So either AMD or Nvidia or Intel has a new high end

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You discovered it, Intel is secretly releasing Intel 4k Graphics 4400 on their new Skylake i9 chip. It has HBM l2 cache and Hyperthreaded HDMI 2.0 output.
In before the Nazis join forces with the power rangers to bring the OP down for leaking this info.
0o0!! It's actually the second coming of Matrox! The new Matrox 8K quad channel GTXR9 390XTXTi Terrahertz edition.
0o0!! It's actually the second coming of Matrox! The new Matrox 8K quad channel GTXR9 390XTXTi Terrahertz edition.

Nah its the Asus Rog Matrox InfiniK Infini channel Tsunami Edition Hyperclocked Terahertz base clock boost to Infinihertz
Oh I didn't read the first post. My ADD went into overdrive the minute I opened the thread so skimmed only one line posts thereafter.

Thanks for clarity. You are my sanity.
You discovered it, Intel is secretly releasing Intel 4k Graphics 4400 on their new Skylake i9 chip. It has HBM l2 cache and Hyperthreaded HDMI 2.0 output.

Nonono, it has reverse hyperthreading and slipstream.
Also, after wasting far too much time, I was able to decode the real meat out of that shitpost.

Cliff Notes: you found an indicator in the ini file for the game SWTOR for a new "custom" unidentified GPU option, with settings forced to extremely high. Likely new GPU from AMD or Nvidia, and it's probably just the dual GPU card AMD''s been badgering on about. Or could be Nvidia's response.

English is like, sooooooo hard!

They showed off the expansion which has new graphics options. They add those every now and then. They may have tweaked things for the demo. In fact the Twitchcon demo was done at max quality settings I believe. The rest of the post I don't really get. There is nothing from UE4 in the game. I'm not sure why he thinks this has anything to do with a new card.

twitch steams games. twitch con happened in new york the past weekend. They were showing new content. They screwed over people that let their twitch sub's lapse due to not noticing or seeing a difference between subbing to the channels or the main site since to get rid of the commercials you usually have to sub to the channel to avoid the channel owner running commercials. So to make up for it they decided to find people on the floor instead of GM hired recently who had never played the game.

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic aka SWTOR is an MMO which was in beta from around feb 2011 to nov 2011, anyway they run ray trace lighting based on UE4 I think not sure where they got the code for the ray tracing since the first iteration was implemented during the beta when they found out that most of the people testing with the min specs could not even launch the game. MMO target a larger base because they have to pay for server upgrades and support on top of paying back development and paying for new content. So generally they hit the lowest common denominator. What is cool is that Bioware chose to let the beta testers who machines could handle it keep playing with the initialization file for the game so that we could tell the game that our system could handle more.
So most of us have been playing with debug lighting ever time they update the client so if it looks good yet. So over christmas it looked good and again over the last year. At twitch con someone got upset at my screenshots looking better than the console they were streaming because the consoles simply do not have the texture memory. So basically they got some development machine on the floor to run the game off of. That is what is cool because I know what the players have access to as an external tester of the graphics, and what ever they were running would kill my system... a [H]ard system. So I'm laughing and curious if some of the crazier rigs on here might be able to get even cool looking graphics, and also to point out that there is hardware out there right now that is about four to five times faster running double precision because without the debug lighting usually looks weird, than a six gb titan. I do not know about the rest of you but I'm very interesting in what that hardware is.
Plus the twitch stream is high res than most fps at the second half second day...

Ummmm Ok.
There's no way this is a real person posting. It looks like one of those spam bots that pull random phrases together. Sure, it resembles English... but there are no links to discount shoes. >_>

I made $4375 in one week by taking buckets to 11!
They showed off the expansion which has new graphics options. They add those every now and then. They may have tweaked things for the demo. In fact the Twitchcon demo was done at max quality settings I believe. The rest of the post I don't really get. There is nothing from UE4 in the game. I'm not sure why he thinks this has anything to do with a new card.

Ummmm Ok.

Brotherman Dan meet Brotherman Bill.
twitch steams games. twitch con happened in new york the past weekend. They were showing new content. They screwed over people that let their twitch sub's lapse due to not noticing or seeing a difference between subbing to the channels or the main site since to get rid of the commercials you usually have to sub to the channel to avoid the channel owner running commercials. So to make up for it they decided to find people on the floor instead of GM hired recently who had never played the game.

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic aka SWTOR is an MMO which was in beta from around feb 2011 to nov 2011, anyway they run ray trace lighting based on UE4 I think not sure where they got the code for the ray tracing since the first iteration was implemented during the beta when they found out that most of the people testing with the min specs could not even launch the game. MMO target a larger base because they have to pay for server upgrades and support on top of paying back development and paying for new content. So generally they hit the lowest common denominator. What is cool is that Bioware chose to let the beta testers who machines could handle it keep playing with the initialization file for the game so that we could tell the game that our system could handle more.
So most of us have been playing with debug lighting ever time they update the client so if it looks good yet. So over christmas it looked good and again over the last year. At twitch con someone got upset at my screenshots looking better than the console they were streaming because the consoles simply do not have the texture memory. So basically they got some development machine on the floor to run the game off of. That is what is cool because I know what the players have access to as an external tester of the graphics, and what ever they were running would kill my system... a [H]ard system. So I'm laughing and curious if some of the crazier rigs on here might be able to get even cool looking graphics, and also to point out that there is hardware out there right now that is about four to five times faster running double precision because without the debug lighting usually looks weird, than a six gb titan. I do not know about the rest of you but I'm very interesting in what that hardware is.
Plus the twitch stream is high res than most fps at the second half second day...


So if you watch twitch they switch to a PC client instead of a console on the second day using higher settings than any of the external vidoecard testers have access to. The test server is being used for another purpose right now so I have no way to try and see what crazyness is going on... plus my rig is not fast enough lol... This being a Hex core 3970X running at 4.2 Ghz so I have no idea what it is but the settings that are available are double what they were a week ago. So either Intel one of the sponsors has real time graphics that are roughly three times faster than titan on double precision, or AMD or Nvidia has a new videocard that is really fast. Since to use the settings you need the six gigs of video ram for the texture atlas and to run the ray trace lighting... in SWTOR grin. Which has been an option not a really usable one since 2011. So the emperor shoots his lighting in that scene the lighting is dynamic or ray traced... I have no idea what they used as there was over a thousand dynamic lights in the scene and and everything is smooth. Which is crazy because normally they use texture atlas to store the normal maps which have to interact with the debug lighting... they have been using my machine to see how far the lighting has come for a couple years now. That is why I got the windows on the space station view. I'm sure there are a couple hundred other testers since we are all part of blind group we never know when they are going to toss us on the test server to see if looks good or bad.

So here is the debug client info if you have a SWTOR account and faster machine, these settings are the highest I could get to run on my machine. Note that debug lighting is ray traced and blob is normal lighting that is precomputed. It looks a lot better than it used to but debug when not throwing weird artifacts on everything is better looking. So you may need a sub to get access to the debug stuff not sure, I've been a sub since november of 2011. But this is the settings I am running on 32gb of ram, 4.2 GHz 3970X, the original titan for the double precision, more memory on the later cards might balance this out can not jusifty the cost of anther two thousand dollar cards when this one works fine.

Notes buckets to 11 is the amount of sections the screen is divided into using eleven forces the rendered to stagger the buckets. Normally it is four I think. The peftest is created by the game and if you change it or the deviceid you can break your install, since some of the code path is hand coded for the devices. shaderset 9 is as high as you can get as a player no idea what they use on the workstations maybe dx 11 or 12 who knows.
graphics 6 means custom so that the client knows to let you try running info from the client ini file instead of what the perf test says is the most your machine can run safely.
windowx,y is the start position you can actually use this to flip the screen upside down...
pretty sure that shadowmaps can go higher but they reserved the rest of the memory on titans for the textures and normal maps. The shadow maps are all lighting...
you can reset this at anytime by deleting the client ini file here...

GraphicsDeviceId = 4101
PerfTestFlags = 4702080
Buckets = 11
D3DFullScreen = true
VerticalSyncState = false
RefreshRate = 59
NativeHeight = 1200
NativeWidth = 1920
Height = 1200
Width = 1920
WindowX = 0
WindowY = 0
ShaderSet = 9
GraphicsQuality = 6
AmbientNPCCount = 2760
AllowColorRemapping = false
AllowDepthOfField = true
AntiAliasingLevel = 8
TextureAnisotropy = 16
TextureQuality = 0
AtlasQuality = 0
MeshLODQuality = 1
doShadows = true
ShadowMapNumCascades = 256
ShadowMapResolution = 3968
HighShadowResolution = true
EnableHighShadowResolution = true
shadowQuality = 6
enableadvenvirolighting = true
DebugAdvEnviroLighting = true
EnableDynamicShadowFiltering = true
DynamicShadowFiltering = true
PlantDensity = 350
SpeedTreeDistanceScale = 1.04
EnableBloom = true
CodeVersionChanged = false
LastCodeVersionRun = 1
NewBucket = 11
FullScreen = true

MoviesFolder = ..\..\Movies
SwtorRegKey = SOFTWARE\BioWare\Star Wars - The Old Republic

Context? Who is they, 2nd day of what? What on earth are you even talking about?

He is talking about manually setting graphics settings in star wars the old republic it is a mmo
He is talking about manually setting graphics settings in star wars the old republic it is a mmo

Shush, you! Nobody but the OP is allowed to try to make sense of this thread.
So if I use the settings in the OP I'll get some super amazing SWTOR graphics?
I think this thread has run it's course. Good night folks. :cool:

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