Windows 10 SSD - "Optimization not available"


Dec 23, 2006
Issue is as described in the title. Right click my C: SSD (a Corsair MP600 2TB) | Properties | Tools | Optimize and the optimization button is greyed out. Media type = SSD, current status = "Optimization not available" and last analyzed/optimized lists 10/9/2021. No idea when this started nor why. I have another G: drive which is a Samsung 980 Pro 2TB on the same system, no such issues. Reboots don't fix anything. Both are NVMe M.2 drives connected to local motherboards sockets (an Asus Strix TRX40 board). I only noticed this after purging about a TB of games I never play off C: due to running short on space, and decided to do a manual optimize.

I'd appreciate any suggestions - search engines have been highly unhelpful, just lots of old posts / noise that seems irrelevant.

I'm running Windows 10 with all the latest updates.
Dont need to optimise SSDs,causes un-needed reads and stuff
Yes, to my aforementioned comments, searching the web came with a good number of posts like yours that seemingly confuse HD defragmentation ("reads and stuff") with SSD Trim support. That's why I'm hoping for a higher level of feedback by posting here. Also, I am not asking for people's opinions on the value of the function - if you'd like to discuss that I am sure you can start a separate thread. I'm asking for help figuring out why it suddenly became greyed out. Thanks.
Trim is an operation performed by the OS and the SSD if both support it. In this case it may or may not be working within the OS so the SSD can only do garbage collection if its capable, which I assume. Like the poster above stated try and see what the Corsair toolbox says.
Issue is as described in the title. Right click my C: SSD (a Corsair MP600 2TB) | Properties | Tools | Optimize and the optimization button is greyed out. Media type = SSD, current status = "Optimization not available" and last analyzed/optimized lists 10/9/2021. No idea when this started nor why. I have another G: drive which is a Samsung 980 Pro 2TB on the same system, no such issues. Reboots don't fix anything. Both are NVMe M.2 drives connected to local motherboards sockets (an Asus Strix TRX40 board). I only noticed this after purging about a TB of games I never play off C: due to running short on space, and decided to do a manual optimize.

I'd appreciate any suggestions - search engines have been highly unhelpful, just lots of old posts / noise that seems irrelevant.

I'm running Windows 10 with all the latest updates.

do make sure fast startup is unticked and do a reboot so it's a Clean shutdown

somthing might be installed that has taken over the optimize function (norton for example still does this)
Check what NVME driver you're using. Maybe it's a Samsung driver or something that doesn't like the Corsair.