Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

Who are you guys trying to convince here? Everyone knows the state of the game, including people who bought into it. Some people are clearly having fun with the alpha PTU stuff, despite the unfinished state.

I feel like people are trying to white-knight against Chris Roberts, who? We all know what he's about.

We are here to make sure he doesn't have it easy recruiting new fools. That requires Endless Vigilance

If you have no detractors, then everyone else will buy your sales pitch.
We are here to make sure he doesn't have it easy recruiting new fools. That requires Endless Vigilance

If you put money into this at this point without doing ANY basic research on the history of the development, I'm sorry, you deserve to have your money taken.
If you put money into this at this point without doing ANY basic research on the history of the development, I'm sorry, you deserve to have your money taken.
Just bcause I was too smart to invest money doesn't mean I'm NOT still interested in a Finished Product. That is also the only reason I care enough to post here.

I'm waiting for Chris to get kicked-off, and the remaining team hack-out the next Freelancer (a solid game that I still play to this day).

You don't have to preorder a video game to have a vested interest in when/how it is released.
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I guess it's also quite possible to want the game to succeed and to think that the way that it's being managed is fucking dreadful.
I think most of us are in that same boat - but coming on here and shitting on both backers AND CR isn't really doing anything toward that goal.

If you want to flog Chris Roberts, spam him with emails or go to the official forums or something (doubtful that he reads them, though). He surely isn't reading this forum.
Friendly reminder that Chris Roberts has been working on the new roadmap l, for the 8 year old alpha that is SC, for over 8 months now with no sign of releasing said roadmap anytime soon.
Just bcause I was too smart to invest money doesn't mean I'm NOT still interested in a Finished Product. That is also the only reason I care enough to post here.

I'm waiting for Chris to get kicked-off, and the remaining team hack-out the next Freelancer (a solid game that I still play to this day).

You don't have to preorder a video game to have a vested interest in when/how it is released.
And who is going to kick him off? He's the head honcho and everyone else at his personal board table are hand picked loyalists that would never turn on him because they are being paid. I get what you want to see happen but The ship is going to have to be burning and sinking rapidly before that might happen. Its no where near that right now. Millions coming in monthly so I dont see it happening. Personally I think the money has to dry up before you see any kind of management change and that's not looking very likely either. This is going to go on for a long time to come I think.
And who is going to kick him off? He's the head honcho and everyone else at his personal board table are hand picked loyalists that would never turn on him because they are being paid. I get what you want to see happen but The ship is going to have to be burning and sinking rapidly before that might happen. Its no where near that right now. Millions coming in monthly so I dont see it happening. Personally I think the money has to dry up before you see any kind of management change and that's not looking very likely either. This is going to go on for a long time to come I think.

Well yes, I'm still hoping to convince enough Star Citizen Superfans to revolt :D

If you tell the truth to people, they will eventually hear it (remember the Protestant Reformation?) Big changes can eventually happen under the rule of the world's stupidest control-freak

It sounds impossible, but without counter-faith, there can be no counter-movement.
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I think most of us are in that same boat - but coming on here and shitting on both backers AND CR isn't really doing anything toward that goal.

If you want to flog Chris Roberts, spam him with emails or go to the official forums or something (doubtful that he reads them, though). He surely isn't reading this forum.
I don't think people are posting here in the hope that CR reads their thoughts, chief. They're posting here for the same reason that everyone else does - they are shooting the shit with likeminded others :)

Just like I don't think people who are coming on here and praising the game are doing so to give ol' Chris a shot in the arm and to encourage him to keep up the good work.
I don't think people are posting here in the hope that CR reads their thoughts, chief. They're posting here for the same reason that everyone else does - they are shooting the shit with likeminded others :)

Just like I don't think people who are coming on here and praising the game are doing so to give ol' Chris a shot in the arm and to encourage him to keep up the good work.
It all adds up.
Once again, it looks like Elite Dangerous is steadily creeping towards what Star Citizen keeps promising... only with an actual functional game instead of roadmaps of roadmaps.

If this keeps up, ED may eventually completely flush out the unrealized and ever in development dream that is Star Citizen.
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Once again, it looks like Elite Dangerous is steadily creeping towards what Star Citizen keeps promising... only with an actual functional game instead of roadmaps of roadmaps.

If this keeps up, ED may eventually completely flush out the unrealized and ever in development dream that is Star Citizen.

I dunno what the depth/scale will be like, but god damn
Once again, it looks like Elite Dangerous is steadily creeping towards what Star Citizen keeps promising... only with an actual functional game instead of roadmaps of roadmaps.

If this keeps up, ED may eventually completely flush out the unrealized and ever in development dream that is Star Citizen.

That looks amazing, it's been a while since I played ED but this makes me want to play again.
I think most of us are in that same boat - but coming on here and shitting on both backers AND CR isn't really doing anything toward that goal.

If you want to flog Chris Roberts, spam him with emails or go to the official forums or something (doubtful that he reads them, though). He surely isn't reading this forum.

I lead a spam/troll session with my 2 accounts and 2 other friends for the shits and giggles in the chat room like 5 years back and got banned until 2022 from the community forums/chatroom for it, well jokes on them because my ban will be up before ScamCitizen ever releases! Bahahahahahaha:woot: #banmeagainbitch :troll::ROFLMAO::hilarious::dead:

Also own ED so if that become what SC was supposed to be then good!
Besides Chris Roberts, I was one of the few that actually made money from SC. After disappearing for a year, I came back in 2014 and saw that ZERO progress was made for a product that was supposed to ship in 2014. I put all of my LTI ships on the grey market and made some serious bank.

When refunds opened up, I was able to recover my base package ( I think it was $250). The only thing I was out was a years worth of fees as a subscriber, but overall I still made a decent amount of money.
I remember back around the beginning of December 2018 they said how they were going to go ahead push ahead on SQ42. To me that signified that there were going to start making the game (Yeah i know they said they started years before but I dont believe they really did). So they started in 2019 because they didnt do crap during the 2018 holidays. So how long does it take to do a triple AAA game? Used to be around 3 years but nowadays its more like 5-7 years on average. So if they truly started in 2019 + 5-7 years = 2024-2026? Now this is just me speculating, take it with a huge block of salt, but I dont believe they truly got serious about SQ42 until 2019 despite all the things they said before. It ain't coming out for a long time still. This is a CR project though so nothing normal with his work.
I remember back around the beginning of December 2018 they said how they were going to go ahead push ahead on SQ42. To me that signified that there were going to start making the game (Yeah i know they said they started years before but I dont believe they really did). So they started in 2019 because they didnt do crap during the 2018 holidays. So how long does it take to do a triple AAA game? Used to be around 3 years but nowadays its more like 5-7 years on average. So if they truly started in 2019 + 5-7 years = 2024-2026? Now this is just me speculating, take it with a huge block of salt, but I dont believe they truly got serious about SQ42 until 2019 despite all the things they said before. It ain't coming out for a long time still. This is a CR project though so nothing normal with his work.
Lol, Chris Roberts said he played the entire sq42 game back in 2016, someone else at CIG said they played the entire game in 2018ish, Chris Roberts said the game would be entering beta this quarter.

Now let's not forget that for the last 3-4 years that people have been saying that SC development has been so slow because if SQ42 development.

Whats really sad, is that CR won't give an honest answer and just tell backers (like he promised) what is going on. Now he is once again absolijg himself of providing meaningful, complete, and truthful information with his latest letter.

Edit: You are right about this being a CR project, and the only reason any CR project has finished is if a publisher has forced him out and taken over, a publisher that doesn't exist this time.
I feel like the disastrous launch of Cyberpunk 2077 gave CR an epic hard on. In his release he implies "you wouldn't want anther CP77 would you?". Except so much time has passed that isn't really a valid excuse especially when the game has been played through as fearthecow stated.
Once again, it looks like Elite Dangerous is steadily creeping towards what Star Citizen keeps promising... only with an actual functional game instead of roadmaps of roadmaps.

If this keeps up, ED may eventually completely flush out the unrealized and ever in development dream that is Star Citizen.

I bet CR hopes to same...

I'll have to give it a shot again, after 40hours of gameplay, I ran out of things to do, and grinding for a bigger ship seemd pointless.
I am curious as to how the supporters feel about SQ42 going from being in beta this year to not having a release date, particularly since the game was supposedly finished in 2016.
Annoyed, but 80% don't care. I'm still having some fun in the open world when I have the time, and that's the big problem for me- the game is pretty slow moving on many levels.
I dont own SQ 42, and it was never anything I cared about, so......

Doesnt affect me at all! :D

As Dwolvin said though, I havent played lately because Im on a planet in a city - to get to doing anything with my Cat, I have 10-20 min to get into a cockpit, 5-10 to takeoff and break atmosphere in my glorified 18 wheeler, 10-30 to get to somewhere with enough stuff to buy to make it worth it, and 10-30min to get to a selling point to sell what I picked up. Time to pickup and sell can increase vastly based on what I choose to get and if I have to fly near a planet or moon surface, with a ship that slows down like that clip of Clark Griswold going down the snow hill on his custom lubed saucer and thus I have to fly at maneuver speed of ~150-200 instead of 900+ because it wont slow down when it counts and I dont want to plow into the ground (as I have when impatient and lost a *lot* of money several times). Best case, haul scrap from an R&R to PO, which is ~20 min run.... and literally pays pennies lol

Right now I have very severe ADD, and am having trouble devoting more than 15-30 min at a time to anything. And with the state of SC, I dont trust doing things in stages, as theres always a chance something will go fucky when Im offline and I either restard in city, find my cargo bay empty, etc etc etc...

Plus side is, when I can keep my head focused, I can make so much money in 2 hours or so that its a joke lol
I am curious as to how the supporters feel about SQ42 going from being in beta this year to not having a release date, particularly since the game was supposedly finished in 2016.
At this point I don't really care - if it comes out and is decent, cool, if not, I've been over it for a few years now. I only ever bought the base package so I'm not out a lot of money, and I've messed around in the PTU a bit so it's not like I got nothing out of it.

That said, the only thing I ever wanted out of any of this was a worthy Wing Commander sequel, but at this point who knows if we'll ever get that.
I dont own SQ 42, and it was never anything I cared about, so......

Doesnt affect me at all! :D

It isn't so much that SQ42 is delayed, but rather the length of the delay and the status. Considering they won't release SQ42 until all major systems are done for SC, that should be concerning. It means they have no idea when the core systems of SC will be ready. It is the end of 2020 and they're back to "we have no idea".
They shouldn't need all systems, just the ones you go through in the storyline. But that isn't saying much.

On the plus side, I picked up a webcam, and I'm excited to mess around a bit with it and SC this weekend.
It isn't so much that SQ42 is delayed, but rather the length of the delay and the status. Considering they won't release SQ42 until all major systems are done for SC, that should be concerning. It means they have no idea when the core systems of SC will be ready. It is the end of 2020 and they're back to "we have no idea".

They don’t make money by having plans and being accountable. If they actually published feature and core system roadmaps, all it would do is make it more obvious they are missing dates. Plus is they released SQ42 and it sucked, it could dramatically hurt future fundraising.
It isn't so much that SQ42 is delayed, but rather the length of the delay and the status. Considering they won't release SQ42 until all major systems are done for SC, that should be concerning. It means they have no idea when the core systems of SC will be ready. It is the end of 2020 and they're back to "we have no idea".

Again, I know all the details of the game and its history, I just dont care. I backed this game in 3.2 for what could be done at the time, I have invested slight amounts here and there to improve ships I own until I got my Cat, all based on things I can do *the moment I bought the ship or upgrade*. Why do I care about other things being added or how long it will take? They dont affect what I want to do right now. All they can do is improve what I can do now, when Im already happy with what I can do. If you have bought into the game after the first 2-3 years of funding and didnt know what to expect, thats your own fault. If someone funded in the beginning, they should be able to get a full refund if they choose to, but if they keep going, its their own fault if they dont understand how things function at this point in time and how bad the development is.

*I never backed the game based on promises, I backed it based on what could be done when I laid out my money. Anyone who backed after the PTU was released should have done the same, or should know what they got into if they did it for "promises". Earlier backers should be allowed to get their money back and be allowed to bitch. Thats all there is to it.*

The fact that they have been talking of server meshing for 3 years and still have a 50 player cap should tell anyone *everything* they need to know about the core tech.
It isn't so much that SQ42 is delayed, but rather the length of the delay and the status.

I have invested slight amounts here and there to improve ships I own

The longer they delay, the more they can milk out of their fanbase. Seems pretty obvious, from the outside looking in.