WUs not completing

Apr 4, 2001
I get this a lot on a new AMD x64 dual core 5000+ machine with an 8500gt running the latest CUDA drivers and latest GPU software. Anyone else run into this? The other instances of the console version running as services are doing just fine.

Gromacs cannot continue further.
[08:24:48] Going to send back what have done.
[08:24:49] logfile size: 114780 info=114780 bed=0 hdr=23
[08:24:49] - Writing 115316 bytes of core data to disk...
[08:24:49] Done: 114804 -> 12205 (compressed to 10.6 percent)
[08:24:49] ... Done.
[08:24:50] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE
[08:24:54] CoreStatus = 7A (122)
[08:24:54] Sending work to server
[08:24:54] Project: 5015 (Run 3, Clone 596, Gen 92)
yes, usually this is a case of an overclock that is a step or two too far. Folding stable is a bit higher of a standard than Prime stable.

no OC yet. I keep the Wife's machine stable, she don't like it when I play, soooo to keep the peace....

I changed to units above 10mb, will see how that works.
I won't even bother with asking if the temps on the CPU are fine since the AM2 CPUs can't report accurate temps. You might want to check the mounting of the heatsink just in case.

Also have you tried running prime and memtest just in case? Have you doublechecked the BIOS settings so nothing is running faster than it should at stock. I know I was having a bit of trouble with my X2 [email protected] system when I had the HyperTransport set too high by accident.

p5015 is a GPU work-unit.

What is the GPU fan set at ??
What temp does the GPU core hit while folding ??

It sounds like the GPU is overheating while folding.
Try useing RivaTuner to up the fan speed to between 70-100% and see if that fixes the problem.

Run ATItools "Scan for Artifacts" test.
Do you see artifacts while that test is running ??
I see yellow patches if the overclock is to high or the cards temps get to high.

Luck ........... :D
I have the same problem with my 8500gt (Sempron 3000+). Doesn't matter if the GPU is at 62C or 95C. It still likes to EUE on me. It could be at 98% or 4% or anything else.
Doesn't matter if it is o/c or not.
