Star Citizen Discounts Game Packages after Making Over $7,000,000 in Nine Days


Aug 20, 2006
Cloud Imperium Games invited curious spacefarers to try out Star Citizen for free last week through its “2018 Free Flight Event,” and the trial has evidently been very successful: the game’s crowdfunding campaign managed to increase by over $7M in just nine days, suggesting a substantial rise in both citizens and general interest in the alpha-stage title. Roberts is celebrating by discounting all Anniversary 2018 Game Packages ("which include a ship, the game itself, and 72 months of insurance for the ship") by $10.

Basically, each of those packages lets you get into the current alpha and play the game when it launches. The one caveat is that they only include access to the persistent universe, while the single-player campaign Squadron 42 has to be purchased separately or as part of a Combo Package. The Free Fly Event and the release of alpha 3.3.5 with the first full-fledged planet have certainly proved to be a strong driver for Star Citizen’s crowdfunding campaign. Over seven million dollars have been pledged in nine days, bringing the total tally to $207,980,408 and 2,182,729 registered users.
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Our grandchildren might have a chance. Of seeing the launch.

CAn you view the actual registered user count somewhere? I'm wondering how much of that 7 million were actual new users, as opposed to the whales being whales.
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Two things have kept me from investing in this title thus far.

1.) I'm still not convinced this will ever actually launch and be a finished product. I'm remembering the date of Curt Shilling's game startup.

2.) Even if successful, I don't have enough the time to become a professional space pilot. After how much I lived Privateer in the early 90's, I could see myself becoming hopelessly addicted to something like this. It's better if I start away.

That, and "Ship Insurance"? Really? This is starting to sound a little much like the drudgeries of real life. Am I going to have to negotiate a health insurance package for my crew too? Liability insurance? Will my character have to make sure he makes it to his regular annual doctors appointments and dental cleanings?
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Two things have kept me from investing in this title thus far.

1.) I'm still not convinced this will ever actually launch and be a finished product. I'm remembering the date of Curt Shilling's game startup.

2.) Even if successful, I don't have enough the time to become a professional space pilot. After how much I lived Privateer in the early 90's, I could see myself becoming hopelessly addicted to something like this. It's better if I start away.

That, and "Ship Insurance"? Really? This is starting to sound a little much like the drudgeries of real life. Am I going to have to negotiate a health insurance package for my crew to? Liability insurance? Will my character have to make sure he makes it to his regular annual doctors appointments and dental cleanings?
and oil changes every 3 light years,
part of me hopes this game never comes out, and continues to print money. There is no way its going to live up to its hype.
Two things have kept me from investing in this title thus far.

1.) I'm still not convinced this will ever actually launch and be a finished product. I'm remembering the date of Curt Shilling's game startup.

2.) Even if successful, I don't have enough the time to become a professional space pilot. After how much I lived Privateer in the early 90's, I could see myself becoming hopelessly addicted to something like this. It's better if I start away.

That, and "Ship Insurance"? Really? This is starting to sound a little much like the drudgeries of real life. Am I going to have to negotiate a health insurance package for my crew too? Liability insurance? Will my character have to make sure he makes it to his regular annual doctors appointments and dental cleanings?

The craziest saddest part of this entire Roberts scam....

This game already exists. Its everything roberts has promised... and its been around for 15 years.

People want to be able to loose their ships.... want to run their own in game scams... wanna play space pirate / marine / do gooder / miner / explorer / space trucker / space bean counter / space griefer. Eve already offers all of that.... its engine has been updated countless times and looks very nice if eye candy is the issue, its Free to Play if you are a masochist... and even if you pay its 1000x cheaper then Roberts scam sink hole of donations. Best of All ITS REAL. (hell they even added Joystick flight controls when back when SC launched its first playable tech demo) Not to pile on but its also using far superior net code that allows for 1000s v 1000s player battles... something that will just never be possible with roberts scam. (even if they are actually working on it... which they are not)

I really never got how people go suckered into this one... the perfect space game everyone (ok space game fans) drools about has been here for 15 years. What is crazy is people believing Roberts was going to somehow launch the "hardcore" space shooter where you need insurance for your ride, but somehow it was going to be friendlier and less troll heavy as 15 year strong eve. I have talked to some gaming friends that have got suckered... and its always no no its going to be way better then Eve cause X or Y, and person X will be convinced there won't be no "Space pirate trolls like Eve", and person Y will say "ya I'm going to be able to play space pirate just like Eve but the tears will be so much tastier." The whole thing is too sad to be funny.
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The craziest saddest part of this entire Roberts scam....

This game already exists. Its everything roberts has promised... and its been around for 15 years.

People want to be able to loose their ships.... want to run their own in game scams... wanna play space pirate / marine / do gooder / miner / explorer / space trucker / space bean counter / space griefer. Eve already offers all of that.... its engine has been updated countless times and looks very nice if eye candy is the issue, its Free to Play if you are a masochist... and even if you pay its 1000x cheaper then Roberts scam sink hole of donations. Best of All ITS REAL. (hell they even added Joystick flight controls when back when SC launched its first playable tech demo) Not to pile on but its also using far superior net code that allows for 1000s v 1000s player battles... something that will just never be possible with roberts scam. (even if they are actually working on it... which they are not)

I really never got how people go suckered into this one... the perfect space game everyone (ok space game fans) drools about has been here for 15 years. What is crazy is people believing Roberts was going to somehow launch the "hardcore" space shooter where you need insurance for your ride, but somehow it was going to be friendlier and less troll heavy as 15 year strong eve. I have talked to some gaming friends that have got suckered... and its always no no its going to be way better then Eve cause X or Y, and person X will be convinced there won't be no "Space pirate trolls like Eve", and person Y will say "ya I'm going to be able to play space pirate just like Eve but the tears will be so much tastier." The whole thing is too sad to be funny.

Star Citizen play NOTHING like eve.

That's like comparing Company of Heros to Battlefield V.

I tried to get in on the freebie weekend just to see if it was worth getting involved in, but the patcher hung, repeatedly over the three days, and I was never able to try it. Now once the weekend was over, I was able to patch just fine, which tells me the company wasn't ready, which tells me to stay away.
Just make sure you listen to this song in another tab while you read any news about Star Citizen:
I think its hilarious u kids talking shit about Chris Roberts. u wouldnt say this stuff to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol
I think its hilarious u kids talking shit about Chris Roberts. u wouldnt say this stuff to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol

I know rite? Y'all wouldn't download a ship now, would you?!
no way im buying this game before release and a clear look at the pay2win aspect of it, because as time goes by, it becomes evident that playing this game would get quickly frustrating without shelling out a 100$ a month to stay competitive.
I think its hilarious u kids talking shit about Chris Roberts. u wouldnt say this stuff to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol

I would too if I had other people's money to spend wantonly.
no way im buying this game before release and a clear look at the pay2win aspect of it, because as time goes by, it becomes evident that playing this game would get quickly frustrating without shelling out a 100$ a month to stay competitive.

That's kinda the point. Let's say the game comes out and is amazing. If the people that have spent hundreds, or thousands, of dollars on ships and insurance do not feel like they have a tremendous advantage for doing so, they will revolt. On the flip side, very few people are going to be interested in really getting invested if there is a large component of the game that paid to win.
I was a skeptic, even to the point I was considering fighting for a refund. Another gaming friend said he would buy all my ships so I had a way out regardless, he also said wait for the game to be patched. I waited, and the game got patched, new content also arrived. There is definitely more now to the game now, and things do look promising. I will say from a project management standpoint, there is a lot of room for improvement. Had they focused on making just Star Citizen and not two games we'd probably had seen more progress. Keep in mind, they are working on two projects here.

Needless to say, my mind is changed for the time being and I am impressed with what I've seen so far. The detail and sheer scale of their new landing zone Lorville and planet Hurston still amazes me. Lorville feels like you're almost playing inside of a movie. The environment, music, everything about it, and that is just one area! This level of content takes a lot of time and effort to create.
I was a skeptic, even to the point I was considering fighting for a refund. Another gaming friend said he would buy all my ships so I had a way out regardless, he also said wait for the game to be patched. I waited, and the game got patched, new content also arrived. There is definitely more now to the game now, and things do look promising. I will say from a project management standpoint, there is a lot of room for improvement. Had they focused on making just Star Citizen and not two games we'd probably had seen more progress. Keep in mind, they are working on two projects here.

Needless to say, my mind is changed for the time being and I am impressed with what I've seen so far. The detail and sheer scale of their new landing zone Lorville and planet Hurston still amazes me. Lorville feels like you're almost playing inside of a movie. The environment, music, everything about it, and that is just one area! This level of content takes a lot of time and effort to create.

People selling amway keep telling everyone its not a pyramid scheme.
Two things have kept me from investing in this title thus far.

1.) I'm still not convinced this will ever actually launch and be a finished product. I'm remembering the date of Curt Shilling's game startup.

2.) Even if successful, I don't have enough the time to become a professional space pilot. After how much I lived Privateer in the early 90's, I could see myself becoming hopelessly addicted to something like this. It's better if I start away.

That, and "Ship Insurance"? Really? This is starting to sound a little much like the drudgeries of real life. Am I going to have to negotiate a health insurance package for my crew too? Liability insurance? Will my character have to make sure he makes it to his regular annual doctors appointments and dental cleanings?

Same. I like playing games like the Evochron series or Pioneer Space Sim now and then, but these games are ultimately limited in the sense that there's only so much space trading and dogfighting you can do before it becomes a chore. I find Kerbal Space Program to be far more fun than any of these sort of games thanks to it's building and exploring mechanics, and there are only 6 planets with a handful of moons in KSP.

I'm not really sure what Star Citizen is trying to be, how their vague promises of 'emergent online gameplay' are going to work out, or how this isn't going to be a pay-to-win title for whales. They should have started with a single-player campaign or something.
I was a skeptic, even to the point I was considering fighting for a refund. Another gaming friend said he would buy all my ships so I had a way out regardless, he also said wait for the game to be patched. I waited, and the game got patched, new content also arrived. There is definitely more now to the game now, and things do look promising. I will say from a project management standpoint, there is a lot of room for improvement. Had they focused on making just Star Citizen and not two games we'd probably had seen more progress. Keep in mind, they are working on two projects here.

Needless to say, my mind is changed for the time being and I am impressed with what I've seen so far. The detail and sheer scale of their new landing zone Lorville and planet Hurston still amazes me. Lorville feels like you're almost playing inside of a movie. The environment, music, everything about it, and that is just one area! This level of content takes a lot of time and effort to create.

You get they haven't created a new game engine... or new network code. Its all licenced code. All they have to do is create content.

If what they have now is 200 MILLION dollars worth of content, oh my. For the money they have burned already Disney could have shot two marvel movies. Roberts has burned millions more then it cost Disney to make a live action Jungle book flick... and the army of animators, and big name acting talent involved with that, MPC and Weta worked on that movie for over a year (with 3x the staff of CIG) even creating brand new software to get the job done. Still they spent 170 million complete.

If you really really like your friend keep your ships and take your lumps.

If your friend is more a "friend" unload everything while you can.

What you are looking at over there is the most expensive tech demo ever made. Roberts produces games the exact same way he produced movies. Using 10% of the funds to finish the project... and using the rest as collateral to secure even more money in the form of loans. If you can secure new funding to make payments on the loans you can pad your own bank accounts quite well, creating shell companies to leasing yourself your own equipment and property. Hell you can even insure your project if you do it right. I mean sure perhaps he isn't doing that again... I mean his previous movie partners went to prison for doing exactly that. But I'm sure Roberts knew nothing about the 100s of millions circling his movie projects, and I'm sure all 200+ million he has been gifted for SC has went into content creation. lol (when he started showing off offices and stuff... instead of being impressed folks should of asked what is the legal name of and who is the owner of the company leasing that space to CIG... 1000 to 1 its owned by his brother GF mistress or mother. lol)
The craziest saddest part of this entire Roberts scam....

This game already exists. Its everything roberts has promised... and its been around for 15 years.

People want to be able to loose their ships.... want to run their own in game scams... wanna play space pirate / marine / do gooder / miner / explorer / space trucker / space bean counter / space griefer. Eve already offers all of that.... its engine has been updated countless times and looks very nice if eye candy is the issue, its Free to Play if you are a masochist... and even if you pay its 1000x cheaper then Roberts scam sink hole of donations. Best of All ITS REAL. (hell they even added Joystick flight controls when back when SC launched its first playable tech demo) Not to pile on but its also using far superior net code that allows for 1000s v 1000s player battles... something that will just never be possible with roberts scam. (even if they are actually working on it... which they are not)

I remember the first time I played EVE Online. I went driving my ship out into space and a dude drove up and said "Hey your not in a Corp, join ours. Its in the far reaches of space but we will help you get there." Of course after joining I found out they were a huge corp that were pirates overall but damn it was fun playing as a bad guy or even a miner and having people come to my rescue within seconds if enemies showed up.
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The craziest saddest part of this entire Roberts scam....

This game already exists. Its everything roberts has promised... and its been around for 15 years.

People want to be able to loose their ships.... want to run their own in game scams... wanna play space pirate / marine / do gooder / miner / explorer / space trucker / space bean counter / space griefer. Eve already offers all of that.... its engine has been updated countless times and looks very nice if eye candy is the issue, its Free to Play if you are a masochist... and even if you pay its 1000x cheaper then Roberts scam sink hole of donations. Best of All ITS REAL. (hell they even added Joystick flight controls when back when SC launched its first playable tech demo) Not to pile on but its also using far superior net code that allows for 1000s v 1000s player battles... something that will just never be possible with roberts scam. (even if they are actually working on it... which they are not)

I really never got how people go suckered into this one... the perfect space game everyone (ok space game fans) drools about has been here for 15 years. What is crazy is people believing Roberts was going to somehow launch the "hardcore" space shooter where you need insurance for your ride, but somehow it was going to be friendlier and less troll heavy as 15 year strong eve. I have talked to some gaming friends that have got suckered... and its always no no its going to be way better then Eve cause X or Y, and person X will be convinced there won't be no "Space pirate trolls like Eve", and person Y will say "ya I'm going to be able to play space pirate just like Eve but the tears will be so much tastier." The whole thing is too sad to be funny.
All I want is WC 5 (I'm going to pretend the actual WC5 never was released). I want a space opera, not a space sim. He's clearly go the video stuff done. Not sure why they're wasting time on an MMO. Get the fracking single player game out. Relase the MMO some other time. Till it's released, I'll just laugh at everyone spending hundreds of dollars on pictures of ships.
Just here for the inevitable fireworks.
All I want is WC 5 (I'm going to pretend the actual WC5 never was released). I want a space opera, not a space sim. He's clearly go the video stuff done. Not sure why they're wasting time on an MMO. Get the fracking single player game out. Relase the MMO some other time. Till it's released, I'll just laugh at everyone spending hundreds of dollars on pictures of ships.

I have to admit, after seeing this trailer,

had it not been for the trailer's title, I would have thought that Wing Commander was making a come back. Complete with Blair.

Prophecy was not that bad really. Some of the acting was not up to the, rather middling, standards of Heart of the Tiger, or Price of Freedom, but it was not that bad. The flight sim aspect had few changes from 1 all the way through 5, so the series was fairly consistent. There was little new to learn when it came to that part of the WC games.