Where is Intel's Larabee Graphics chip?


Feb 4, 2003
So I remember they were supposed to have samples out by end of 2008, but I haven't heard anything more on this lately.

A quick google search and a search of this forums reveals nothing.

Anyone got any more info on this? :confused:
the REAL question is will Kyle add an INTEL sub forum in the Video Card section once released.....

But really its not coming out until late 09 at the earliest and will not compete with nvidia or ati unless thier on board SLI scaler is truely 100% efficient.
I heard it maybe out in 2010. That is a far stretch now I think. With the current economic situation, and intel predicting a negative quarter for 1Q 2009, it maybe delayed.
But really its not coming out until late 09 at the earliest and will not compete with nvidia or ati unless thier on board SLI scaler is truely 100% efficient.

It isn't on board SLI, why would you think it is? Larabee is very much a single-GPU video card...

I expect Larabee to have enough raw performance to rival current video cards, but by the time it comes out ATI and Nvidia will have their next gen and I expect Intel's driver team to be a huge, huge limiting factor. Intel is claiming ~2 TFlops of performance the last I heard. But, the 4850 has higher raw floating point power than the GTX 280 (1 TFlops vs. 933 GFlops)