time for a new HTPC?

Mar 1, 2004
Hi guys, I have two HTPC's (Athlon 64 X2 5600 Brisbane 2.9ghz, 4GB DDR2, AMD 5450, 64GB SSD, Ethernet connected) that power two 1080p TV's and I have noticed Hulu and Amazon video have begun to chug a bit. Don't get me started on HBOGo. I watch everything in HD and in IE11.

My MKV's play fine so at least there is that but is it just my systems becoming a little long on the tooth or can I do anything to make Hulu and Amazon not chug along. Netflix plays fine btw. The cpu is maxed out as far as upgrades go.

Would something like a "Asus EB1036-B0534 Desktop PC with Intel J1900 ( Quad-Core ) Processor,2GB DDR3L" be better? I ask because I am trying to get a gauge of what would be the minimum I should look for in specs and go up from there should I need to retire the AMD machines.

Thanks in advance.
Probably, I just bought a kabini Baird + cup off egg for 63 shipped. I'll let you know how Netflix and Hulu run at 1080p tomorrow. I imagine most anything will be considerably faster.

Even a penguin anniversary is light years better and rather cheap.
Try Firefox or Chrome. My reasoning is that maybe IE11 isn't offloading the encoding/decoding/playback of HD flash content. The fact that Netflix and MKVs are playing fine show that your GPU is being used for those particular video playback software as without GPU acceleration, Netflix and HD MKV content will play extremely choppy on your current setup.

Also try watching HD youtube vids in IE11 and see what happens.
chrome worked way better than IE. HBOGo is just a tad low on the fps but the improvement is great. hulu and amazon are fine now.

I think that did it. :D