Is it region locked? I can't find it on steam at all.
Might be, since they license 3rd party ip for the tables.
I figured it out you can't find the package on steam, you have to search for the base game Pinball FX3, and the free pack will show up as a DLC on the game's page, there is no individual listing for it.
So it looks like the game itself is FTP...
I got excited that a game is finally as easy to get as downloading off an FTP server...and then I realized it was a different acronym. :(

As a note you can just hit "install" on that DLC pack and it'll add to your library without installing so it can sit in your backlog for the next 5 years before you get around to playing it.
I did play it for 10 minutes, but it was a pretty meh experience. This IP based manufactured stuff lacks any soul. I'd take good old pinball dreams/fantasies/illusions any day over this.
hATED IT... Freemium in-game store annoying front-end experience.
Might have cause to be upset if I'd actually paid anything. Pins themselves
are allright-ish. Eyesores I suppose. Too much animation, too little pinball.

I own a now fully restored Williams Black Knight (1980).
I've also done a bit of work in VPinball/VPinMAME.
If you already have Pinball FX3 but don't have some of the specific tables in the care package, go to the steam page for the care package and select "Download Now" - it will add the missing DLC tables for you for free.