Twitter Blocking Cryptocurrency Scams


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
Twitter is stepping up its game and is blocking trolls that try to scam their customers out of cryptocurrency. According to Reuters an account was suspended last month after the fake Elon Musk account claimed it was giving away cryptocurrency. However, the more serious action taken by Twitter is they are banning ads that are tied to cryptocurrencies and ICOs. This is a good thing because it at least tries to keep dummies from getting their cryptocurrency info from trolls.

“We’re aware of this form of manipulation and are proactively implementing a number of signals to prevent these types of accounts from engaging with others in a deceptive manner,” Twitter said in a statement.
i dont know.. if you are someone who will fall for the whole.. hey i will send you X, if you first send me Y, then you deserve what you get.

i dont know.. if you are someone who will fall for the whole.. hey i will send you X, if you first send me Y, then you deserve what you get.

Yeah, fully agree. It's the most idiotically obvious scam "If you send me 0.5 bitcoin, I'll send you 1 bitcoin after you PM me". The people falling for that sometimes don't even know how to decompress a .zip file, I see comments from them on various youtube crypto channels pretty much every day. Dumb people should not be getting into crypto; and it's a shame, cause they are the ones who lose money on this BS, money which they could otherwise invest or purchase something tangible with. I feel kinda bad for them, it's a crying shame.
Yeah, fully agree. It's the most idiotically obvious scam "If you send me 0.5 bitcoin, I'll send you 1 bitcoin after you PM me". The people falling for that sometimes don't even know how to decompress a .zip file, I see comments from them on various youtube crypto channels pretty much every day. Dumb people should not be getting into crypto; and it's a shame, cause they are the ones who lose money on this BS, money which they could otherwise invest or purchase something tangible with. I feel kinda bad for them, it's a crying shame.

But that’s exactly how asset classes like crypto work. That’s exactly how Wall Street has always made money at the expense of the little guy, the retail investor. It’s also exactly why crypto is quickly becoming a joke unto itself, because one of the main ideas behind it was to stick it to the bankers for screwing the little guy, and now it’s being used by many people specifically to do just that.
But that’s exactly how asset classes like crypto work. That’s exactly how Wall Street has always made money at the expense of the little guy, the retail investor. It’s also exactly why crypto is quickly becoming a joke unto itself, because one of the main ideas behind it was to stick it to the bankers for screwing the little guy, and now it’s being used by many people specifically to do just that.
Erm, what? My point was that there were too many little guys with too little research are trying to embrace crypto, only to be burned by clever scammers. I am against that kinda scammy shit. And I'm pretty sure that a lot of these scammers are fairly large groups of many very clever people who hold LOTS of crypto, enough to cause a major disruption, should they decide to dump it on the market for sale.
Erm, what? My point was that there were too many little guys with too little research are trying to embrace crypto, only to be burned by clever scammers. I am against that kinda scammy shit. And I'm pretty sure that a lot of these scammers are fairly large groups of many very clever people who hold LOTS of crypto, enough to cause a major disruption, should they decide to dump it on the market for sale.

I know, I was agreeing with you and expanding your point ;).