Think I'd like COD 5?


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 14, 2002
I need a tiebreaker for a vid card purchase.
The cards I'm interested in (GTX260 216) come with Far Cry 2, COD5, or both. I hear Far Cry 2 sucks due to being repetitive & having a lot of "fetch" missions if I remember right.

I'm not a big shooter fan, but here are my favorites:
Call of Duty 1 (haven't really played the later ones... got COD2 but got distracted by a couple RPGs)
Far Cry
Duke Nukem 3d, because of MP & the laser triggered wall bombs. God I loved using those on my brother.
Basically I like tactical FPS games where it's more about finding cover, hiding in bushes, keeping your head down, and using proper battlefield tactics than how fast I can react. COD 1 was the best of the 3 IMHO.

Think I'd like COD5?
Basically I like tactical FPS games where it's more about finding cover, hiding in bushes, keeping your head down, and using proper battlefield tactics than how fast I can react. COD 1 was the best of the 3 IMHO.

Think I'd like COD5?

I don't know what you mean by "using proper battlefield tactics" but the former three features you listed sounds like you like camping games more than tactical games. So yes you can camp as much as you want in CoD5.
I enjoyed Farcry 2, but there is alot of "fetch" missions. As for COD5, I never played it for the pc, but its really fun for PS3
I don't know what you mean by "using proper battlefield tactics" but the former three features you listed sounds like you like camping games more than tactical games. So yes you can camp as much as you want in CoD5.

Actually, now that I think about it (and not being a soldier) I'm not really sure what I meant by "proper battlefield tactics" other than not charging in and firing a machine gun/rockets/etc. all over the place UT style.

Sounds like I'd probably like it though. Now that you mention it I think I actually do like camping. Sitting around and waiting for a target to show up just gets boring. Yawn. But I do like watching enemy positions and figuring out how to get past them or kill the enemy without getting shot.

I think I'll just get this XFX board that comes with COD5 and FC2:
I may not like FC2, but I'm guessing the two of them together is worth the extra $20 before/$10 after rebates.
If you decide to get CoD5 lmk what servers you play on:) My knife loves campers

15 - 30+ knife only kills per 30 min 32 person server in CoD5 ;) Knifing is the only way to play.
I enjoy playing crouch only/bolt action only servers, sounds like what you're looking for.

Too bad I suck horribly at it.
Too bad I suck horribly at it.

That's ok I'm terrible too. Actually, how's the SP mode in COD5? I don't generally play online since I just don't have enough interest in FPS games to actually get good at them and just get my ass kicked. Once in a while I'll play through a shooter, then go back to strategy games and RPGs.
Far Cry 2:
-no prone
-cant join a match when it has started
-loose unlocked guns at lan games

-has prone
-join a match whenever there is an open spot
-lan play kills count towards leveling up
-easier on the system requirements.
-has zombie mode
-has 4 player co-op
-has more multiplayer modes
CoD on Hardcore mode makes it a lot more like CS:S. it's not all arcady with minimaps and radars showing enemies all over the place. and no HUD as well. CoD5 HC mode is a cross b/w CS and America's Army or Insurgency
my only gripe is the spawning in cod5, sometimes i'll go easily 3-4 deaths with out taking as much as 2 steps before being spawn killed.

but as with all online fps's you take it in stride and knife anyone within reach.
Cod5 blows in my opinion, any rainbow six/ghost recon seems to meet your tactical requirements.

Yeah, Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is a great tactical shooter. GRAW 2 is also a great choice, very underrated. Both are available on the cheap... and graphically don't look particularly dated.
Yeah, Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is a great tactical shooter. GRAW 2 is also a great choice, very underrated. Both are available on the cheap... and graphically don't look particularly dated.

That may be but, R6V2 nor GRAW2 were mentioned as being one of the free games included in the video cards he was choosing from.