Which RAM kit would be preferred and why


Apr 2, 2005
It's been a long time since I've done a new build and I'm getting ready to replace most of the important guts of my PC. I'm going with an AMD 3700X, ASUS X570 TUG Gaming Plus (WiFi) AMD AM4 and a 1 TB Inland Premium M.2 SSD. I'm going to put 32GB RAM in it and I've narrowed it down to either a 3200 or 3600 CL16 G.Skill kit. I'm not sure which kit I should go with though. I don't plan on doing any OC's really and just plan to use the parts as is. I've heard these AMD CPU's really need 3600, but I've also heard the 3200 kits can be retimed on the MB. Can anyone help out with some suggestions between these?

I don't mind the price difference on these two b/c it's negligible, but here are the two I'm looking at: https://www.microcenter.com/product...el-desktop-memory-kit-f4-3200c16d-32g---black or https://www.microcenter.com/product...desktop-memory-kit-f4-3600c16d-32gvkc---black
The 3600 kit will make the CPU a few percent faster set XMP and forget.
If you were wanting to take the time to OC the RAM there would be better options out there.
Both kits are on the MB QVL tested to work ok at XMP with two sticks.
Looks like a $30 difference when I look at those links today, IMO the 3600 isn't worth it unless money isn't a concern. If it were $5-10 then maybe. We're talking a couple percentage points difference.
Sounds good then. Since it's just a few % I went with the 3200 and saved about $30+tax on the order. Should be a nice upgrade overall for my PC since I've put off one for several years now.
When it comes to RAM, now I prefer going with Corsair. G.Skill used to be good............
Most will say the opposite.

Biggest problem I have with Corsair is there revisions within the same model name can change chips making QVL useless as stores don't list the revision number in the product description.
But even though it is not much help I guess it is at least better than changing chips with no change at all.
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I personally wouldnt buy ram with that height of heat sinks, but then again i really like the gskill rgb kits like the trident types. I do have to tweak the timings slightly, but i can go all year with zero crashes after that. it comes down to what you cpu and motherboard likes to run at so its a very easy fix if its not on the qvl.