When does this section get a mod?

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Fully [H]
Jun 6, 2005
Ever? How big does this section have to get (traditionally, that is...is there a measuring stick?) before there's a moderator for it? I'm just curious.

Would the mod be a VM? :D I am trying to code Skynet's aweness right now, but the MS BoB VM I am running it on keeps trying to strangle WindowsMe and OS/2 Warp VMs from doing their jobs (they're porn site spiders) :D
If you host skynet on a VMware vm I will SO hunt you down.

SO hunt you down...
But...But....VMWare is tied in with Evil Machine Company. I thought it would be poetic.
Why does it need a mod? My thought is that we only step in when you guys are not smart enough to police your own community. Notice that Report Post button?
Wait until a heated debate starts about whats better....VMware or MS...
I still haven't tried 2k8. I've downsized my box count recently. The addiction was too high to keep going, and my budget was nil. Without having tried it, I can't say. Sigh...I'm gonna go ahead and lock this thread. We've already gotten word from the big guy. I guess we have to start raising hell in here.
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