Windows 11 Taskbar Menus


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 5, 2006
In older version of Windows, you could add a shortcut folder to the taskbar that would give you little arrows to bring up a list showing what was in that folder without opening anything in addition. I used this to organize my games and launchers.

I cant find this featuree in Win 11, and its really *really* frustrating. Does anyone know the way to bring this back?


Thats a screenshot of the menus Im talking about from in Win10. You click the little arrows and it shows the icons that are in the folder, and you can click to launch them from there.
I've found a sorta workaround.... it doesnt get my folders and text like that, but I can at least pin a folder which leads to them rather than browsing for it. Just follow this guide, I used option 8 for folders.

Still really want to make it exactly like it is in the photo above if anyone can figure it out. I'm more than a little pissed that a function as basic as this that has been around since at least XP and I want to say 98 SE is gone.