Spyder4 Pro Question


Suspected BAD TRADER
Feb 23, 2008
I've calibrated my displaying using the Spyder 4 Pro. I had to format my computer and I'm wondering now if I still need to install the spyder 4 pro utility and run it again? I still have the same settings color wise for RGB in the monitor's on screen menu and just wasn't sure if I needed to install and run the software again.

Yes. With the exception of a few monitors (like the NEC PA series, some of Eizo's ColorEdge series, the Dell 3014, and so on) you don't actually calibrate the monitor, other than adjusting some of the settings. The corrections are done on the video cards for the specific curve corrections. That means you need to have their software to calibrate that and load it up.

Now, if you don't want those, if you just wanted to use it to balance your white point and such, then you can leave it off. However if you want the full correction it does, you need it on there and running.
You don't actually need "their" software, but you do need "some" software and the original ICM profile that "their" software created when you calibrated the monitor last time. If you saved the ICM profile from your original installation (C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\color\your_icm_profile.icm), then you could get away with a third party tool that can load the video LUT ("lookup table") information into the card. But this is all rather complex -- in a nutshell, your best bet is to, indeed, load up the software and re-calibrate.
Theoretically you should be recalibrating on a regular basis anyways as LCDs and backlighting degrades over time.
If you have the color profile it created, that's all you need. Simply load it up in Color Management.
Yes. With the exception of a few monitors (like the NEC PA series, some of Eizo's ColorEdge series, the Dell 3014, and so on) you don't actually calibrate the monitor, other than adjusting some of the settings. The corrections are done on the video cards for the specific curve corrections. That means you need to have their software to calibrate that and load it up.

Now, if you don't want those, if you just wanted to use it to balance your white point and such, then you can leave it off. However if you want the full correction it does, you need it on there and running.

Does it include the Dell 2713H aswell? Which i don't have to calibrate the monitor?