WTB - done thank you.

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Limp Gawd
Aug 10, 2005
Hello, thank you in advance.

I am trying to help my neighbor find a cheap replacement. I confirmed that his CPU is dead (tested with CPU from different PC).
He has a Z87-pro so I figure the fastest CPU would me 4790K. I don't have any spare that old or I would have given it to him. He is trying to save money so he is not looking to upgrade.
If anyone has a 4790K or similar that they can donate or sell for cheap, please let me know.
4790K is a great CPU and they go for decent bucks, so you may need to wait a while to get one of those donated.
There are a couple of alternatives going cheap on fleabay if you're in the UK...
i5 4690
Thank you for your feedback and opinion and bump...
but I would have to respectfully add that 4790K was "great" before Win11 and Ryzen.
Today, in 2023, asking for $50 USD for used 4770K is silly especially since it is not Win11 ready, and 4 core CPU will limit your PC experience even on Win10.
Nonetheless, thank you.
yes, I am planning to get the E3 1270 V3 for $20 if cannot find a cheap 4790K... was planning to OC the 4770K/4790K in hope of giving them another year or so of use. Or was thinking of pushing them to a used Ryzen combo. I have seen 2600 combo for $100 USD and thinking I should be able to sell the Z87-pro and DDR3 for at least $50...? This would get them Win11 and set for another 5 years, hopefully.
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