Virtualized Nextcloud and Storage on same machine

The Lurker

Fully [H]
Jul 1, 2001
I am in the process of re-installing my server which is really just Server 16 with a hardware Raid array in the same box because the system drive in it is on its way out the door. I am currently running seafile at home, just to automate the offloading of my pictures onto the server so i can easily access them when at home or over VPN remotely. Seafile on windows has been deprecated and I would like to get off it.

Ideally, I would run a baremetal hypervisor on one machine with VM's for Server 16 for all my windows stuff and a *nix for whatever and a separate box for a NAS all my storage. But to be perfectly honest, I dont want to spend the money or deal with the hassle of setting that up at the moment. So I need to figure out a way to get away from seafile while running Server 16 baremetal.

The problem is owncloud/nextcloud are *nix only these days or virtual appliances. I would like to avoid appliances or rolled *nix images because that means I have a monster VM I need to worry about migrating if I ever have to split the data from the app when I do eventually move to a proper infrastructure.

So I had a thought. What if I ran the owncloud in a VM and then passed it a share from the baremetal server 16 host system where it can store the database.

Would this mean that any traffic between the VM and host machine is now over the network?

Anything wrong with the whole plan?
I'd store the images/video ect.. on the file share but I'd keep database inside the owncloud VM.
You can run nextcloud on a linux VM, which is fully supported on HyperV. I've been running it for a couple years now.

If you're worried about the size of the VM with the datastore attached directly, you can share the storage and have nextcloud mount as an SMB/CIFS share. That's how mine is running, and I can access the share directly via windows machines.
You can run nextcloud on a linux VM, which is fully supported on HyperV. I've been running it for a couple years now.

If you're worried about the size of the VM with the datastore attached directly, you can share the storage and have nextcloud mount as an SMB/CIFS share. That's how mine is running, and I can access the share directly via windows machines.

Do you set up the additional data store through Next Cloud or do you attach the share at the OS level and then point Next Cloud to it?
Do you set up the additional data store through Next Cloud or do you attach the share at the OS level and then point Next Cloud to it?

You mount it at the OS level in FSTAB, making sure to set the nextcloud service account as 'owner' of the share. There is a page in the docs about setting nextcloud up with the external SMB/CIFS share, but last time I checked it was missing the owner part.