What are you nerds playing this weekend?

Just finished Torment: Tides of Numenera yesterday, will be playing Pillars of Eternity over the weekend.
I have some Economics coursework to tend to but when taking a break, probably will play some No One Lives Forever and the Division.

I'm still waiting on a sale for TC Ghost Recon: Wildlands(PC)
Castlevania (a mix between finishing off Symphony of the night, Aria/Dawn of Sorrow and Circle of moon).

Also looking for good working emulators for my android phone.
That's nice to see. I just played some Red Alert 2 and I am firing up C&C 3 right now.
That's when things started to go awry. I mean C&C 3. Then it completely went sideways for C&C 4. Red Alert 1 & 2 are probably the best. I haven't finished C&C yet but I'm already looking forward to playing Red Alert.
I watched the Derby and in about two hours going down to play 5-10 PLO over at the Venetian lol.
Castlevania (a mix between finishing off Symphony of the night, Aria/Dawn of Sorrow and Circle of moon).

Also looking for good working emulators for my android phone.

Grab the ones by Robert Broglia. They are the best IMO.
Going to put more time into the new Mass Effect but also like to spend a bit of time on Shadowverse/Elder Scrolls Legends.
I been working through the Steam backlog in the last few weeks. Finished a few games lately that mostly all sucked. Sorry, but pretty much all games suck after finishing The Witcher 3. I just want to play TW3 again, but I feel a need to space out my play-through's a little more...

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Ok, this one was actually good. Looking forward to playing it again after my next GPU upgrade. Only complaint is that I wanted to go more lethal on my first play-through, but tons of the enemies are semi good-guys who I really couldn't bring myself to kill. So I didn't like how the game forced me into a lot more stealth and non-lethal gameplay. But overall, it was really a great game.

Duke Nukem Forever - yep, here's where the pure shit-storm really starts. Game with plenty of promise, but about 1/3 of the way through, it just completely sputters out and goes nowhere after that. Tons of really horrible level design with too much wandering around with nothing to do. Horrible check-point system instead of a proper save-game system that leaves you replaying the same shit over and over to an infuriating extent. Very limited selection of weapons and enemies that just felt really underwhelming even all these years after the hype died down from this game's long development time. In the end it left me wanting to punch some developers in the face, and really glad to finally check this one off my steam queue.

Batman: Arkham Origins - this one wasn't too bad, good story at least, but really suffered from horrible console porting. My biggest gripe is with the controls. 85% of the functions of the game are controlled by the Space bar: Jump, Run, Glide/Fly, Use, some attacks, some gadget uses, and more! So most of the game you'll be left tapping out a bunch of random morse-code on the space bar, often having functions run into each-other causing awkward/dangerous mistakes, then every now and then you have to go mash one button on the opposite side of the keyboard to use one of your DOZEN different gadgets! Why the hell didn't they consolidate some of these stupid things?? I swear there are like 6 different grappling bat-a-rang devices they could have consolidated into one device, but instead I have to go double-tap the #9 key in the middle of a boss fight so I don't die at a moments notice. So many stupid design decisions. And don't even get me started on how stupid the whole "non-lethal" aspect of the Batman persona/philosophy is. The guy puts hundreds of people in the hospital - in real life like half of those guys would have died or be permanently handicapped from those injuries, but then he refuses to kill an actual mass-murderer just so they can keep this villain to use in a later installment. On one hand I get it, but on the other I just think it's asinine. Think I'm officially not buying another Batman game ever again after playing this.

Alan Wake - I just finished this game a few minutes ago, and wow, I am so glad that's over. This is another one that just made me want to punch a developer in the face. Call me a jaded old horror fan, but it just wasn't scary at all. They took some amazing concepts (light as a weapon), and a decent story line, and shoe-horned in some of the most god-awful combat mechanics of any game I've ever played. I played on easy just to get through it as quickly as possible, and still was dying constantly from lack of resources. The sprint meter is laughably short - come-on! Even a person with the worst cardio on earth is going to run better than that if their life depends on it! The gun-play is horrible - hard to put my finger on, but it just sucks ass and is incredibly un-satisfying. The flashlight mechanics are absolutely infuriating, batteries that run out in a matter of seconds - WTF! No flashlights on earth work like that, and it's just plain stupid to make them constantly run out. After a few minutes of the game, I was already looking for cheat codes to fix this bullshit and let myself run more, have batteries last 10x longer, and let myself carry a realistic amount of ammo. I understand the need to balance difficulty so a game isn't too easy, but the way they did it in this game was completely wrong and just made it infuriating to play. Add more enemies, make it more satisfying to kill them, make resource management less of a constant burden. I guarantee if my life depended on it I could easily carry about 4x the amount of ammo in every single catagory. Also the camera system sucked horribly - hated the way it constantly jerked the camera around to show enemies and kills in slow-motion. Just added to what a pain it was to play this game. Overall, I'd say that's a great way to describe Alan Wake: not scary, just massively painful to play. Yet another game I'm glad to file under "Completed" in my Steam library. Good riddance.


So now I'm back in the mood to play a good medieval fantasy RPG again. Can anyone recommend something similar to TW3 or Skyrim? Open-world, newer with great graphics, good story, satisfying but not insanely-difficult combat, etc. I've been considering Dark Souls next, but as I'm not really big on overly-challenging combat mechanics, I just want a good adventure story and an immersive interesting experience, I'm not sure I could handle the combat in Dark Souls, so I may get stuck and not finish it. For reference, I tried Lords of the Fallen, and couldn't get past the intro level. Don't want to get stuck in another game where I can't handle the combat and there's no way to make it easier.

Dragon's Dogma is one I've heard is good - just waiting on it to go on sale so I can pick that one up. Any other recommendations for good RPG's would be welcome. I prefer newer games with good graphics, 1st/3rd person with free-look, no side-scrollers, overhead, locked-camera angles etc. I've also played all 3 Risen games and the first Dragon Age, and those were good. I'm also a pretty big fan of the Assassins' Creed and newer Far Cry games - think I may play FC4 again next. Played lots of other RPG type games, but I won't bother listing all of them now. I'm definitely still in the mood for something medieval similar to the Witcher - curious if you guys have any other recommendations - thanks!
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I'm going to try Prey. Bought it for $20 from a buddy who had a Steam code, but wasn't interested in the game.
Dirt Rally is on sale for $18 which is my "Time to Buy" price so i'll give that a shot this weekend. I also just started a new game of Alien Isolation because I never got far let-alone beat it. It looks glorious on my new 35" Ultrawide. Might jump back into Prey too, and I am jumping in and out of Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 now that I am done with the main story and trying to finish up the side stuff.
Hello everyone, I am new here and greeting for all, I am playing Skyrim now :D

Normie Reeeeeeeeeee


Playing Quake Champs, possibly an ill-gotten copy of ME:Andrometa, and debating whether to pick up Player Unknown Battlegrounds
Both Dbo and Bdo... Lol. Dragon ball online and black desert online.
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands

It's a good game, albeit a complete ripoff of mercenaries 2. If you rip something off, at least try to go one step beyond and not two steps backwards.

I've been playing this all week, taking my time, and have been really enjoying it.
Fished off 1/2 Genie Hero (less metroid, post SotN Castlevania, more pre-SotN Castlevania).

Working on the first Trail in the Sky now.
I want to play this one, but I have no time :(:cry::arghh:

Turns out, I didn't get a chance to play over the weekend either. I'll be back at it tonight though. First truly sunny weekend we've had here this year, so I was outside most of the time. Some yard work, some reclining on the deck with a nice cigar. :D
So now I'm back in the mood to play a good medieval fantasy RPG again. Can anyone recommend something similar to TW3 or Skyrim? Open-world, newer with great graphics, good story, satisfying but not insanely-difficult combat, etc. I've been considering Dark Souls next, but as I'm not really big on overly-challenging combat mechanics, I just want a good adventure story and an immersive interesting experience, I'm not sure I could handle the combat in Dark Souls, so I may get stuck and not finish it. For reference, I tried Lords of the Fallen, and couldn't get past the intro level. Don't want to get stuck in another game where I can't handle the combat and there's no way to make it easier.

Dragon's Dogma is one I've heard is good - just waiting on it to go on sale so I can pick that one up. Any other recommendations for good RPG's would be welcome. I prefer newer games with good graphics, 1st/3rd person with free-look, no side-scrollers, overhead, locked-camera angles etc. I've also played all 3 Risen games and the first Dragon Age, and those were good.

have you played gothic series? You probably have since you mentioned risen, but if you have not you should definitely do #2 & #3. #3 is one of my all time favorites although it has lots of flaws. for dark souls, it is a completely different gaming experience. it has minimalist story telling, exception being in the lore that describes loot drops. From that a tremendously complex mythology was created. Anyway it is possible to start the game in an overpowered mode by getting a few easy loot drops. I would recommend it as I believe it is one of the all time best games.
have you played gothic series? You probably have since you mentioned risen, but if you have not you should definitely do #2 & #3. #3 is one of my all time favorites although it has lots of flaws. for dark souls, it is a completely different gaming experience. it has minimalist story telling, exception being in the lore that describes loot drops. From that a tremendously complex mythology was created. Anyway it is possible to start the game in an overpowered mode by getting a few easy loot drops. I would recommend it as I believe it is one of the all time best games.

Sadly, never got into the Gothic games, and now I think the graphics are too dated for me to go back to them. I'm really only interested in newer ones now with pretty modern graphics - like I said, Witcher 3 may have spoiled me for life. I find it really hard to go back to older games now, the immersion factor just isn't there.

Think I will go ahead and pick up the Dark Souls games next time they're on sale. Hopefully I can handle the combat long enough to learn to like them.
Turns out, I didn't get a chance to play over the weekend either. I'll be back at it tonight though. First truly sunny weekend we've had here this year, so I was outside most of the time. Some yard work, some reclining on the deck with a nice cigar. :D

Wish I've had more time gaming.....
I just finished FEAR 2 & 3 this past week. They were ok, but not really all that enjoyable. Very mediocre shooter games with a bunch of completely flaccid horror attempts shoe-horned in by someone who's apparently terrified at the sight of a little blood. I'm still in the mode of just speed-running to check games off my backlog, so glad I can move the rest of the FEAR series to the finished folder now.

Still in the mood for some good medieval RPG action, but I think I may re-play Far Cry 4 while I wait on the next Steam sale. Hopefully will pick up Dark Souls 1-2-3 and maybe Dragon's Dogma by the end of June.
Black desert is releasing Striker tomorrow... Time to gear up