What is a fair price for Seasonic Prime 750W Gold

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Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 14, 2004
Hey guys, I am upgrading to from my 8700K to a 10700k and decided to move to a Seasonic 850 for a litte more head room for when I enventually come up in the setp up Que for my 3080. I do not have my ear to the ground on power supplies these days and knowing about shortages I do not want to end up with a scalper label on my reputation. Your input is sincerely appreciated on what a fair askis for the 750 prime that I have in my rig now.
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**rule #16: no price checks unless it’s in general mayhem**

If it’s not new it’s not scalping.
I am 99.999% sure there is a rule against price check threads.

I suggest you check what they have been going for used on eBay etc, then post a thread here for sale with a negotiable price if you are still unsure.
LOl, so I violated a price check rule to avoid a scalper rule on a day when my kid elopes with a demon women. Not a good day for me. The upgrade is to cheer me up. I will lock the thread. My apologies to the hive
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