WTB: Original Tetris for Original Gameboy


Jan 8, 2002
Hey all,

I need to pick up a 2nd Tetris for my old-school Gameboy to play some head-to-head.
You know which one this is. :p

I'm not looking to spend a fortune on this, but go ahead and
email me at triolent(@)yahoo(.)com or PM me if you have one to spare.

Heat is under Triolent.
I clicked that link... 10 bux not including shipping... sounds like a small fortune to me :(

PiTy BuMp
Damn, if you'd posted this about 3 weeks ago, I would have had one. I found a copy on the floor underneath a table at work.
HAAAAAAAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA.... damn that's funny for some reason. Well, one man's junk... u know the rest ;)
yea i think i have them, i have no clue where they are but i had a ton of them

i can check if you still need it
bestbuysuck$ said:
yea i think i have them, i have no clue where they are but i had a ton of them

i can check if you still need it

I would appreciate it. :)

Anybody that has one LMK. I can get it from EB or ebay for $10, even the local fleamarket for less. I just thought I'd try luck here first. Looks like it may pay off.

Thanks for the bumps guys. :cool: