TODAY ONLY Rocksmith Guitar and Bass Game (Xbox 360 or PS3) $24.99


Jul 11, 2006
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Love rocksmith.. just wish it had better and cheaper songs..
All that guitar hero will get you warmed up for this but is a whole different ball game.
It makes it sound like it's the bundle but it's not clear.

For this price I'd be all over it if it's the bundle.

EDIT: Actually it says under the description:

Includes a revolutionary 1/4"-to-USB cable that converts your instrument's sound from analog to digital, allowing your guitar or bass to be played through your PS3

So I guess if they just send you the game you can quote that.

EDIT 2: Not available for shipping on PS3 and not in-stock locally for me. :(
Is this actually a viable way to learn to play guitar? I've always wanted to learn, but I've never gotten around to it. Obviously, I wouldn't expect to turn into an expert from the game, but if I could at least pick up the basics I might actually pick the game up.
Is this actually a viable way to learn to play guitar? I've always wanted to learn, but I've never gotten around to it. Obviously, I wouldn't expect to turn into an expert from the game, but if I could at least pick up the basics I might actually pick the game up.

Yes and No

Yes it will help you 'learn the guitar' and can be consider a viable way to do so. However it doesn't teach music theory so you aren't truly learning to play guitar but rather learning to imitate other people who know how to play guitar.

I can play quite a few songs on the guitar. However I don't have the music theory or ability to even read music so I really haven't 'learned' how to play guitar.

I enjoyed it but went into already knowing quite a bit about playing guitar and have been playing for about a year or so before hand. Going into it as a pure new player would probably be extremely difficult.

Things the game doesn't teach that can screw you up pretty bad are; proper hand positioning, proper picking, and which fingers to use, when to use them, and why you use them. If you learn these wrong going into playing the guitar it become very difficult to unlearn a bad or incorrect habit.

I'd say this game is good for supplemental practice but if you want to learn the guitar you should use other resources along with this.

also this is pretty much the first game of its kind. In future say Guitar Smith 2 or 3 it will (or at least should be) vastly improved to include music theory, hand positioning, fingering, and far better options for progression.
Am kind of bummed to have missed this. For ~$25 it's well worth it, as an impulse purchase, to try and get me back into playing a fairly nice 5-string bass that's been sitting around forever gathering dust. But for $60? Too much ATM. :(
I can play quite a few songs on the guitar. However I don't have the music theory or ability to even read music so I really haven't 'learned' how to play guitar.

Your assessment of Rocksmith is accurate, but I have to disagree with the "if you don't know music theory you don't really know how to play guitar". The mechanics of playing guitar have nothing to do with music theory. If you want to write your own songs, then yes, by all means you probably (not necessarily, though) need to learn music theory. If you just want to screw around and play covers, read tabulature, etc, you can still learn "how to play guitar". Not knowing music theory doesn't invalidate the ability to play guitar.
Your assessment of Rocksmith is accurate, but I have to disagree with the "if you don't know music theory you don't really know how to play guitar". The mechanics of playing guitar have nothing to do with music theory. If you want to write your own songs, then yes, by all means you probably (not necessarily, though) need to learn music theory. If you just want to screw around and play covers, read tabulature, etc, you can still learn "how to play guitar". Not knowing music theory doesn't invalidate the ability to play guitar.

Yeah that's why I put Learn in the little quotie things as people are bound to have different opinions of what 'knowing how to play' means. To me it means literally being able to grab a guitar and a piece of music and start playing it, as most professional musicians can, and as I can't.

For instance say you had some musically inclined friends and you told them you can play guitar and they say ok cool swing on by and we'll jam...Then then hand you the sheet music to play along with....Someone who can play the guitar will play along someone who can't wont.
I think the point is that improvisation = playing but playing does not necessarily mean improvisation.
Yeah that's why I put Learn in the little quotie things as people are bound to have different opinions of what 'knowing how to play' means. To me it means literally being able to grab a guitar and a piece of music and start playing it, as most professional musicians can, and as I can't.

For instance say you had some musically inclined friends and you told them you can play guitar and they say ok cool swing on by and we'll jam...Then then hand you the sheet music to play along with....Someone who can play the guitar will play along someone who can't wont.

I think your point is that improvisation = playing but playing does not necessarily mean improvisation.
I think your point is that improvisation = playing but playing does not necessarily mean improvisation.

I agree with that statement. That wasn't what I was getting from stevedave's posts, though, but maybe that's what he meant. Based on what he was saying it seemed like he wouldn't consider a cover band to actually necessarily know how to "play" instruments...
I agree with that statement. That wasn't what I was getting from stevedave's posts, though, but maybe that's what he meant. Based on what he was saying it seemed like he wouldn't consider a cover band to actually necessarily know how to "play" instruments...

Well technically everyone can play the guitar so its all a matter of opinion on what that means. I consider it too mean you can play in a band which to me means you can grab a piece of music and start playing it without the need to memorise the song....assuming its nothing overly complex or improve in a specific key and timing signature.

Depends on who they cover and how they cover them. For instance I could be in a nirvana cover band as long as they didn't change anything up from how the tabs look. However if they said lets change this song to the key of C instead of D or lets play a song I haven't yet memorised or change the timing from 4/4 to 12/8 I'd be screwed. Thus in my mind I really can't play the guitar but rather imitate music on the guitar....Same for piano. I was trying to learn Bach's BWV 847 and my friend who has never even played the piece before was able to play it flawlessly from the sheet music and didn't have to memorise anything....because he can play the piano.

I know for piano they kind of have a skill level system in which you can say I'm a level 5 pianist...not sure if they have something similar for guitar.