U.S. Allegedly Asks Allies to Drop Huawei

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Mar 3, 2018
According to a report by the Wall Street Journal, the U.S. government has asked its allies to persuade "wireless and internet providers in these countries to avoid telecommunications equipment from China's Huawei Technologies Co." The same sources also claim the U.S. is considering extra financial aid for developing countries that "shun Chinese-made equipment." Huawei holds a 22% share of the global telecomequipment market, but they've been largely shut out of the U.S. market already. Chinese telecom stocks fell rapidly in response to the report.

U.S. officials say they worry about the prospect of Chinese telecom-equipment makers spying on or disabling connections to a fast-n exponentially growing universe of things, including components of manufacturing plants. "We engage with countries around the world about our concerns regarding cyberthreats in telecommunications infrastructure," a U.S. official said. "As they're looking to move to 5G, we remind them of those concerns. There are additional complexities to 5G networks that make them more vulnerable to cyberattacks."
Might be too little too late. Huawei is already used a lot in industry, I see them mostly as branch routers or firewalls. Kind of scary, that these things are touching unencrypted traffic of a lot of companies.
why is our govt supporting other countries with OUR Money ...........

Because those countries may not have the financial capacity to make a major swap of their telecom equipment. For reference, to swap all the telecom equipment for our own country is in the billions. One router can easily cost over $100k. The reasons they are pressuring them to switch is because of the backdoors the Chinese government has built into a lot of the telecomm equipment being made in China. They want to reduce China's recon/attack threshold.
why is our govt supporting other countries with OUR Money ...........

Because your money has been funding American corporations since the turn of the last century. If tossing a bit of cash around gives American companies an illegal competitive edge it's all good!

After all, those companies can afford to lobby and they spend a lot of money on exactly that. They need some kind of ROI, now, don't they?
why is our govt supporting other countries with OUR Money ...........

What NoOther said + some of the countries may also be close allies and may have supported us in military operations. What good is keeping a threat away from your own infrastructure if you allies are leaking sieves?

Sometimes, you help others because it helps yourself by doing so.
The bullshit is starting to smell. Its a huge pile now. I sure love my Hauwei P10, the best phone I've ever had and the first I have not felt the need to root and change stuff I do not like.
The bullshit is starting to smell. Its a huge pile now. I sure love my Hauwei P10, the best phone I've ever had and the first I have not felt the need to root and change stuff I do not like.

But you can keep your phone ..... and your provider ...... even your doctor if you wish ...:ROFLMAO:
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What allies does the U.S. have anymore? They shit all over my country, Canada, even going as far as to call us a, "security threat". I love Americans but the current asshole in the White House has no more friends except the Saudis.

The United States has a ton of allies. Not particularly liking the current President does not break alliances. Also, it isn't your country that is getting shit on, its the shit Prime Minister you have.

The bullshit is starting to smell. Its a huge pile now. I sure love my Hauwei P10, the best phone I've ever had and the first I have not felt the need to root and change stuff I do not like.

Yes the Chinese manipulation of electronics coming out of their country is certainly piling up.
why is our govt supporting other countries with OUR Money ...........

A lot of American aid, financial or otherwise, frequently benefits American businesses and interests in the meanwhile. A lot of American aid can be things like shipments of American wheat that basically subsidies farmers, military aid is brought from companies like Boeing who then deliver to the countries receiving the equipment, etc, etc.

Its way more complicated than simply "Our government gives away our money to foreigners"
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