Uh oh. Bad BIOS Flash?


Jan 8, 2002

It seems like I'm in a pickle here. I don't know exactly what the problem is, but here is the skinny...

I went to flash the BIOS on my Intel D865GBF with the Express BIOS Update. Well, everything went according to plan, from what I could see.

However, when the system rebooted, it hung at the Boot logo. Waiting several minutes I decided to (after a hard deliberation) engage the reset button. Low and behold it did the same thing. Now I have managed to defeat the logo and now can see where it may be getting "stuck" at. I have utilized the Intel Recovery BIOS with no success.

The POST seems to hang just before recognizing my IDE drives, but it does show memory. There are no beep codes (as there were when I removed random things) and I have tried to swap out just about everything.

I've had a Gigabyte board that would hang after a BIOS reset, but not nearly this bad if I can remember correctly.

Does anybody have any advice before I get in touch with Intel? I'm pulling my hair out right now. TIA :)
You didn't, perhaps, by chance, save your current BIOS onto a floppy. Did you? It's situations like this that make me do so, even when using "automatic flash updaters."...later:)
No I didn't.

Everything seemed to update ok as far as the BIOS is concerned. I just cannot figure out why this is. Like I said, the recovery console has gone thru the entire process, but does not change any outcome.
Have you tried clearing the CMOS or removing all non essential peripherals? Or if necassary, switching out other essential parts? (CPU, memory, etc...)
If it's hanging right after hard drive detection it sounds like theres no floppy attatched, you may try holding down delete or keep pressing it a lot right after you hit the button to see if you can get into bios.

I've seen it happen before where it hangs because of no floppy, also try clearning cmos with the manual jumper may allow you to get in bios and disable the floppy drive. Note that this could happen even with the floppy disabled if there is a drive and cable there but no power to the drive itself.
Sniper_Merc said:
If it's hanging right after hard drive detection it sounds like theres no floppy attatched

That's the thing, it's hanging before ide channels are detected. Any keystoke has been basically useless other than escape to clear the intel logo...

I am using minimal components, but still nothing seems to help. I've been over the system with all 3 cmos jumper positions and recovery disk, etc just to try to get SOMEthing to work. No dice so far.

Kinda gets me to think, hey, the 875's are looking that much more attractive, eh?
If you can find an older bios for the board I would suggest trying to flash back to that using that recovery procedure. Baring that, would probalby require somebody to manually pull the chip and flash it for you or do a hot swap with a known good chip.

There are some places online that you can send em your chip and have em flash it for you, or some local computer dealers can do it too. Posibility that you can even just buy a chip already flashed and swap yours out.

Without physically being there to try things theres not much I could do from here so do a bit of searching around the Intel site and see what it would take to get a new chip, or have it flashed locally.