Who is to blame for Failed 3000 Series Launch?


Limp Gawd
Sep 2, 2016
So as everyone knows by now only the very lucky few, or the ones who were willing to pay scalped prices have been able to get their hands on a 3080, 3090, or 3070 GPU.
Oh almost forgot, the ones lucky enough to live near one of 8 Microcenter locations also were able to get them via the brick and mortar route.

But on the whole, Sneakerbots have dominated the sales of the 3000 series GPUs as they instantly went out of stock in mere minutes after launch on websites worldwide.

So I'm actually feeling kinda PISSED at Nvidia because i have been putting aside cash just for this type of rainy day upgrade.
I was NOT going to pay $1200 for the 2080 Ti. A price increase of $500 for the normal expected generational gains in performance was unacceptable to me.

The 3080 seemed to be a return to sanity at its $699 price point and measureable performance gains over the 2080 Ti.

The PROBLEM is there's no way to buy these GPUs without insane luck, subscribing to a Sneakerbot, or paying over the barrel to an Ebay scalper!

So who is to blame for these worldwide shortages in GPUs.

I've got to blame the source Nvidia.
Nvida paper launched these GPUs knowing FULL well that they would not be able to produce enough supply to meet demand.
Simply because they KNEW that AMD was going to come out with a chip that could beat the 2080 Ti.

Nvidia ALSO cheaped out on their production process by choosing Samsung 8nm. IMO Samsung is an completely untested company for producing advanced GPU chips. But they offered BETTER prices so Nvidia bit.
Most likely a combination of bad YIELDS and overall INEXPERIENCE with producing these GPUs have led to the manufacturing shortages for the 3000 series GPUs.

So Nvidia tried to go for bigger MARGINS per GPU produced but lost out with WORSE yields of their design.
Another drawback to the 8NM Samsung is INCREASED power draw.
The 3080 consumes a whopping 320W and the 3090 350W TDP respectively. This wattage presumable does NOT account for any user overclocking either. Compare that to the 250W TDP of the 2080 Ti.

So the GPUs run hotter, consume more electricity, for the performance that they deliver. All this STEMS from Nvidia's decision to go with Samsugn 8NM instead of TSMC 7NM. And this decision is 100% greed based imo. Nvidia just wanted better profit margins on their GPU sales but it backfired.
Instead we have the worst paper launch in the history of Nvidia GPUs.

Jensen said "We don't have a supply problem, we have a demand problem." And it's a bald-faced LIE on par with his "IT JUST WORKS" meme statement that blew up in his face when the 2000 series launched with buggy graphics artifacts problems and ZERO actual ray-tracing game support on launch.


I have used Nvida products for years now, dating all the way back to the GTX 480 in 2010, which means over a decade of Nvidia loyalty. But I'm finally FED UP. I'm seriously thinking of switching to Team RED and the 6800 XT when it releases in November because... I can actually BUY that card, right?

I don't know, how do you guys feel about this situation and who is ultimately to BLAME for the worst new GPU launch in Nvidia history? The product on paper is fantastic but when you can't even BUY the damn thing, that's just a FEEL BAD as well as a BAD LOOK for Nvidia. Agree, Disagree, or other comment?!
Who's to blame? It should be "what is to blame". Everything that is made for sale is made with the intention of maximizing wealth. I'm not making a social comment on whether or not that's a good thing. That's essentially irrelevant. Nvidia makes a product, economists evaluate the financials using a mountain of metrics, and the Earth continues to spin.

I imagine those economists factored in the impact of opinions such as yours, which is essentially that Nvidia are monsters. They determined that they'd make more money releasing the product as they did, even if the brand suffered negative reactions from their customers. It's just basics of supply and demand.
NVIDIA - simple as that, not providing enough stock and for them making their AIB's wait to release their cards....But as Micas99 noted, they only release so many cards for a reason.

So the next ones at fault are the tools lining up the day before to buy said cards at any cost!
blame popularity; pc gaming is in a golden age where normal people are perfectly fine trying to build their own pc. PC enthusiasts never had to compete with general public before. There are more 3000 series cards since launch than the 2000 series at the same time, estimates by my distributor says he's seen almost triple the number of cards. They cannot keep up with the demand, that or the bots are snagging every single card...
In the scheme of things, is not being able to get a 3080 that important or is it such a huge concern in one's own life? I am sure in several months you will be able to and maybe even have better options as well. After a dedicated 30min of my life to support Nvidia in buying one of their cards, Nvidia did not want to sell me one, so I just moved on. Kinda glad now because AMD solution is more fitting for me at this time (if they pan out, validated by reviews). May end up with both if Nvidia has anything worthwhile compared to the competition.
blame popularity; pc gaming is in a golden age where normal people are perfectly fine trying to build their own pc. PC enthusiasts never had to compete with general public before. There are more 3000 series cards since launch than the 2000 series at the same time, estimates by my distributor says he's seen almost triple the number of cards. They cannot keep up with the demand, that or the bots are snagging every single card...
I like this. And with the pandemic, people have an incentive to engage in indoor activities like videogames. Thereby increasing demand. Patience is key. Nobody needs a 3000 series card to survive (video cards are not cancer drugs). In time there will be plenty of video cards available at decent prices.

In the meantime, suggest keeping an eye out for Epic store free games. Most of these do not require powerful hardware to run.