WTB Corsair 760T Drive Base


Jul 24, 2007
Now this might seem a little odd. But my idiot ass threw away the plastic base that holds the cage, and mounts and screws to the bottom. Thought I would never need it since I had 3 stacked vertically on the right. Ended up going with a full custom loop, and had to rearrange my bays to accommodate my pump/rad. Had to go horizontal on cages instead of vertical.

There are two bases, the one farthest to the right, which I have. The one I need is the one to the left of it, more center line in the case. I'm praying someone has a 760t and either isn't using their secondary drive cage, or would be willing to mount theirs cages vertical and would part with their secondary base.

Will pay shipping as well as a fee for your services. Please message me asap. Sad that I have 6 drives, and can only use 3 atm. =*(