To renew or not renew Bitdefender license, that is the question.

Is Microsoft's built-in AV/FW in Windows 10 good enough or do I need something better?

  • Microsoft's solution is fine.

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • Bitdefender rocks, keep paying for it.

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Bitdefender and /or Microsoft sucks - see my recommendation below.

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Who needs security software? I like malware and viruses!

    Votes: 1 7.1%

  • Total voters


Fully [H]
Aug 16, 2004
So my Bitdefenter Total Security license expired today. I always use a discount outlet to get a really good price for multiple computers so the cost should not be that much. Just not sure I really need it or not.

I am contemplating just uninstalling it and using the Windows 10 built in solutions.

I haven't really looked into it lately, so what is your experience and opinion on what I should do?
I don't do a lot of "risky" activity, no linux distro streaming or the like.... but Defender has been plenty enough for my personal rigs.
I'm a typical PC user - I play some games and browse the web on my PC. I don't do any P2P torrenting. Defender has worked perfectly fine for me. I honestly have no use or need for a secondary security suite.

Running Meraki MX at my perimeter w/ AMP and IDS/IPS along with Geo IP blocking. I use OpenDNS and Quad9 for DNS.
Not sure if both of you have voted for Bitdefender.. but it is not the same as Microsoft Defender. Just going by the responses, the votes don't seem to make sense.
Maybe people are voting and not replying?
Even if you don't think Windows Defender is good enough, the idea of actually paying for anti-virus/anti-malware seems crazy. Plenty of free solutions out there that can be used as needed. There is an entire industry that has been built-up around playing on people's fears and making them think they need these expensive security suits on their computers to the extent it's become almost as bad as malware itself these days (especially the crap that gets bundled with things and trying to uninstall it).
Even if you don't think Windows Defender is good enough, the idea of actually paying for anti-virus/anti-malware seems crazy. Plenty of free solutions out there that can be used as needed. There is an entire industry that has been built-up around playing on people's fears and making them think they need these expensive security suits on their computers to the extent it's become almost as bad as malware itself these days (especially the crap that gets bundled with things and trying to uninstall it).

For end-users at home, this is mostly true- for those on the go, you might want to augment the OS, and for enterprises, well, further solutions are needed.

Of course, I'm not speaking just to anti-virus. For anything of high value and / or operating in a relatively contested environment, holistic solutions are recommended.

As for the OP: I don't know enough about BitDefender to make an informed recommendation. I don't use it.
In the age of the 'zero day' it doesn't seem like any signature based AV is enough on its own.
Never used Bitdefender. Picked up Malwarebytes several years back during a sale on their pay once get a forever license deal. (Don't think they offer those anymore.)

If you keep current on security patches, run some type of script and ad blockers, use a standard user account instead of admin, make regular backups and have a properly configured firewall appliance, you are probably fairly safe.

If Bitdefender has some type of standalone scan and remove software as part of their license, might be worth paying just to have a package you can download without having to deal with the crap ware install buttons many of the 'free' solutions offer, even if you don't run it full time. One less thing to deal with while you are trying to clean up an infected machine.
Also never used Bitdefender. But also haven't been using AV since 2004 or so, on any computer I have access to or own, including many VMs. With one exception - a server of a guy I have access, it had Symantec or something and it was once affected by a crypto by using SMB1 on a LAN with disabled firewall!
Following Eickst's opinion I'd rather advise against paying for an AV and if anything, using the built-in Defender is enough. Proactive measures, sensible usage and regular backups is the thing that kept my machines virus free for the last 15 years. Oh, and I must say I use Administrator user on every single one of them. 24/7 most of them. Of course I must say "I don't recommend using admin user like that" :p .
I have used paid for AV for a few years now and before that I used the free versions. I agree that you have to use common sense on the internet which is 99% effective. I just like the comfort in knowing that there is a little extra steps being taken behind the scenes that is helping to keep any of the bad stuff out. As mentioned it is getting a little out of hand how some AV companies try to use scare tactics to get people to upgrade.