Thinking of going nVidia 780i or possibly x38


Extremely [H]
Mar 19, 2001
Growing increasingly annoyed with flakey quirks of my Asus board, I'm on the verge of tacking it on the wall and swapping it for an nVidia, maybe in a month or so. I have a question maybe someone can answer...

I have a 3Ware 9650SE 4MPL Raid card, it requires a minimum of a PCI-E 4X slot. The nVidia layout has 2 PCI-E 'Generation 2.0' and 1 'Generation 1.0' x 16 slot.

The requirements for the card are PCI-E X4, X8 and X16 and must comply with PCI 1.1 Standards. I am assuming that Generation 1 complies with 1.1 standards. Will the card work in that third slot? The official specs indicate:

PCI Express 2.0 support
62 lanes, 12 links: 3 x16* or 4 x8, 1 x16, 1 x8, 6 x1 *2 x16 are PCI Express Gen 2.0, 1 x16 is PCI Express Gen 1.0
Up to 5 PCI Slots

What the hell does that mean? LOL! If I plug in the Raid card, does it drop the speed of the other two PCI-E slots? It says 3 X 16, so I am hoping no, but I dunno if these PCI-E slots are rigged especially for SLI. At most I 'might' go dual SLI, highly unlikely I would ever bother with three, since even 2 is a longshot. The Asus board tends to drop off that second slot for some reason every once in awhile so sometimes I can't do a warm boot, I have to power down completely and go cold for the Raid card to be acknowledged. Needless to say, its been a damned harrowing affair, with x64 Vista. The onboard MATRIX raid has problems spanning 4 drives as one SATA port consistantly blows up after awhile forcing a rebuild...

The other boards obviously looking at would be x38 (or x48 if it comes out at the time). I'd prefer not going DDR3 yet though if possible. The third PCI-E claims x4 'electrical'. So I don't know what that means either...enlighten me if you can!
Thanks for the input, but I'm pretty sure I will never buy another Asus board again, the main question is the PCI-E layouts and the Raid card...the ability to possibly do SLI comes second after that (and DDR2 for the time being)
Thanks for the input, but I'm pretty sure I will never buy another Asus board again, the main question is the PCI-E layouts and the Raid card...the ability to possibly do SLI comes second after that (and DDR2 for the time being)

ASUS P35 was a bad patch. Their X38 chipsets are awesome and back to their reputation.