Who is the Nintendo Switch for really?

If one is happy with a 3DS then great, but it isn't a Switch alternative.

It is if you want a PORTABLE console. You say "the Switch is a decently powerful portable console" which is true, but to suggest the Switch is as portable as a 3DS is absurd. If someone who travels a lot wants a portable console I would not suggest a Switch if you'll be far from an outlet, and unless you carry a bag with you the Switch is not going to fit in your pocket or even your cargo pocket. That is my point. Sure you could take the Switch with you and play Zelda, but you'll be looking for an outlet in about two and a half hours. And then, once you are done with Zelda what are you going to play? There is no denying that the amount of titles for the Switch right now outside of Zelda is terrible unless you like Indie games, so to suggest the Switch over the established 3DS if you need to be portable is ill advised imo. Like every Nintendo console that has launched, there is always a multi-month game drought after launch. People are super excited to have their Switch right now, but in a month or so people will be complaining about the lack of third party support and lack of quality titles. It happens every time. Happened when I bought the Wii and happened when I bought the Wii U both at launch. The reason I stayed away from buying the Switch at launch this time around I detailed in my first post up top. I am glad people are enjoying their Switch, but this is just the honey-moon period and will wear off pretty soon and we'll get the posts about people complaining there is nothing to do on their Switch and is collecting dust. I sold both my Wii and Wii U after 6 months because they were collecting dust due to a lack of games. I only 3 weeks ago bought a Wii U and could not be happier with the huge game library i've already accrued. I also bought a New 3DS XL 2 weeks ago and have been playing the shit out of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D, Mario Kart 7, New Super Mario 3D Land, and a bunch of others. The 3DS has a great library of games and so does the Wii U. The Switch is the hot new thing with a single great game out for it which is also available on the Wii U, so you can either be patient until the Switch has a better built-out library or purchase a 3DS and/or Wii U now and enjoy a huge library of awesome games.
It is if you want a PORTABLE console. You say "the Switch is a decently powerful portable console" which is true, but to suggest the Switch is as portable as a 3DS is absurd. If someone who travels a lot wants a portable console I would not suggest a Switch if you'll be far from an outlet, and unless you carry a bag with you the Switch is not going to fit in your pocket or even your cargo pocket. That is my point. Sure you could take the Switch with you and play Zelda, but you'll be looking for an outlet in about two and a half hours. And then, once you are done with Zelda what are you going to play? There is no denying that the amount of titles for the Switch right now outside of Zelda is terrible unless you like Indie games, so to suggest the Switch over the established 3DS if you need to be portable is ill advised imo. Like every Nintendo console that has launched, there is always a multi-month game drought after launch. People are super excited to have their Switch right now, but in a month or so people will be complaining about the lack of third party support and lack of quality titles. It happens every time. Happened when I bought the Wii and happened when I bought the Wii U both at launch. The reason I stayed away from buying the Switch at launch this time around I detailed in my first post up top. I am glad people are enjoying their Switch, but this is just the honey-moon period and will wear off pretty soon and we'll get the posts about people complaining there is nothing to do on their Switch and is collecting dust. I sold both my Wii and Wii U after 6 months because they were collecting dust due to a lack of games. I only 3 weeks ago bought a Wii U and could not be happier with the huge game library i've already accrued. I also bought a New 3DS XL 2 weeks ago and have been playing the shit out of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D, Mario Kart 7, New Super Mario 3D Land, and a bunch of others. The 3DS has a great library of games and so does the Wii U. The Switch is the hot new thing with a single great game out for it which is also available on the Wii U, so you can either be patient until the Switch has a better built-out library or purchase a 3DS and/or Wii U now and enjoy a huge library of awesome games.

My comments had nothing to do with most of that. I see a lot of comments (and not necessarily yours) saying, why not just get a 3DS? I'm saying they aren't the same thing. You could get one, both, or neither. But neither takes the place of the other. For me, I'll have both. As far as your Wii U experience, congratulations. It's an excellent system. I bought the Zelda edition a couple of years back, and there was already a good library in place then too, with some great titles still to come. (MK8, Bayonetta 2, Twilight Princess HD, etc.) I've enjoyed the hell out of the U. I'm also playing Zelda on it right now, and am totally happy to grab the Switch in a couple of months when I feel like it makes sense. I'm by no means trying to push anyone into buying a switch. I just think posts that imply parity between the Switch and the 3DS are silly.
I haven't read the lengthy posts but my answer to the thread title:

It's made for me. I've always been a fan of portables and I would use this 100% as a portable system. Honestly I probably wouldn't even get the dock out of the box.

There's just something about a quality game experience while lying in bed or just bumming on the couch that console's, PCs, or even mobile phone games, can't fulfill for me. I've been itching to pick one up but don't have the energy to call up local stores, stand in lines, etc.. I'm waiting for stock and demand to normalize.
The 3DS is a killer machine. The Switch is totally unproven. If it sells well it will be the go to platform for Nintendo IP and you will need it if you want to play those titles. End of story. It could be a good console. The joycons have a lot of potential. Have you played Metroid Prime Triology with motion controls? The Switch can do that. Move switch from bedroom TV to living room (with extra dock), it can do that. Play in bed and watch TV? Yes. Great conventional controller with motion controls--yes (Pro controller). Decent screen -- yes.

I'd say it has potential because of the very good control schemes. It will do a lot that 3DS can't do. It will probably get 6 or 7 must play first party games at least.
I've played a LOT of 3DS, and honestly, unless you are interested in JRPGs, Pokemon, or Monster Hunter, it doesn't seem like there are a lot of killer games for the 3DS, both currently and upcoming. Plus, the resolution is just terrible compared to any modern portable device. Really wish they would have upped it with the New 3DS and had upscaling for older titles.

If a Monster Hunter with better graphics came to the Switch I think I'd buy one immediately.
I haven't read the lengthy posts but my answer to the thread title:

It's made for me. I've always been a fan of portables and I would use this 100% as a portable system. Honestly I probably wouldn't even get the dock out of the box.

There's just something about a quality game experience while lying in bed or just bumming on the couch that console's, PCs, or even mobile phone games, can't fulfill for me. I've been itching to pick one up but don't have the energy to call up local stores, stand in lines, etc.. I'm waiting for stock and demand to normalize.

Precisely! I love to play portables in exactly those situations. When I don't want to sit at a PC, when someone's using the TV, and I don't want to watch it, right before I go to sleep at night, etc. I take my portables on trips, but I usually also have a laptop, my phone, etc. so 2.5 hours battery life is fine. I probably wouldn't even touch it until I'm done doing vacationy or businessy type things and laying around back at the hotel late at night. So, once again, I have AC power available. Pretty much a plane ride is the only place I could think of where I'd use battery power for extended periods, and I never play for the whole flight anyway. My kids rely on battery power a LOT for car trips and things like that, but the Switch isn't for them, it's for me :D They have 3DSes, phones, laptops, etc. I provide them with enough tech that I don't feel bad at all grabbing something like this mainly for myself.
I've played a LOT of 3DS, and honestly, unless you are interested in JRPGs, Pokemon, or Monster Hunter, it doesn't seem like there are a lot of killer games for the 3DS, both currently and upcoming. Plus, the resolution is just terrible compared to any modern portable device. Really wish they would have upped it with the New 3DS and had upscaling for older titles.

If a Monster Hunter with better graphics came to the Switch I think I'd buy one immediately.

Yeah, the main things I play on mine are the Zelda remakes, Link Between Worlds, Mario Kart, Pilot Wings, Mario, etc. Basically the things I liked the N64 for. :D I don't play a lot of JRPGs, just once in a while. If I'm feeling like another run through Ocarina, this is the place to do it. Also I prefer Shovel Knight on the 3DS to other platforms until now due to the 3D backgrounds. Kinda cool. Otherwise yeah, the resolution isn't great, the performance isn't amazing, etc.

You know for a tech site like this where everyone SHOULD be into cool new toys, I'm kind of surprised by the response so far. Sure, hold off until it has the games you want, I get that. But it's a cool little device with more power than a handheld system has ever had, or is likely to have for a while (by a REAL gaming company).

Oh well. I'll grab one sometime soon. Looks like the sales numbers are up in Japan too which is a good sign.
The Switch is for people who like playing video games.
This thread is absurd. Trying to 'classify' a console is moronic. Buy it and play it if you want to. Don't if you don't.

Nice! That's the succinct way to say what I've been trying to with walls of text.
They patched Zelda today. Apparently it gains some frames per second now. I am curious to try it.
I only game on PC, I've owned a PS4, 2x PS3s and a few PS2s and even a PS1. The only reasons I bought them were twofold - 1) to play physical media / movies (from DVDs to Blurays) and 2) Gran Turismo. Never played any other game at all (even though I bought a few), just couldn't get used to the funky controllers compared to the trusty keyboard + mouse.

Last week I just bought a Switch and the only reason was for the portability and access to Nintendo IP. I travel a bit for work and personally and having something to pass the time besides having to bust out the heavy/bulky-ish gaming laptop or deal with the gimpy graphics on the ultralight. Much easier to just pack the ultralight + a switch. Kinda gives me flashbacks to my 1st generation PSP, but implemented in a much better way.
The Switch is for people who like playing video games.
This thread is absurd. Trying to 'classify' a console is moronic. Buy it and play it if you want to. Don't if you don't.

Yeah i dont know. I bought my 9 yr old daughter a switch with zelda for her bday. Thing hasnt had more than 1 hour total put on it in 3 months, even with me, and I live to play video games. I even bought minecraft on it and she'd rather play minecraft on her ipad than the switch. I just dont know anymore who Nintendo is catering to other than a small niche of gamers these days who have to have those 1st party titles. New nintendo console, same old story.

Fast RMX was fun, but its still just a not as good wipeout clone, and it wore off quick. Thats really the only one i enjoyed for a little bit.
Currently it's for people who:

- Want to play an amazing Zelda
- Have not played MK8 Wii U and especially if you have other friends to play with.

Without proven 3rd party support / optimization i'm still on the fence whether im going to keep mine after Zelda.
Splatoon 2 will have to sell me hard.

Was really looking forward to Lego City, but it runs like ass. Sometimes single digit performance in multiplayer.
Currently it's for people who:

- Want to play an amazing Zelda
- Have not played MK8 Wii U and especially if you have other friends to play with.

Without proven 3rd party support / optimization i'm still on the fence whether im going to keep mine after Zelda.
Splatoon 2 will have to sell me hard.

Was really looking forward to Lego City, but it runs like ass. Sometimes single digit performance in multiplayer.

I played Splatoon on Wii U. I didn't expect to like it nearly as much as I did. Great game. Tons of fun. The campaign was even fun but short.

Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove (no longer exclusive to Switch) is a great indie title and packs lots of game.
With Monster Hunter XX being announced as coming to the Switch in Japan, I am hopeful it will come to the West as well. Also hopeful for a new Metroid, Pikmin, etc.
ARMS will be out next week. After that, I dunno about any future Switch purchases I care about. Obviously I want a new Smash and I'm sure the next 3D Mario will be great, but nobody knows when we'll see those.
I'm probably more excited to pickup a Switch (which I don't plan on, until either Mario is reviewed well or after their first refresh/redesign) than a Scorpio or PS4 Pro at this point. Hopefully E3's Treehouse event will be a showcase of exciting titles for the Switch.

The one thing I'm really feeling is the new 'Classic' service. I found with my Vita I found the most enjoyment going through their catalogue of old Playstation titles. If it turns out to be a Netflix-style catalogue of classic Nintendo games to download and play for the Switch, I'd totally be on board for subscribing to the service on that feature alone. Beats paying 5-15$ or whatever it was per classic title on the 3DS/Wii U.

It's pretty awesome for Nintendo actually listening to the consumers for a change. I didn't think they'd move away from their 'subscribe and get a free rental for a month' model they had planned due to their past stubbornness. But, hey, here we are. Hoping this also moves them in the direction of including some sort of voice control option using the Switch hardware.
Yeah i dont know. I bought my 9 yr old daughter a switch with zelda for her bday. Thing hasnt had more than 1 hour total put on it in 3 months, even with me, and I live to play video games. I even bought minecraft on it and she'd rather play minecraft on her ipad than the switch. I just dont know anymore who Nintendo is catering to other than a small niche of gamers these days who have to have those 1st party titles. New nintendo console, same old story.

Fast RMX was fun, but its still just a not as good wipeout clone, and it wore off quick. Thats really the only one i enjoyed for a little bit.

You and your daughter are a small sample size. Time has already proved that the Switch is moving units.
Nintendo has quite a bit of life left in their IPs. At least as long as Miyamoto is still working.
You and your daughter are a small sample size. Time has already proved that the Switch is moving units.
Nintendo has quite a bit of life left in their IPs. At least as long as Miyamoto is still working.

This is the same problem I see and nobody wants to talk about it; The Switch is moving units yes but you have to remember that the Wii was an enormous success as well. And, the Wii U when it launched was no slouch in the sale department either although time seemed to do it in. The same thing is happening to the Switch as the Wii which is that a lot of units are being sold, but then a shit ton are being sold and put up on eBay. The EXACT SAME THING has happened with every Nintendo console i've ever owned since the Gamecube. Bought the Wii, played the first party games and then once that was done there was literally nothing compelling for months and months. I gave up and sold the console. I bought the Wii U, played the first party titles at launch and then here comes the game drought... nothing releases that is note-worthy until long after the console release and by then I will have sold it already because it just sits and collects dust. Most people don't travel so much that the portable aspect of the Switch is a selling point, and if they do i'd much rather play the occasional casual game on my phone or tablet. And then the biggest problem that will plague the Switch is third party support. Don't expect to see Mass Effect Andromeda, Red Dead Redemption 2, Destiny 2, Ghost Recon: Wildlands, or any big-name third party title. It's too under-powered which if any of you remember is one of the main reasons developers abandoned the Wii U. This console will yet-again only be strong as long as the first party titles are strong which is very strange because Nintendo has always had a strong third party following pre-Wii U, and we all Nintendo can only churn out Mario and Zelda titles so fast. So really I have become accustomed to not buying Nintendo consoles anymore to avoid the inevitable game drought post-launch.

By the time a year or two goes by then i'll get a Switch and there will be a solid library of 1st-party titles to play.
I think ARMS might end up being a good test for the Switch's real appeal. It's a new franchise and not just Mario Goes to College 3. Yet it's apparently super compelling to hardcore and casual gamers. It's been wow'ing people at a lot of the demos Nintendo has been setting up.
If it sells well, we'll have a better idea if people care about the Switch or if the Switch is going to be a paperweight between Zelda and New Ultra Mario Cousins 90's Nostalgia Edition.
This is the same problem I see and nobody wants to talk about it; The Switch is moving units yes but you have to remember that the Wii was an enormous success as well. And, the Wii U when it launched was no slouch in the sale department either although time seemed to do it in. The same thing is happening to the Switch as the Wii which is that a lot of units are being sold, but then a shit ton are being sold and put up on eBay. The EXACT SAME THING has happened with every Nintendo console i've ever owned since the Gamecube. Bought the Wii, played the first party games and then once that was done there was literally nothing compelling for months and months. I gave up and sold the console. I bought the Wii U, played the first party titles at launch and then here comes the game drought... nothing releases that is note-worthy until long after the console release and by then I will have sold it already because it just sits and collects dust.

You'll get no argument about the teething issues with Nintendo's last few consoles.
Although Wii U sales were abysmally poor at launch and through the consoles life. Owing not least of all to the naming issue.

Most people don't travel so much that the portable aspect of the Switch is a selling point, and if they do i'd much rather play the occasional casual game on my phone or tablet.

For better or for worse, Nintendo always considers Japan and Asia first, and America near last. Although we buy more consoles than anyone, the Switch fits into the lives of people that live in Urban environments that use a lot of public transportation. That just isn't most of the United States, save for maybe NYC, DC, Chicago, other East Coast major cities, and some college towns.

In Asia and Europe the Switch intrinsically makes sense. Not only because of lifestyle but because of culture. People in the US are solitary. People go home to their 'castles' and shut the world out. Save for sports sometimes, we watch TV and play games by ourselves 'in the privacy of our own homes.' Generally speaking non-immigrant Americans have entire homes to single families and don't have multiple generations of family living in a single home.

Our culture is very isolated and interior. People in Tokyo don't want to stay in their one room 300 square foot apartments. They would rather be out and be social and take their games with them. Share them with others and meet and play in places that are not their homes because they don't work well for any type of hosting. So if the Switch doesn't make sense for you and your lifestyle, quite frankly you're not alone. Because that's just how a lot of people here live. But if you lived in a cramped living space, you'd find a public place to spend your time and enjoy yourself in the company of friends. It's these concepts and reasons why Arcade's have continued to exist in Japan, while they can't survive here. It's why people there would rather be in a coffee shop or PC bar.

For what it's worth though, I think this is an amazing system for travel. Playing a Switch in the backseat of a Van is probably pretty awesome. Especially if you can connect it to in car TV's and play with other people. Or even at an airport or on a plane if you have the sort of lifestyle in which you must travel a lot and you want to game. A PS4 or an XB1 can't support that.

Even without the travel concept, it's still the most powerful Nintendo system yet. Whether that matters to your or not is subjective. It also will hopefully be the first to finally have internet features figured out (by 2018...), a virtual console and digital store that will make sense.

And then the biggest problem that will plague the Switch is third party support. Don't expect to see Mass Effect Andromeda, Red Dead Redemption 2, Destiny 2, Ghost Recon: Wildlands, or any big-name third party title. It's too under-powered which if any of you remember is one of the main reasons developers abandoned the Wii U.

Right, but it hasn't ever made sense for Nintendo to attempt to make hardware to support those titles. There are already two systems that cater to people that want to play AAA third party developed titles. Most on these boards would even make the argument that the third party support is irrelevant on console because they'd rather get 60+ fps at 4k on a PC (even using a remote) than play these titles on a console.

I would say Nintendo is actually wise in that regard. It's not that Nintendo doesn't want third party development as much as they don't care about third party development that already exists on multiple other platforms. Mass Effect: Andromeda would never move Switch consoles, even if played on it and it was "the best experience". Which was arguably the case with Wii-U and ME:3 (albeit way after ME:3's original launch). I think most look at it similarly. They buy a console with the exclusives and the third party stuff isn't a deciding factor since they have whatever option they want to play it on. I'd buy a PS4 over an XB1 for this precise reason. Similarly others would do vice versa.

Their real problem is that they have failed to get third parties to create interesting unique content just for their platform(s). Save for a bunch of shovel-ware that tried to cash in on the Wii. (Disclaimer, I'm referring to TV based consoles. Nintendo's handheld market is very different, and has plenty of third party development).

This console will yet-again only be strong as long as the first party titles are strong which is very strange because Nintendo has always had a strong third party following pre-Wii U, and we all Nintendo can only churn out Mario and Zelda titles so fast. So really I have become accustomed to not buying Nintendo consoles anymore to avoid the inevitable game drought post-launch.

By the time a year or two goes by then i'll get a Switch and there will be a solid library of 1st-party titles to play.

Which I think is perfectly reasonable. And that is more or less how I game on any system or game at this point. There is ZERO incentive for me to buy or play anything now other than "having it now". Generally that isn't enough for me. I'd rather wait 2 years for a AAA game to be $10 on Steam than get the bragging rights of being able to say: "first!". I'd rather wait for any given console cycle to be over and just buy every title worth playing well after the fact and for far far less. Not only does that mean I get the games and console for far less, but I can get "better hardware" in the form of better revisions versus a launch console.

And that's because I game for my enjoyment, in my time, and in my pleasure. Not to keep up with the Jones'. I realize that this is a side tangent and I'm very likely a crotchety old man at this point, but having new and shiny things has completely lost its luster. I'm looking forward to DX:MD and Civ VI, probably my two most anticipated games in a while!
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I haven't seen one in stock since two months ago.....

Nowinstock.com has zero listed except for ebay.
I recently bit the bullet and bought one used, $350 lnib w/ zelda, not the deal of the century but I was sick of waiting. I travel for work pretty much 100% and that's mainly what I use it for, though i have enjoyed it hooked up to the TV as well. I have some minor complaints that parallel the op, but they're just that, minor. I'm neglecting all my PC games over it and I also travel with a 1070 equipped laptop.

Mario Kart 8 has also been really fun, I look forward to some new titles =)
Yeah i dont know. I bought my 9 yr old daughter a switch with zelda for her bday. Thing hasnt had more than 1 hour total put on it in 3 months, even with me, and I live to play video games. I even bought minecraft on it and she'd rather play minecraft on her ipad than the switch. I just dont know anymore who Nintendo is catering to other than a small niche of gamers these days who have to have those 1st party titles. New nintendo console, same old story.

Fast RMX was fun, but its still just a not as good wipeout clone, and it wore off quick. Thats really the only one i enjoyed for a little bit.

I bought a switch for myself not too long ago, and i must rescind on my previous opinion. Im playing a ton of paladins mario kart and splatoon, and my daughter has gotten into it more now too. I actually really like this thing.
Just got a switch and I'm loving it for what it is.

It's nice to have something to play around on while the fiance is watching TV, and also have the ability to play on the TV as well. It certainly isn't my main go-to gaming device, but I wanted something more portable and the switch fits the bill quite nicely TBH. Homebrew is also pretty great, considering the bootrom exploit. It's a cool device to tinker with
Just got a switch and I'm loving it for what it is.

It's nice to have something to play around on while the fiance is watching TV, and also have the ability to play on the TV as well. It certainly isn't my main go-to gaming device, but I wanted something more portable and the switch fits the bill quite nicely TBH. Homebrew is also pretty great, considering the bootrom exploit. It's a cool device to tinker with

Yeah, just be careful - I guess a lot of people have had their device banned from Nintendo's network when using homebrew stuff.
Yeah, just be careful - I guess a lot of people have had their device banned from Nintendo's network when using homebrew stuff.

Thanks for the heads up! Considering Nintendo (from what I’ve read) is now charging for online access, that’s not a huge concern as I only plan on using it offline, at least at the moment.

I will certainly keep that in mind though. Appreciate it
I still dislike the Switch, although I'm glad Smash is finally (almost) here. For me it's too large as a portable and it lacks horsepower (and online presence) as a console. It does a decent job with a few things, but the only thing it truly excels at are MP games where the other players are in the same room.
I got a chance to play a lot of classic games with friends last weekend and the consensus is basically always "imagine if [insert Nintendo title] was on the Xbox/PC/PS." That's been the theme for a few generations now.
I still dislike the Switch, although I'm glad Smash is finally (almost) here. For me it's too large as a portable and it lacks horsepower (and online presence) as a console. It does a decent job with a few things, but the only thing it truly excels at are MP games where the other players are in the same room.
I got a chance to play a lot of classic games with friends last weekend and the consensus is basically always "imagine if [insert Nintendo title] was on the Xbox/PC/PS." That's been the theme for a few generations now.

It's just not for you man, it is what it is. Personally, what it does out of the box, with the detachable joy-cons, is fantastic. I'm hoping the next iteration removes the bezels and increases battery life further. You've got access to a shit ton of games at this point in time, AAA or indie. I've said it in the other thread, but their online service is severely lacking. It works well for the games that support it, but it's really not in the same league as PSN or XBL, not by a long shot. The system works amazingly well for LAN's though, I have to give it that. It honestly makes group gatherings far more fun than everyone staring at one screen.
One thing I do think could have been better is if the dock actually had some sort of hardware that improved the graphical capability when it's docked. Portable I think it looks and runs pretty great (for its size), but docked just having a higher resolution kind of sucks, and it's apparent that Switch versions of titles are cut down to accommodate the hardware.

It's a shame Nintendo hasn't been able to achieve some sort of graphical parity with the other consoles for many generations now.
One thing I do think could have been better is if the dock actually had some sort of hardware that improved the graphical capability when it's docked. Portable I think it looks and runs pretty great (for its size), but docked just having a higher resolution kind of sucks, and it's apparent that Switch versions of titles are cut down to accommodate the hardware.

It's a shame Nintendo hasn't been able to achieve some sort of graphical parity with the other consoles for many generations now.

It wouldn't even have to be a heavy GPU either. It could even be just a second Tegra, which would also add a bit more CPU power, and maybe do some form of SLI or stitching of some type. (it would obviously have had to be built from the ground up that way though) I'm curious if the refresh in 2019 will have any additional power. Probably not, but you never know. They increased the CPU specs slightly on the New 3DS, so it's not unheard of. (not to mention things like the XBOneX and PS4 Pro happening)
If they do a refresh that seems worthwhile, I may get it and then use my current Switch for worry-free homebrew. :)
While I’d love a refresh I think it’s unlikely anytime soon or at all. Nintendo would have a choice between upgrading to a Tegra X2 (not worth it) or the “Xavier” SoC which would likely kill the price.
While I’d love a refresh I think it’s unlikely anytime soon or at all. Nintendo would have a choice between upgrading to a Tegra X2 (not worth it) or the “Xavier” SoC which would likely kill the price.

I actually read that there will be a refresh (new edition) in 2019. I have no idea if it's just minor improvements, re-skin, or if there will be some tangible improvements. However, I believe it is in fact in the works.

Edit: I just looked around a bit more, and some people are predicting that it will be a mobile-only version of the switch, meant more to be a 3DS replacement. That actually sounds good to me. I would love to see a version with more power though.
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I think they should do a refresh for better battery life and a new screen. It’s fine if they use a more powerful GPU, however it get confusing in the marketplace. Look what happened with the “New” 3DS. Very few games supported the faster hardware and more people just played normal 3DS games on it anyway.