WoW problems...


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 4, 2002
Well since I can't play World of Warcraft, and I can't post on their forums, I'll start a thread here. Anyone else feeling my frustration with WoW this last week? Auction house lagging, waiting forever for a 40MB patch, server outages, and forums being borked has taken its toll. Man I hope Blizzard gets over its problems soon...
i d/l'ed the patch in 10 minutes, and yes can't log in now which sucks but oh well, problems happen, which is why there is a million other things to do and other games to play while they get it fixed :)

edit: oh and by the way, the wow forums are a literal joke.. the amount of crying over every problem no matter how small is unreal.. i've really never seen a bigger bunch of whiners in any one place before..and then when some sane people come along and make a post pleading for people to STFU and stop complaining, they get flamed and accused of being a whiner themselves.. I'm just glad I don't run into these homos in-game or I'd have to quit lol
haha, it takes a "unable to connect to server" problem for me to addicted...meh, i second that theres lots of other games to occupy the time...just not as efficient =P
Techx said:
i d/l'ed the patch in 10 minutes, and yes can't log in now which sucks but oh well, problems happen, which is why there is a million other things to do and other games to play while they get it fixed :)

edit: oh and by the way, the wow forums are a literal joke.. the amount of crying over every problem no matter how small is unreal.. i've really never seen a bigger bunch of whiners in any one place before..and then when some sane people come along and make a post pleading for people to STFU and stop complaining, they get flamed and accused of being a whiner themselves.. I'm just glad I don't run into these homos in-game or I'd have to quit lol
Can you really blame people to be pissed when it takes 12 hours to download a patch? However, the nerf whining does get old.
I have no problem with schedualed downtime... its just these random downtimes that piss me off.

I was home yesterday, and heard about the "Schedualed" Matienence (AKA, they let you know 40 mins before it occured)... ok fine, 4 hours isn't that long.... 7 hours later I am finally logging into the game... Ok, fair enough.

Put in a long day of work today, decide around 10:30, which I would assume would be PEAK hours for this game, to go play. Down... And its still down now.

Stupid Bleeding Hollow...
Bennyb said:
I have no problem with schedualed downtime... its just these random downtimes that piss me off.

I was home yesterday, and heard about the "Schedualed" Matienence (AKA, they let you know 40 mins before it occured)... ok fine, 4 hours isn't that long.... 7 hours later I am finally logging into the game... Ok, fair enough.

Put in a long day of work today, decide around 10:30, which I would assume would be PEAK hours for this game, to go play. Down... And its still down now.

Stupid Bleeding Hollow...
Just be happy you don't have about 15 items on the auction house that will be sent back to you with deposits taken because no one can log in to buy them :)
ouch obs, sorry to hear about that. yeah that would totally suck, selling anything expensive? hehe, the deposit would be hidious.
obs said:
Just be happy you don't have about 15 items on the auction house that will be sent back to you with deposits taken because no one can log in to buy them :)

*smacks head* aw sonuva...

i keep putting in my pass and trying to log on just sort of hoping it'll fix itself.
Ya WoW being down sucks, it would be nice if they gave some more info though. I think people would be a little more understanding if they could write a little note on the website "Server has gone totally crazy, almost caught fire, we have 5 people sitting here debugging right now" rather then just "No ETA", people would at least understand it was bad and they are working hard.
Hey, lotsa love for Bleeding Hollow. I'm a lvl 51 Hunter, and leader of the Zerglings clan. Game name is TrainInVain, we're lvls 20-55 and generally take it easy, but get more than our fair share of PvP in. Any [H] members can feel free to drop me a line if you're in need of a casual but skilled guild.


**And yes, Bleeding Hollow is the LAST to come up after maintence, the FIRST to go down, and the most likely to never come back all day. But it is also widely regarded as one of the best servers player wise, and I believe it is the highest population PvP server. That being said, as I enter the 5th hour of my wait for it to come back, it is the very bane of my existance.
The patch has been the only thing I can complain about. Everything eles has been working pretty well.
The BT client Blizzard created sucks ass. I was fortunate enough to get in on a direct download from some gamers website - and was installed in about 8 minutes from the first click. And it is true that the teens over at the Blizz forums are crybabies.

I hope these WoW problems will be fixed soon too. Although posting on the official WoW forums isn't something worrying me... the lag and patch process really need to be addressed.