezes over.

Good, maybe it means less shit ports for PC and even more of a gateway to gaming on PC itself.
Wow, so hell freezes over.

Good, maybe it means less shit ports for PC and even more of a gateway to gaming on PC itself.
I doubt it. The PS3 had this same support, it didn't amount to anything with the only game supporting it(there might have been a couple others) off the top of my head being unreal tournament 3(which also had slowed movement speed, split the lobbies, and was dead as a game a month after launch).
I keep hearing how there is no skill gap between "professional gamers" on controller and kb/m, so hopefully developers will grow some balls and fully support all input devices going forward. That's my dream, anyway. I know it's not going to happen as all the console snowflakes will continue to cry foul.
Eww, console peasants defiling the sacred keyboard/mouse, let them have a keyboard and track ball attached to the controller instead.
Haven't touched my Xbox One in a ages but when it was new i used to play a few COD games with my lesser technical friends that didnt' have PCs. I just used a XIM adapter....really great piece of kit. Keyboard and Mouse on console has been easily available for a long time, just not official or legit lol.
I just bought a lapboard and wireless KBM; I can only hope they end up being compatible and I don't have to suffer through controller use in games where shooty bang is the primary activity.
Finally got tired of the getting their butt whooping on in cross play.

Too bad they'll have to play console mapped games on a uncustomizable keyboard layout? GLHF
Won't matter. No games will support KB/M. If they do it will be some crappy controller emulation for the most part.
Seriously lol.. If anyone every wants to play a console game with KB/Mouse and have full remap ability check out Xim. But i do agree with the last few posters. MS will likely blow this without letting you remap keys or something absurd.
Was interested until I got to this:
to ensure mouse and keyboard experiences on console are fun, fair and correctly balanced.
Microsoft made Shadowrun so that PC player played with console players online. They (MS) 'balanced' shadowrun by giving a loudout system at start that favored a Controller with a radial menu. Ensuring controller users had head starts to key positions. And by giving controller users auto-aim.

Under the guise of balance, they gave clear net advantages to controllers. They had an agenda to give console buyers satisfaction for going console. That's not in place anymore but don't expect kb/m to shine.
I would love to get some RTS and strategy games on the Xbox. That's mostly what I use the PC for anymore. If they start porting those types of games over to Xbox (which has way more horsepower than most of those type of games need), I might hang up needing to maintain a high end PC.
odd, i thought this was added last year with the Minecraft update that brought pc, switch and Xbox all into the same version.
No longer have to hear about the Cronus/XIM/Etc. "cheaters".
It'll be built-in AND Razer blah blah blah... (macros basically)
Woooo! I can finally play Office 365 on Xbox.

You joke, but you know it's coming. They couldn't take out the chrome books so this is their next strategy. This isn't to just benefit gamers, this to me vibrates my foil hat with they are trying to get a new foothold in low-mid machines.
You joke, but you know it's coming. They couldn't take out the chrome books so this is their next strategy. This isn't to just benefit gamers, this to me vibrates my foil hat with they are trying to get a new foothold in low-mid machines.

M$ playing to win the low end Productivity Game! :LOL:
Is MSFT going to port over Edge? (Didn't the Dreamcast have a keyboard and some type of web support, been a long time ago...)
I would love to get some RTS and strategy games on the Xbox. That's mostly what I use the PC for anymore. If they start porting those types of games over to Xbox (which has way more horsepower than most of those type of games need), I might hang up needing to maintain a high end PC.

This is really a bit of a limitation- there are other games like MOBAs that controllers are also not well suited to that the hardware would be more than competent at running. Honestly it could widen the audience for a lot of things, including turning the Xbox into a proper HTPC.

It actually gets me interested in owning one, even though my interest in gaming on one is negligible ;).
Systems have had USB ports since the PS2, and yet only now we are finally getting somewhere with this. I see it's gonna be up to individual devs to support keyboard+mouse for their games. Yyeeaahh we'll see how many actually jump on that. It looks like Warframe will at least support keyboard+mouse on XB1. I think Unreal Tournament 3 on PS3 supported keyboard+mouse for gameplay. Every damn FPS and 3rd-person-shooter on XB1 better fucking support mouse + keyboard. There's no excuse now. For many years I've been able to use a variety of great controllers on PC, but on console we have been locked out from using mouse + keyboard (at least without the use of 3rd-party adapters). I want to see that end. Not that it particularly matters to me, since I primarily play games on PC. Still though, options should be available to all gamers regardless of platform. In the end though, the only truly versatile platform with an extreme wealth of options is the PC. I don't see that changing anytime soon.
Still not enough to get them out of 3rd place in a 3 way race. I wonder how much more patience shareholders will have with this whole console experiment.