Suggestions on low cost GUI web development tools?


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 14, 2002
I'm looking for some sort of free/cheap web page design tool to do some prototyping with. I can write HTML by hand no problem, but I'd like something that will let me play around with different looks and layouts with a bit less hassle. In the past I've used Dreamweaver at work, but $400 is a little too much for me right now. Something that generates fairly clean HTML would be nice, as that would save me the hassle of recoding the final versions.

Anyone have any recommendations?
Thanks guys. I think I'll check out Eclipse first and see if it does what I want. After that I'll check out the others. Most of the web related work I've done involves server side Java, so Eclipse would be rather ideal if I start turning pages into .jsps. Of course, this also means I'm kicking myself a little for not thinking of Eclipse. That IDE has a plugin for just about everything.
Expression Studio Express creates really clean code, Webmatrix does too though I have no first hand experience.