Windows 7 Causing Boot Failure?

Nielo TM

Aug 27, 2006
It would seem when Win7 partitions the HDD upon install, it sometimes causes boot failure where the system freezes during POST. It seems to happen when a forth unallocated partition appears after creating the required partitions.

You can find all the details on the link below.

I can't believe such major has gone unnoticed for so long. Is there a fix for this issue or do I have to manually create partition via HDD manufacturers software? So far, it only happed once on both systems. Let's hope it doesn't occur for some time.
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It would seem when Win7 partitions the HDD upon install, it sometimes causes boot failure where the system freezes during POST. It seems to happen when a forth unallocated partition appears after creating the required partitions.

You can find all the details on the link below.

I can't believe such major has gone unnoticed for so long. Is there a fix for this issue or do I have to manually create partition via HDD manufacturers software? So far, it only happed once on both systems. Let's hope it doesn't occur for some time.

Time to get a new hard drive. Haha. But I have noticed sometimes win7 partitions wrong.

I use gparted, it's free and runs off a cd after restarting the computer. It puts you into an environment where nothing can go wrong.

There's a neat little program that recovers messed up or deleted partitions: testdisk. You can download it or use it off the gparted cd.
Excellent, thanks.

PS: I know for a fact both HDDs are perfectly fine. There's no signs of failure or damage. :)

PPS: Windows 7 creates 100MB partition for System Reserved. How important is that? If I were to manually create partitions, then it can't be created during installation...correct?