V Rising

Heh. I was just thinking that this was going to become one of those games that perpetually in "early access". I look forward to picking it up.
a couple of buddies and I picked this back up over the last week and it's been awesome. A lot of content has been poured into it since I played back in 2022.

Very excited to see where this game goes.

For $20, it's a steal. Let's hope the retail price doesn't go up. Pick it up before it's too late, gents.

Our plan right now is to grind out as close to end game as possible and then rent a server upon release in May since they're adding a ton of new stuff.

Very good game in its current state. Lots to do and a lot more coming.


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Is this enjoyable solo, it is it really something you need to play with others? What about with 2 people?
Is this enjoyable solo, it is it really something you need to play with others? What about with 2 people?
Can absolutely play solo, but it's better with friends IMHO.

However, bosses scale in difficulty with more players in the fight. Often times, soloing a boss is easier than with two or three people.

One thing I like is that progression on most things are based on defeating bosses. New gear, crafting tools, etc unlock with every boss you defeat, and everything you unlock(except new skills) can be used/shared by another player, regardless if they beat that boss or not. So, being 50 hours in versus someone who's new doesn't really matter if you want to play together.

Just gear them up with what you're wearing and go hit up some bosses/adventure together.

As for new skills, players will need to beat that specific boss if they want that skill unlock. Everything else can be shared.
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I guess controller support will be added that same day when it launches this Wednesday I played the game for about 3 or 4 hours only because I knew progress wouldn't save.

I wish this had been more on my radar before the 15 dollar price increase but whatevs.. It checks off a lot of boxes for me so picked it up and gonna sink some time into it.
I wish this had been more on my radar before the 15 dollar price increase but whatevs.. It checks off a lot of boxes for me so picked it up and gonna sink some time into it.
I grabbed it for $16 off of Fanatical just before the price hike thanks to this thread :D. I should have grabbed a second copy to play with family.
Comes out in a few hours going to have controller support with launch finally this might be the best game for the month of May.
This game has tons of atmosphere cool seeing witch hunters and Wolves in the woods trying to hunt you down.
1 hour ago

Private server option greyed out?
I can't seem to make a solo private server which I prefer, any advice?

same problem


honestly, it was available at first, then halfway through loading it cancelled and now its greyed out, pretty bs
So at release the "Physical Power" setting adjusted how many hits it took to cut down trees, mine ore, etc, and now it seems that setting adjusts player damage instead. Very unfortunate for me as when my friend and I played we really hated how long it took to harvest stuff.

On a positive note the other MOST IMPORTANT settings in the entire game are still there.

Started a game on my PC not sure how much the game picks up after you get all the tutorials done.
No Rest for the Wicked is just better after play that game different type of game minus the crafting but it's done better.
Controller is pretty good with the game but it's really floating and navigation is floaty it's easier to pull off spells with a controller counter attack is just holding down the right bumper.
So what kind of game is this exactly? It looks like Diablo and Titan Quest, but people are talking about gathering supplies and building stuff? Am game for a vampire-themed Diablo clone, but I don't want another game that feels like work.
So what kind of game is this exactly? It looks like Diablo and Titan Quest, but people are talking about gathering supplies and building stuff? Am game for a vampire-themed Diablo clone, but I don't want another game that feels like work.
Basically nothing in common with Diablo aside from the camera angle.
It's a survival crafting game where you kill bosses in progression to unlock new spells and crafting recipes.

I took on 3 bosses some of them are surround by a bunch of adds which can be dodged or outrun. Playing on Casual which is good enough for me I guess you can solo all the bosses on Casual I asked on the Steam Forums. Lots of crafting in this game but it's fun enough to keep going.


Cool Boss you get selection of Frost Spells when you kill her. I'm not sure if you have to kill the boss 3 times to get all the spells. Recommend using a controller for this game targeting is better.
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That was my take, lol. I was like "what?" Either way, those words paired together = a no for me dawg.
I'm not really into survival craft games, but combined with the hack & slash-style gameplay I am kind of interested. I might buy it when it goes on sale.
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Created a castle took about 2 hours the longest part was grinding stones into bricks I had tons of stones just a matter of grinding them for the castle walls prob the best time I had in the game that doesn't involve combat.
The thing is my Castle is in a newby zone I'm going to have to look into moving in to a different area. There are teleporters on the map all over the place but you can't transfer your inventory while using them.
You can shapeshift into a Wolf which makes travel alot faster which is the 1st boss in the game.
I guess you can have Two castles on PVE server with only One castle in pvp server so I'm going to build two castles. Unless moving is easy I guess moving isn't bad you keep your resources but need to build again.

I have my save file backed up just incase.
Here are all possible server settings. I got them from bepinex's server output, however I can't guarantee they all function.
Shown values are default.

(Brutal mode at the bottom of the post)

  "GameDifficulty": 1,
  "GameModeType": 0,
  "CastleDamageMode": 0,
  "SiegeWeaponHealth": 2,
  "PlayerDamageMode": 0,
  "CastleHeartDamageMode": 1,
  "PvPProtectionMode": 3,
  "DeathContainerPermission": 0,
  "RelicSpawnType": 0,
  "CanLootEnemyContainers": true,
  "BloodBoundEquipment": true,
  "TeleportBoundItems": true,
  "BatBoundItems": false,
  "AllowGlobalChat": true,
  "AllWaypointsUnlocked": false,
  "FreeCastleRaid": false,
  "FreeCastleClaim": false,
  "FreeCastleDestroy": false,
  "InactivityKillEnabled": true,
  "InactivityKillTimeMin": 3600,
  "InactivityKillTimeMax": 604800,
  "InactivityKillSafeTimeAddition": 172800,
  "InactivityKillTimerMaxItemLevel": 84,
  "StartingProgressionLevel": 0,
  "DisableDisconnectedDeadEnabled": true,
  "DisableDisconnectedDeadTimer": 60,
  "DisconnectedSunImmunityTime": 300.0,
  "InventoryStacksModifier": 1.0,
  "DropTableModifier_General": 1.0,
  "DropTableModifier_Missions": 1.0,
  "MaterialYieldModifier_Global": 1.0,
  "BloodEssenceYieldModifier": 1.0,
  "JournalVBloodSourceUnitMaxDistance": 25.0,
  "PvPVampireRespawnModifier": 1.0,
  "CastleMinimumDistanceInFloors": 2,
  "ClanSize": 4,
  "BloodDrainModifier": 1.0,
  "DurabilityDrainModifier": 1.0,
  "GarlicAreaStrengthModifier": 1.0,
  "HolyAreaStrengthModifier": 1.0,
  "SilverStrengthModifier": 1.0,
  "SunDamageModifier": 1.0,
  "CastleDecayRateModifier": 1.0,
  "CastleBloodEssenceDrainModifier": 1.0,
  "CastleSiegeTimer": 420.0,
  "CastleUnderAttackTimer": 60.0,
  "CastleRaidTimer": 600.0,
  "CastleRaidProtectionTime": 1800.0,
  "CastleExposedFreeClaimTimer": 300.0,
  "CastleRelocationCooldown": 10800.0,
  "CastleRelocationEnabled": true,
  "AnnounceSiegeWeaponSpawn": true,
  "ShowSiegeWeaponMapIcon": false,
  "BuildCostModifier": 1.0,
  "RecipeCostModifier": 1.0,
  "CraftRateModifier": 1.0,
  "ResearchCostModifier": 1.0,
  "RefinementCostModifier": 1.0,
  "RefinementRateModifier": 1.0,
  "ResearchTimeModifier": 1.0,
  "DismantleResourceModifier": 1.0,
  "ServantConvertRateModifier": 1.0,
  "RepairCostModifier": 1.0,
  "Death_DurabilityFactorLoss": 0.125,
  "Death_DurabilityLossFactorAsResources": 1.0,
  "StarterEquipmentId": 0,
  "StarterResourcesId": 0,
  "VBloodUnitSettings": [],
  "UnlockedAchievements": [],
  "UnlockedResearchs": [],
  "GameTimeModifiers": {
    "DayDurationInSeconds": 1080.0,
    "DayStartHour": 9,
    "DayStartMinute": 0,
    "DayEndHour": 17,
    "DayEndMinute": 0,
    "BloodMoonFrequency_Min": 10,
    "BloodMoonFrequency_Max": 18,
    "BloodMoonBuff": 0.2
  "VampireStatModifiers": {
    "MaxHealthModifier": 1.0,
    "PhysicalPowerModifier": 1.0,
    "SpellPowerModifier": 1.0,
    "ResourcePowerModifier": 1.0,
    "SiegePowerModifier": 1.0,
    "DamageReceivedModifier": 1.0,
    "ReviveCancelDelay": 5.0
  "UnitStatModifiers_Global": {
    "MaxHealthModifier": 1.0,
    "PowerModifier": 1.0,
    "LevelIncrease": 0
  "UnitStatModifiers_VBlood": {
    "MaxHealthModifier": 1.0,
    "PowerModifier": 1.0,
    "LevelIncrease": 0
  "EquipmentStatModifiers_Global": {
    "MaxHealthModifier": 1.0,
    "ResourceYieldModifier": 1.0,
    "PhysicalPowerModifier": 1.0,
    "SpellPowerModifier": 1.0,
    "SiegePowerModifier": 1.0,
    "MovementSpeedModifier": 1.0
  "CastleStatModifiers_Global": {
    "TickPeriod": 5.0,
    "SafetyBoxLimit": 1,
    "EyeStructuresLimit": 1,
    "TombLimit": 12,
    "VerminNestLimit": 4,
    "PrisonCellLimit": 16,
    "HeartLimits": {
      "Level1": {
        "FloorLimit": 50,
        "ServantLimit": 4,
        "HeightLimit": 3
      "Level2": {
        "FloorLimit": 140,
        "ServantLimit": 5,
        "HeightLimit": 3
      "Level3": {
        "FloorLimit": 240,
        "ServantLimit": 6,
        "HeightLimit": 3
      "Level4": {
        "FloorLimit": 360,
        "ServantLimit": 7,
        "HeightLimit": 3
      "Level5": {
        "FloorLimit": 550,
        "ServantLimit": 8,
        "HeightLimit": 3
    "CastleLimit": 2,
    "NetherGateLimit": 1,
    "ThroneOfDarknessLimit": 1
  "PlayerInteractionSettings": {
    "TimeZone": 0,
    "VSPlayerWeekdayTime": {
      "StartHour": 20,
      "StartMinute": 0,
      "EndHour": 22,
      "EndMinute": 0
    "VSPlayerWeekendTime": {
      "StartHour": 20,
      "StartMinute": 0,
      "EndHour": 22,
      "EndMinute": 0
    "VSCastleWeekdayTime": {
      "StartHour": 20,
      "StartMinute": 0,
      "EndHour": 22,
      "EndMinute": 0
    "VSCastleWeekendTime": {
      "StartHour": 20,
      "StartMinute": 0,
      "EndHour": 22,
      "EndMinute": 0
  "TraderModifiers": {
    "StockModifier": 1.0,
    "PriceModifier": 1.0,
    "RestockTimerModifier": 1.0
  "WarEventGameSettings": {
    "Interval": 1,
    "MajorDuration": 1,
    "MinorDuration": 1,
    "WeekdayTime": {
      "StartHour": 0,
      "StartMinute": 0,
      "EndHour": 23,
      "EndMinute": 59
    "WeekendTime": {
      "StartHour": 0,
      "StartMinute": 0,
      "EndHour": 23,
      "EndMinute": 59
    "ScalingPlayers1": {
      "PointsModifier": 1.0,
      "DropModifier": 1.0
    "ScalingPlayers2": {
      "PointsModifier": 0.5,
      "DropModifier": 0.5
    "ScalingPlayers3": {
      "PointsModifier": 0.25,
      "DropModifier": 0.25
    "ScalingPlayers4": {
      "PointsModifier": 0.25,
      "DropModifier": 0.25

Here are all the changes that Brutal makes:

  "GameDifficulty": 2,
  "DropTableModifier_General": 1.25,
  "DurabilityDrainModifier": 0.5,
  "UnitStatModifiers_Global": {
    "PowerModifier": 1.4
  "UnitStatModifiers_VBlood": {
    "MaxHealthModifier": 1.25,
    "PowerModifier": 1.7,
    "LevelIncrease": 3
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I went ahead and bought it to try out. I immediately remembered one of the major reasons why I generally stay away from survival-type games: All the unnecessary waiting. I started a private server with the default PvE settings and the amount of time you need to wait just for one resource to be refined or crafted is stupid. There is only so much you can go out and do while waiting when your progress is blocked by being able to craft the next required thing. I am going to have to change the rate modifiers to make this game more enjoyable. I hope there is no cap to the modifier because I want to increase it to 10.0 to start with.
I went ahead and bought it to try out. I immediately remembered one of the major reasons why I generally stay away from survival-type games: All the unnecessary waiting. I started a private server with the default PvE settings and the amount of time you need to wait just for one resource to be refined or crafted is stupid. There is only so much you can go out and do while waiting when your progress is blocked by being able to craft the next required thing. I am going to have to change the rate modifiers to make this game more enjoyable. I hope there is no cap to the modifier because I want to increase it to 10.0 to start with.
Everything has hard caps in the config files. Crafting is 5x or 6x, I just set everything to 99 and let the server sort it out.
Even at max you will end up waiting for stuff like wood and stone in large quantities.

The MMO/mobile game mechanics are my biggest complaint about V Rising. All of those "features" are annoying and serve no purpose other than waste time in a solo server or when playing with friends.