WTB 13"-15" laptop ~$250 -mission success!-

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Mar 17, 2010
Hi [H]! I have a friend who's a single mom thats looking for a laptop to use at home that she can share with her kid who's going to start high school. She doesn't need new so I was hoping to find a good deal from people who can keep their electronics in better shape than the average craigslister. To her, this is an investment and not a temp fix so I'm looking for something that works and isn't on it's last cycles.

Located in 27104

This will be used for:
> web browsing (would like to be able to easily handle modern browsers)
> lots of facebook
> streaming (youtube to netflix)
> school work (word/power point/excel etcetcetc)
> movie/music here and there (DVD-RW drive would be fine)

Prefer but not necessary:
> min 6GB ram (really really prefer)
> USB 3.0
> bluetooth
> hdmi out

cred in sig. funds available right now, but will not be jumping the gun on anything.

ps: I do realize the asking price may limit my options but that why im posting an ad as opposed to messaging everyone with a laptop for sale.
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