Today: Sylvania 7-Inch Mini Tablet $69.99

is something missing? I can't seem to put my finger on it.
Meh after doing about 2 minutes of research everyone should pass on this. I have seen refurbished nook colors going for around $140. Definitely worth twice the price and it has cm7 support as long as a capacative touch screen.
interesting price, but have to wonder how much of a POS it is. sylvania is not a name I associate with computer stuff.
I spent about 10 minutes reading reviews and watching videos and I'm going to take a pass on this. It is a piece of trash even for $69.99. Head over to Amazon and read some reviews, or go to youtube and watch some, you'll save yourself some time/money.

Also, kindle fire is coming out next month.
If this is what my dad has, it's a heap. But for $70...hard to say how bad could it really be?
NO... do not buy this junker or any other wannabe asian tablet. They use OLD parts, thats why its so cheap.

Tablets under 200 bucks usually lag out, or don't run properly.If you're looking at tablets "bang for buck" check this out:

You basically have $199 for a 7" tablet, or $339 (today only price?) for a nice 10" tablet.... then of course, the ipad is not bad either but its extra $$$$

So you have the ipad, which is quite pricey, or the better "bang for buck" tablets compared to these in the post here

I did a little research, and you can do yours (if you want lol.) Sylvania is a horrible brand, for just about anything besides bread toasters
It's only $70. Like I said I'm not out a whole lot if it sucks or breaks....