"Stepped" caps lock on Cherry MX Blue / Ducky keyboard

A few of the vendors linked in the Vendor Forums (Geekhack) use to carry double-shot stepped-caps lock keys with a centered stem (needed for most standard Cherry MX boards that don't come with a stepped-caps lock stock), but I don't see the keys listed any more. You could ask around on that site (Geekhack), you should get some answers as well.
Great, thank you both for your replies. It sounds like aside from mods, this place might sell one:

...though they don't seem to have any in stock at the moment. Hopefully they will eventually. If anyone is aware of any other supplier, please feel free to post. :)
The reason the caps lock usually has a step on it is because it is in an easy spot to hit and you rarely actually want to hit it. You know what key is hard to hit but you use quite frequently? The backspace.

You should switch the outputs for the backspace and caps lock around. I did this about a year ago. It took about a day of getting used to but after I was used to it I loved it.
The reason the caps lock usually has a step on it is because it is in an easy spot to hit and you rarely actually want to hit it. You know what key is hard to hit but you use quite frequently? The backspace.

You should switch the outputs for the backspace and caps lock around. I did this about a year ago. It took about a day of getting used to but after I was used to it I loved it.

You could just as easily mod the Caps Lock key to be stiffer as well, being that it is a mechanical board. I had planned on doing this, but not currently having access to a decent soldering iron and stiffer springs kind of prevents that.
The purpose/location of the caps lock key doesn't bother me FWIW. I've simply found that I use the stepped area as another way to "guide" my left hand on the keyboard. I know that's the purpose of the little bumps on the f and j keys, but I've found that having the extra point of reference is helpful :)