Sigh of relief


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 14, 2007
So I buy a gtx 680 4gb from a friend of mine to replace my 2 7850s. Things are running fine through benchmarking and games. I put a universal water block on it as well as heatsinks on the VRAM and VRMs, and head to a friend's place for a weekend lan. Suddenly I start noticing artifacts and random red lines flickering across my screen. I like to look on the bright side of things, but all I can think of is that damaged the card somehow. My friend lends me a different hdmi cable just in case. Now I don't get any image on my monitor at all. Panic is really setting in now. I borrow another hdmi cable and it works. It turns out that my original hdmi cable was just damaged somehow and the second was completely nonfunctional.

*sigh of relief*
Good lord! So glad it worked out for you.I would have shit a brick or two hahaha. I had something similar go down before, but many years back and with a VGA cable.

I am disappointed that there is no video of a Japanese Gorilla having a sigh of relief in this thread though... :)
Yeah once you get a break in the HDMI cable, all kinds of weirdness can start to happen. I have several ultra long HDMI cables (40+ feet) which basically leaves far more surface area for potential disaster. It can be quite annoying when a break occurs somewhere in the cable. I have seen all sorts of interesting picture deformities from it.