WTB: CPU/MB combo (2500k or better)

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Fully [H]
Jun 2, 2004
EDIT: Found something, thanks for the offers!

I am putting together a cheap gaming rig. I have more DDR3 around than I know what to do with, which means I'd much rather find an older CPU/MB that can use that.

A Sandybridge or Ivybridge setup would be ideal. Feel free to make an offer for something Haswell, but more than likely it's more than I want to spend.

Let me know what you've got!
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what is your budget? i've got a 2700k cpu with noctua nh-d14 hsf in asrock extreme3 gen3 mobo with 32gb of g.skill ram. make me an offer and if i like it, i'll let it go. been keeping it around as a backup only.
I got a 4770k with a Asus z-97. Give me a offer and will see. Have 16gb of mushkin 1600 memory also.
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