Standard Benchmark for BF3 Coming?


Sep 9, 2002
Has anyone released a standard benchmark for BF3 yet?

I want to test with and without CF enabled but it seems like everyone is using different levels to benchmark with.
I haven't been able to get crossfire working yet with my dual 6870's in BF3. I've used every driver since 11.9, all preview drivers, and the new 11.10 WHQL, and CAP 3 and 4 and still don't see any crossfire usage when using MSI Afterburner to check GPU usage.

Thanks goodness the game still runs great using only one 6870 GPU, but I still want crossfire to work. I don't understand why it doesn't when it works fine in BF Bad Company 2. In fact, I might try to force the BFBC2 crossfire profile through RadeonPro today and see if that helps.
I haven't been able to get crossfire working yet with my dual 6870's in BF3. I've used every driver since 11.9, all preview drivers, and the new 11.10 WHQL, and CAP 3 and 4 and still don't see any crossfire usage when using MSI Afterburner to check GPU usage.

Thanks goodness the game still runs great using only one 6870 GPU, but I still want crossfire to work. I don't understand why it doesn't when it works fine in BF Bad Company 2. In fact, I might try to force the BFBC2 crossfire profile through RadeonPro today and see if that helps.
Have you tried Alt-Tabbing back into it? I've heard that solves Crossfire not working for some.
Has anyone released a standard benchmark for BF3 yet?

I want to test with and without CF enabled but it seems like everyone is using different levels to benchmark with.

I find BF3 to be a pretty good representation of performance in BF3.

Why not just use the real thing, and record framerate over time in real-time in a real level? That's the best comparison you can make between CFX off and on.
I find BF3 to be a pretty good representation of performance in BF3.

Why not just use the real thing, and record framerate over time in real-time in a real level? That's the best comparison you can make between CFX off and on.

+1 to this..for some reason people make things much more difficult than they need to be.
+1 to this..for some reason people make things much more difficult than they need to be.

No, they want to make it easier for themselves by eliminating all of the variables except the one they are testing. If you are rendering the same thing for both tests it will give you a much better (more accurate) comparison between the two cards.
No, they want to make it easier for themselves by eliminating all of the variables except the one they are testing. If you are rendering the same thing for both tests it will give you a much better (more accurate) comparison between the two cards.

I played a level with certain settings on and then with those settings off. That gave me a decent indication.
I haven't been able to get crossfire working yet with my dual 6870's in BF3. I've used every driver since 11.9, all preview drivers, and the new 11.10 WHQL, and CAP 3 and 4 and still don't see any crossfire usage when using MSI Afterburner to check GPU usage.

For what it's worth, using Crossfired Twin Frozr II 6950's with Preview 3 currently and no problems with Crossfire performance at all, everything but Deferred AA maxed at 1920x1200. Been meaning to update to WHQL and Cap 4's just for the hell of it, but putting in long work days just means I want to go home and blow up people for a couple rounds before I crawl off to bed. ;)
For what it's worth, using Crossfired Twin Frozr II 6950's with Preview 3 currently and no problems with Crossfire performance at all, everything but Deferred AA maxed at 1920x1200. Been meaning to update to WHQL and Cap 4's just for the hell of it, but putting in long work days just means I want to go home and blow up people for a couple rounds before I crawl off to bed. ;)

I know man, everything says its supposed to be fixed with Catalyst 11.10 preview 3 or the WHQL but mine isn't and I can't figure out why. I may try the Alt-Tab trick in a few minutes and see if that does it.
No, they want to make it easier for themselves by eliminating all of the variables except the one they are testing. If you are rendering the same thing for both tests it will give you a much better (more accurate) comparison between the two cards.

+1 to this..for some reason people make things much more difficult than they need to be.

I stand by my statement. He has play the game with both cards and then again with only a single card. How much simpler can it friggin get? :eek:
I agree with what you are saying but putting numbers on things helps me understand what's going on better.
I think an easy way to simplify this comparison is to just keep your eye on only minimum framerates. I think the lowest I've ever seen with my 6950 CF rig @ 1920x1200 ultra 2XMSAA FXAA High setup is about 55 FPS.
I understand I can test using the game and CF vs no CF, but I would still like a standard benchmark to compare my rig with others like other games have ( AVP, Batman AA, Crysis, etc..)