The Elder Scrolls 6 Still 'Five+ Years Away'

so Fallout 5 is 10 years away?

Probably. I don't have much interest in TES, never played one. Starfield will scratch a similar itch but still would like to see a Fallout sooner than a decade. Good news is possibly Obsidian may work on a full Fallout game like New Vegas which was considered a "spin off" now that Microsoft owns both.

I know the games are big, but they work seem to work a bit slow. I would be more understanding if they released in a polished state.
Probably. I don't have much interest in TES, never played one. Starfield will scratch a similar itch but still would like to see a Fallout sooner than a decade. Good news is possibly Obsidian may work on a full Fallout game like New Vegas which was considered a "spin off" now that Microsoft owns both.

I know the games are big, but they work seem to work a bit slow. I would be more understanding if they released in a polished state.

Bethesda should split up development and let different teams work on it (like most other studios)...they seem like a big enough company where everyone doesn't need to be working on only one game at a time
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Bethesda should split up development and let different teams work on it (like most other studios)...they seem like a big enough company where everyone doesn't need to be working on only one game at a time

I would rather have all the talent working on one game. If you don't have the people that made the previous games good working on the new game it probably won't be good. Lose enough of the team and it may as well just be an entirely different studio. And the Elder Scrolls name and lore alone isn't enough to make the game good.

We already have an example of that with Elder Scrolls Online. It was made by another studio. It lacks a lot of what made the previous Elder Scrolls games good. I didn't like it at all, it's just a generic MMO with an Elder Scrolls theme instead of an Elder Scrolls game that's an MMO.
Good point, look at Redfail, which suffered from the talented experienced devs at Arkane not working on it bc they'd left
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Starfield being Xbox only on console sent a shock wave through the community. It's the first game in a long time that truly moved the needle for Microsoft. They will allocate resources and demand an accelerated timeline.
Well at least I'll have time to go play the unity remake of Daggerfall before the next game comes out.
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