Sony Has Announced the 20 Game Lineup for the PlayStation Classic


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Sony has announced the 20 classic PlayStation games that will be preloaded onto the PlayStation Classic when it launches on December 3, 2018 for $99.99. A few of the fan favorites are Metal Gear Solid, Wild Arms, Cool Boarders 2, Mr Driller, and Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo.

PlayStation Classic offers these 20 amazing games, two controllers, and many hours of fun. Don't miss your chance to own a piece of gaming history -- pre-order PlayStation Classic now to reserve yours for its release on December 3rd.
I have a suggestion. I of course mean newer emulators, but never forget.

happy i hung onto my ps3 phat.

even when/if i have an itch to play older games, i can take solace in having a fully hardware accelerated experience, complete with upscaling and otheros.

admittedly i'm going to have to check and see if psnet and an otheros-compatible (homebrew) firmware can still coexist. if they can: even better since ill be able to use the store.
Pretty solid collection of games. Really happy to see them include Persona, I’ve always preferred the PS1 version over the PSP remake. $100 seems like a lot, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s cheaper than buying physical copies of all those games these days. Probably cheaper than buying them digitally on PSN as well, if they’re all avalible.
Not to be that guy, but how is a Wipeout game not in there? Wipeout was one of the defining series of that entire generation of consoles.

A couple of other nitpicks:

"Battle Arena Toshinden", while being technically impressive at the time, is a pretty bad game. "Soul Calibur" would have been a better pick for a fighting game featuring weapons.

They should have included the second Twisted Metal game instead of the original.

They should have gone with "Silent Hill" instead of "Resident Evil" for their survival horror game, since Silent Hill was a Playstation exclusive (and a better game in my opinion).
Not to be that guy, but how is a Wipeout game not in there? Wipeout was one of the defining series of that entire generation of consoles.

A couple of other nitpicks:

"Battle Arena Toshinden", while being technically impressive at the time, is a pretty bad game. "Soul Calibur" would have been a better pick for a fighting game featuring weapons.

They should have included the second Twisted Metal game instead of the original.

They should have gone with "Silent Hill" instead of "Resident Evil" for their survival horror game, since Silent Hill was a Playstation exclusive (and a better game in my opinion).
Soul Calibur was never released on the PlayStation. Soul Blade was.

Agreed on Twisted Metal.

Why not both? The thing that irks me about the version of RE included here is it has the Dual Shock version's soundtrack instead of the original's. This is even more surprising considering the writer of the Dual Shock version came out as a fraud a few years ago.
Not to be that guy, but how is a Wipeout game not in there? Wipeout was one of the defining series of that entire generation of consoles.

A couple of other nitpicks:

"Battle Arena Toshinden", while being technically impressive at the time, is a pretty bad game. "Soul Calibur" would have been a better pick for a fighting game featuring weapons.

They should have included the second Twisted Metal game instead of the original.

They should have gone with "Silent Hill" instead of "Resident Evil" for their survival horror game, since Silent Hill was a Playstation exclusive (and a better game in my opinion).

Soul Calibur is a Dreamcast game. You're thinking of Soul Edge which was okay. Between the two, I'd honestly lean more towards Toshinden.

I would have gone for 3 over 1 or 2, but as a representation of mainstream PS1 classic games I can understand why they decided to go for the first game.

Wouldn't be at all surprised if Konami said no to including Silent Hill.
Bought Wild Arms, or #2, not sure, started it but never really got into it, might have been to RPG burn out at the time from FF7, FFT, Xenogears, and half of FF8.
Surprised they don't have Loaded,

more importantly Crash Bandicoot!!!, WTF CB was Playstation's unofficial mascot!?!?!?!? Seriously Sony, what are you thinking.
Bought Wild Arms, or #2, not sure, started it but never really got into it, might have been to RPG burn out at the time from FF7, FFT, Xenogears, and half of FF8.
Surprised they don't have Loaded,

more importantly Crash Bandicoot!!!, WTF CB was Playstation's unofficial mascot!?!?!?!? Seriously Sony, what are you thinking.

Activision probably said no, since they own the Crash Bandicoot franchise now and the remastered collection is still selling like hot cakes.
Don't need this, as I still have a PS1 & all the games I would I would ever want to play on it.
was there any talk of a save function?

or is it sold separately just like the OG.

I remember my last Christmas with my mom we were dirt poor but she wanted me to be happy so she went out and got a Sears Card and got a PS1 and Final Fantasy 7 which had just launched. I was so freaking excited until I realized hours in that it needed a save card which we didn't have money to buy so I played it 3 days straight before the power randomly went out and I lost my game like 30 hours in. Sadness.. I think I ended up just stealing one from electronics boutique.
I remember my last Christmas with my mom we were dirt poor but she wanted me to be happy so she went out and got a Sears Card and got a PS1 and Final Fantasy 7 which had just launched. I was so freaking excited until I realized hours in that it needed a save card which we didn't have money to buy so I played it 3 days straight before the power randomly went out and I lost my game like 30 hours in.

just a practice run

My fav ps1 games.......ff7, cool boarders, tecmos deception, monster rancher, RE1, C&C red alert.
Would of been nice to see either Tactics or Vandel Hearts on that. I used to play competitive Puzzle Fighter. What memories!
Also, Ridge Racer instead of Gran Turismo? Cmon!
Licensing issues with the cars in Gran Turismo, probably. I have no problem with Ridge Racer, but Type 4 was the most boring game I ever played. They should have went with Ridge Racer Revolution.
was there any talk of a save function?

or is it sold separately just like the OG.
No doubt it'll have the Memory card function built in, how many saves, who knows, maybe a card per game since PS1 saves don't take much space, not sure of a "anytime" feature.

I remember my last Christmas with my mom we were dirt poor but she wanted me to be happy so she went out and got a Sears Card and got a PS1 and Final Fantasy 7 which had just launched. I was so freaking excited until I realized hours in that it needed a save card which we didn't have money to buy so I played it 3 days straight before the power randomly went out and I lost my game like 30 hours in. Sadness.. I think I ended up just stealing one from electronics boutique.
lol, hello darkness my old friend!
30 hrs, that's what disc 3?
Licensing issues with the cars in Gran Turismo, probably. I have no problem with Ridge Racer, but Type 4 was the most boring game I ever played. They should have went with Ridge Racer Revolution.
Seriously this. A lot of people need to stop crying and relize the license issue that come with these things. PS1 was heavily 3rd party depended unlike Nintendo.
I do like the roster, but while back in the day, it was great playing PSX games in their full, low res, aliased, pixelated non textured filtered glory, I'm much better off playing them emulated on my pc in 4k, AA, bilinear filtered and with shaders, today.
As with the Nintendo classic people want the mini consoles for some reason. They fell all warm and fuzzy inside knowing they have legit licenses for these games.
I got so many copies of old Nintendo games in my closet that I have 3 copies of Super Mario, and Castlevania 2 signed by James Rolfe. I think I'm fine.

i am dying to know what's behind the door on the left.

maybe the parallel port?


polygon says the controller ports are usb.

also that memory card slot looks real.

edit: saves are done onboard.
Come to think of it, Armored Core would be nice, bought 1-3 on the PS1 and the 1st 1 on the PS2, not sure if I bought the 2nd 1 on that system.
Would of been nice to see either Tactics or Vandel Hearts on that. I used to play competitive Puzzle Fighter. What memories!
FFT is in the Play store for $12 IIRC, but then again, so is FF7 for $15, might be because it was Square's 1st Fantasy a next gen console with massive storage for FMVs.
View attachment 115776

i am dying to know what's behind the door on the left.

maybe the parallel port?

View attachment 115777

polygon says the controller ports are usb.

also that memory card slot looks real.

edit: saves are done onboard.
Might be just molding? Boarders look a little deep as if it could come off, maybe an expansion port to load more games. They could also update the controllers to DSs.
FFT is in the Play store for $12 IIRC, but then again, so is FF7 for $15, might be because it was Square's 1st Fantasy a next gen console with massive storage for FMVs.

Might be just molding? Boarders look a little deep as if it could come off, maybe an expansion port to load more games. They could also update the controllers to DSs.

be funny if it were an ethernet port so you could go online and buy more games.
Is no one going to point out the lack of joysticks?

No one cares about the original controller when the first dualshock came out.

Heck, some of these games will lose their gaming experience due to the lack of the joysticks.

The Dualshock sucked. The original PS1 controller and the DS4 are the only good controllers Sony has ever made.
No The Legend of Dragoon? Fail
Lucky for me I still have my discs for this and I can play them on my PS3 anytime I want. Its a seriously under rated game and I wish it would have been more popular so it could have maybe gotten a sequel.
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