Ubisoft to Publish Hieroglyphics Translator


Mar 3, 2018
At a Google event in London, Ubisoft announced plans to publish an open source hieroglyphics translator some time in 2018. The new tool is the fruit of research Ubisoft used in Assassin's Creed: Origins, as well as "The Hieroglyphics Initiative" project that Ubisoft launched in 2017. Ubisoft trained a machine learning algorithm with over 80,000 glyphs provided by the Assassin's Creed community, and is working on refining the tool for use in educational institutions. The system picks out individual glyphs, then sequences them together to generate a final translation.

"To be honest, we didn't know what to expect when we called out to players for help, it was a first in many ways. We surely didn’t expect such a massive and rapid response, the Hieroglyphics Initiative wouldn’t have made such rapid progress if it wasn’t for the fans’ contribution to the machine learning process", said Pierre Miazga.
When you're facing an ancient doorway or artifact, do you want to go track down a Daniel to figure out if it's cursed or would you rather be able to just whip out your phone and have it translate the images for you? Daniel's just going to tell you to leave the forbidden knowledge and/or valuables for moral reasons.

Good translators are always good.
When you're facing an ancient doorway or artifact, do you want to go track down a Daniel to figure out if it's cursed or would you rather be able to just whip out your phone and have it translate the images for you? Daniel's just going to tell you to leave the forbidden knowledge and/or valuables for moral reasons.

Good translators are always good.

You use Daniel. I'm using Evelyn.
I want this to work like word lens. Just point phone at hieroglyphics and get an overlay you can read. Embed this into a internet based global translation AI with machine learning and then when the aliens land we can just use word lens to translate their messages. ;)
Doesn't make up for their shitty game practices. I mean seriously they totally fucked up Odyssey which otherwise would have been a great game.
Doesn't make up for their shitty game practices. I mean seriously they totally fucked up Odyssey which otherwise would have been a great game.

Huh... I wasn't bothered and am still not bothered... then again a sub to cheathappens.com tends to remove the need for xp boosters and buying loot boxes. ;)
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Doesn't make up for their shitty game practices. I mean seriously they totally fucked up Odyssey which otherwise would have been a great game.

that video just looks like an ad for Tomb Raider, I've seen some of the micro transactions in Odyssey but really hasn't impacted my game at all. This isn't Destiny or Battlefield here. Having said that, I am not a fan at all of Ubi's plans for the future, increased microtransactions, streaming games, etc. wouldn't be surprised if I stopped buying Ubi games in the next few years.
Can't wait to see what Ubisoft does with the Turin Erotic Papyrus:


Who knows, they might even consider coupling their translator with their Nosulus Rift for a more realistic, virtual experience...


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