Windows Store Downloads are Still Getting Stuck


Mar 3, 2018
VG247 says that some Forza Horizon 4 owners are struggling to download the Windows Store exclusive game. Apparently this isn't a new issue, as the author had problems trying to install Forza 7 and Gears of War 4 before, and claims that big downloads in general tend to stall on the Windows Store.

A Forza staff member admitted it's a known issue with the store, and asked players to pause the download and reset store cache using the "WSRESET" command. This can sometimes be all you need to do, but the main issue is that most will need to restart these big downloads before they can find out if a fix they've been recommended actually works. The nuclear option in these cases is to reinstall Windows and fully update it before re-downloading the game, which obviously isn't ideal,
Windows store and issues? No way! That platform is rock solid, no one ever has any issues with it! /s

ITs a garbage platform which never worked right. I always have issues updating apps or installing apps in general. Which is why I never look at it.
never had an issue with stalling and the store, I can't remember the last time I had an issue. Might of been the time when an update corrupted it requiring a reinstall but that might be it.
I often experience something similar when installing Office on machines. The web installer often gets stuck or vanishes for a while with no activity at all according to Task Manager. Use the offline installer whenever possible.
No technical issues on my end, but I swear every time Gears 4 has an update it makes you re-download the whole damn game.
Couple of tricks.

Install any free program in the Windows Store. This will fix quite a few problems. You can then uninstall it. This has worked for me before.

Close Rivatuner (this one was the issue for me this time).

Run Powershell as admin, then type:
Get-AppXPackage | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"}

Some say to turn off Real-Time protection of Windows Defender, but I've never needed to try this and don't recommend it. But just putting it out there.
The nuclear option is to reinstall Windows? LOL what fucking world did we end up that a download which stalls needs you to reinstall the OS.

I mean I'm sure it is in the EULA but if I need to reinstall an OS because their shit is beyond busted then they need to pay me for my time and convenience
never had an issue with stalling and the store, I can't remember the last time I had an issue. Might of been the time when an update corrupted it requiring a reinstall but that might be it.
I'm in the same boat and has happened with all digital distribution. To those who are posting the "I'll never get it cause windows store", sucks for you. It's an awesome game and they actually did a good PC launch from what I hear (on an xonex... more fun on the home theater). The steamers will always bitch about windows store, origin, and ubisoft (although ubi is probably warranted ;) ).

Edit- and just to show maybe it's whiners whining I fired up the download and seems fine to me:

Edit 2 - done downloading in 54 minutes for a 64gb game. Seems ok to me. MUCH faster than Steam has ever done.
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They're still having these bullshit problems? My God it was a damn nightmare dealing with Gears of War 4 when it first came out. It would get almost to the end and then start redownloading over and over and used up 600 GB in just a few days before I realize what the hell it was doing. Then of course there were the issues with Gears of War 4 being broken and not even launching as even different Windows updates broke the fucking game. And then that first fall creators update made Quantum Break start stuttering and it is never been able to run right since then. It's amazing that these people make our operating system.
They're still having these bullshit problems? My God it was a damn nightmare dealing with Gears of War 4 when it first came out. It would get almost to the end and then start redownloading over and over and used up 600 GB in just a few days before I realize what the hell it was doing. Then of course there were the issues with Gears of War 4 being broken and not even launching as even different Windows updates broke the fucking game. And then that first fall creators update made Quantum Break start stuttering and it is never been able to run right since then. It's amazing that these people make our operating system.
You had 600gb of free space even on that 4tb guy? Damn that is good data management! I have about 3tb total and haven't had 600gb sitting free forever!
You had 600gb of free space even on that 4tb guy? Damn that is good data management! I have about 3tb total and haven't had 600gb sitting free forever!
I also have a 2tb Evo SSD. And you did not understand what I said as the game just kept downloading over and over but it never installed. It would just start the download process over and over at some point.
I also have a 2tb Evo SSD. And you did not understand what I said as the game just kept downloading over and over but it never installed. It would just start the download process over and over at some point.
No I completely understood. Just shocking that u had that much data. I played about 5 minutes of gow4 and deleted it so the poor downloading process feels like insult on top of injury.

I've just experienced similar problems across all platforms and dont single out a specific vendor ever. All have many flaws.
No I completely understood. Just shocking that u had that much data. I played about 5 minutes of gow4 and deleted it so the poor downloading process feels like insult on top of injury.

I've just experienced similar problems across all platforms and dont single out a specific vendor ever. All have many flaws.
You're not making any sense. I did not have to have 600 gigabytes free as again the game didn't install that much it just kept redoing the download over and over.
I have had so many issues that I gave up trying to fix anything and literally avoid it entirely.

I have people asking me everyday how to fix their downloads and i hate hearing people complain at me.....

I didn't design it!
You're not making any sense. I did not have to have 600 gigabytes free as again the game didn't install that much it just kept redoing the download over and over.
They're still having these bullshit problems? My God it was a damn nightmare dealing with Gears of War 4 when it first came out. It would get almost to the end and then start redownloading over and over and used up 600 GB in just a few days before I realize what the hell it was doing
You had 600gb of free space even on that 4tb guy? Damn that is good data management! I have about 3tb total and haven't had 600gb sitting free forever!
Are you drunk? I responded to your post. Reading comprehension? Maybe get a fairly evident joke? Yikes.
I've had this EXACT same problem with Forza Horizon 3. Game would download about 2 GB of data, then just stop. Few hours later it downloaded a total of 23kb of data...I'd pause and restart it and it would resume the download for about 3 seconds, then it would freeze again. This would go on for days before it eventually started working again.

If you haven't had an issue with the Windows Store, then you've probably only downloaded something from it a few select times and got lucky. It's GUARANTEED to happen at least once if you use it frequently. This issue has been around for YEARS and they still haven't fixed it.
I'm in the same boat and has happened with all digital distribution. To those who are posting the "I'll never get it cause windows store", sucks for you. It's an awesome game and they actually did a good PC launch from what I hear (on an xonex... more fun on the home theater). The steamers will always bitch about windows store, origin, and ubisoft (although ubi is probably warranted ;) ).

Edit- and just to show maybe it's whiners whining I fired up the download and seems fine to me:

Edit 2 - done downloading in 54 minutes for a 64gb game. Seems ok to me. MUCH faster than Steam has ever done.

Denegrating those who have issues, or those who wish to avoid the whole mess isn't very nice, and rather counterproductive to the conversation. The issues have been reported by MULTIPLE sites, including a very detailed account at Ars Technica...they went through HOURS of grief trying to get it installed even with help from MS support! I really don't care if it's the best game ever...with issues like these, I am not going to risk my hard earned money, OR my precious little free time, struggling with a BROKEN storefront and a BROKEN ecosystem!

I am sure many here feel exactly the same way. The USERS ARE NOT THE PROBLEM HERE! The problem is with MS and their BORKED storefront, and the entire CONCEPT of a distribution that makes the files completely invisible to a system administrator!
Windows Store is what kept me from buying Sea of Thieves. Refuse to buy any game on that pile of shit.
yeah i've never had an issue with the store. from what i can tell though it uses the same bandwidth priority rules as windows update, so if it detects you using your connection for anything that is higher priority it'll automatically limit how much bandwidth it is using.

Windows Store is what kept me from buying Sea of Thieves. Refuse to buy any game on that pile of shit.

was a good choice anyways, games a pile of shit.. was stupidly over hyped for no reason.
I just downloaded the demo. No issues here. Seems like a lot of people are quick to hammer Microsoft for a rumor, or a problem with a tiny minority. Without Microsoft's OS, PC gaming would not exist. Why the fuck do all of you whiners even bother to comment? If you hate MS so much, just don't use Windows. Problem solved. Now you can bitch post about other things you don't like, but that might have narrowed it down too much.
I probably use the Store way more than most around here. It's not great but there are a number of worthwhile apps there especially for 2 in 1 users. The Store can be a temperamental though that's improved a lot over the years. Haven't bought FH 4 yet, waiting for my 2080 Tis to come in before I start playing. But I've bought FH3, GoW4, Cuphead, etc. over the years, no major issues except the time I had to reinstall GoW4.
I just downloaded the demo. No issues here. Seems like a lot of people are quick to hammer Microsoft for a rumor, or a problem with a tiny minority. Without Microsoft's OS, PC gaming would not exist. Why the fuck do all of you whiners even bother to comment? If you hate MS so much, just don't use Windows. Problem solved. Now you can bitch post about other things you don't like, but that might have narrowed it down too much.
So that little brain of yours has declared there must not be any issues ever on the Windows Store since you downloaded the demo no problem? My God you are beyond clueless. The issues with Gears of War 4 alone are well-known and well-documented and were beyond fucking aggravating to deal with on multiple occasions. But hey everything just worked great for you right now so must not be any problems except for people that hate Microsoft...
So in that little brain of yours there must not be any issues ever on the Windows Store since you downloaded the demo no problem? My God you are beyond fucking clueless. The issues with Gears of War 4 alone are well-known and well-documented and worried beyond fucking aggravating to deal with on multiple occasions. But hey everything just worked great for you right now so must not be any problems except for people that hate Microsoft...

I've pretty much purchased every first party Xbox game on The Windows Store. I'm not a fan, I've been on Steam going on 14 years, and it's far superior. It just get's old hearing people bashing Microsoft for any little blip. And by the way thank you for calling me 'clueless'. I appreciate that.

Also, this article specifically talks about Forza Horizon : 4. So there's that...…………...
I've pretty much purchased every first party Xbox game on The Windows Store. I'm not a fan, I've been on Steam going on 14 years, and it's far superior. It just get's old hearing people bashing Microsoft for any little blip. And by the way thank you for calling me 'clueless'. I appreciate that.
Well when you make idiotic statements claiming people must hate Microsoft to be complaining about the Windows store then yes you are clueless. The problems on the store are real and again well-documented and well-known. Dealing with Gears of War 4 was a terrible fucking experience at launch and then it was screwed up again later from Windows on updates, one time even requiring the entire game to be removed and reinstalled. But I guess me and all the other people complaining about that in the Gears of War forums just must hate Microsoft and not have any real reason to complain according to you.
Well when you make idiotic statements claiming people must hate Microsoft to be complaining about the Windows store then yes you are clueless. The problems on the store are real and again well-documented and well-known. Dealing with Gears of War 4 was a terrible fucking experience at launch and then it was screwed up again later from Windows on updates, one time even requiring the entire game to be removed and reinstalled. But I guess me and all the other people complaining about that in the Gears of War forums just must hate Microsoft and not have any real reason to complain according to you.

How does me saying people are quick to 'hammer' Microsoft equate to or devolve into: "idiotic statements claiming people must hate Microsoft"
How does me saying people are quick to 'hammer' Microsoft equate to or devolve into: "idiotic statements. claiming people must hate Microsoft"
Cut the obtuse act. You literally used the damn words "if you hate MS" and everything else in your language pointed to you acting like it was an issue just with people that hate Microsoft for no reason.
Cut the obtuse act. You literally used the damn words "if you hate MS" and everything else in your language pointed to you acting like it was an issue just with people that hate Microsoft for no reason.

If you're a person that uses Windows 10 daily and things tend to work, you're a shill. On the other side, some are too quick to call people who have legitimate concerns and problems with Windows 10 as Microsoft/Windows haters. We seem to live in a world where everything has to be mutually exclusive. Windows 10 just has to be a complete cluster and no one using it is constantly dealing with catastrophic problems. Likewise anyone who does have problems is a hater. The truth is always in the middle.
I had the same problem with Forza Horizons 3. The download would freeze, I would reboot and suddenly I have to start all over at 0%. I had to download nearly 300GB of that darn game. I even asked microsoft to provide me with an alternative link lol.

It happened to me too. Turning off Rivatuner solved it.

Wish I tried that.... Ah well.
The best way to use the windows store is to use powershell to uninstall it.

God forbid if anyone wants to use a topline PDF app like Xodo or watch Netflix 4k streams or local playback on the road or YouTube with no ads with download and overlay capability. Some hate Windows 10 to the extent they are actually discounting a lot that's actually nice about it. The Store is just another source of software that in no way impairs anything else. But hell, use clucky ass web apps if that's so awesome.
This happened to me when I tried to download Halo 5 Forge. Half the people on my friends list couldn't install it either. Eventually got it installed, but then the server browser didn't work. MS had to issue a refund to me for the Gears of War remaster, since it would not even download at all. The Age of Empires remaster installed just fine though, so maybe they're getting a little better. Still a shitty overall experience compared to literally any other online game store.
God forbid if anyone wants to use a topline PDF app like Xodo or watch Netflix 4k streams or local playback on the road or YouTube with no ads with download and overlay capability. Some hate Windows 10 to the extent they are actually discounting a lot that's actually nice about it. The Store is just another source of software that in no way impairs anything else. But hell, use clucky ass web apps if that's so awesome.
An ad blocker gets you youtube with no ads, and works fine in a browser. Plenty of free download apps available too.