Shout I give this guy negative heatware feeback?


Limp Gawd
Feb 28, 2003
This is the story:

This person, already promised me to buy my RAM for the agreed price. He asked me to hold the RAM for him until he can send the payment on Saturday. First contact and agreement for sale made around on Tuesday/Wednesday.

He even ask me again for my paypal email address, and then said to me too that he's ready to send the payment using Paypal on Sunday early morning.

Then suddenly he said to me that he found something else cheaper, and bought the other RAM from somebody else.

What do you all think I should do to this person? I'm just really pissed now.

Thank you

He's a jerk since he gave you a verbal commitment. But he still has the right to go with the best deal, even if it's last minute.
ya you cant him bad heat , but you can refuse to deal with him again my 2 cents
hario said:
This is the story:

This person, already promised me to buy my RAM for the agreed price. He asked me to hold the RAM for him until he can

Then suddenly he said to me that he found something else cheaper, and bought the other RAM from somebody else.

What do you all think I should do to this person? I'm just really pissed now.

Thank you


I think it's a question which, at first, confuses everyone who comes here to buy or sell. You want to sell your items (or you want to buy some items) and you hope to accomplish that by using....


Let me tell you 3 experieces of my own.

The fist was (I think) my first thread. Someone asked for dibs on about half the stuff. Sent me pm to ask questions. Good questions, but not necessarily simple. I answered. In the meantime (we're talking hours) I began to get purchase requests that were acceptable to me Pretty soon (in hours) I asked for PM release of "dibs" and I got it from the 'dibberizer' very kindly and gracefully. But folks asked me 'what happened to the dibs?' Everything sold, but made me think about how to do that.

2. Next time, someone asked for dibs on only 1 item. Seemed like we made a deal in only one or 2 pm's. Would pay the next day. The day after. Then, it was 'have to get paid for item's I'm owed' I was getting lots of other offers and it was a little unpleasent to get an "I release" type thing from him. When he released, I sold it in about 6 hours.

3. Next time, I was on the other end. I wanted to buy a case that had a value between $150 and $400 depending on it's model and condition. I couldn't afford to pay for it right away, so I asked for a "dib" type interest and agreed to pay $50 as a "dib fee" if I couldn't buy it. It worked out that I was willing (and able) to buy in about 24 hours.

So, I think there should be a sticky for "dib rules" I think "dib rules" should include:

1. An accepted request for "dibs" buys the requester 4 hours to make a firm offer.
Thank you for your input, it really helps. But in my case, this guy didn't actually say dibs or anything on the item on the forums, but he PM'ed me and negotiating about the price, and we come to an agreeable price, so basically he already made a written contract with me on the PM agreeing that he's going to buy my item at the specified and agreed price.

Then he just backed out at the last minute when he found something cheaper somewhere else. I am really pissed about this person's unprofessionalism by making an actually "enforceable" written contract, because I still have all the PM between him and me. But I actually don't want to pursue that using the applicable law, so I might just post a negative feeback on his heatware for people's warning about his past behaviour.

Thank you again for your input, I really appreciate others' input too.
And I think about the dib fee is really helpful on this kind of transaction. So if the dibber can't complete the dibs, he has to pay the agreed dib fee to the seller. And if the dibber didn't want to pay for dib fee, well I think negative feedback is very appropriate in this situation. Just my opinion again here for all other use in the future.
While being really lame...he didnt accually do anything that warrents negative heat.

Now, while a bad verbal rep might not matter to this matters to most people here. There should be a way to post info about people...well that dont exactally break any rules...but leave a bad taste in your mouth...

There are several people that I have dealt with...that while the deal went thru....I would never deal with them again. I also feel bad for anyone that does.

The things that warrant negative heat...IMO

1. Improper packaging(I had a dufus ship me a hard drive in a vanillia envelope..thats right...not bubbled or anything jsut a plain envelope)

2. Demands shipped first and dosent pay.

3. Ships items that are obviously broken before they were packaged

4. Lies about the condition of the parts or what the parts are(ir: says its a AMD 2000+ when it is really a AMD 1600).

5. Offers to cross ship a money order and you never get the money order...or it comes 2 months later with a postmark that confirms that he didnt ship it for 2 months(while this might be a grey area....IMO if you say you are cross shipping and dont...that is lying and deserving of neg heat.)

6. doesnt ship parts after you paid

I am usually good about dibs....but if I feel like I am getting jerked around I will politely tell them that I have a firm offer and will be selling it unless they pay via paypal within a set time...if they dont pay the dibs are off and I sell it to someone else.
Well, this might be true, but in my case, I have to decline offers from other people because of his "definite buying" promise. Now, if you think about it, this is lost of time, and now I have to start from ground zero again on selling these stuff. But yes, poor packaging are kinda unacceptable. I really appreaciate your feedback :)
ok it was me..

first off. I didnt ask you to hold it. I told you I was interested but I couldnt pay until saturday. Then I dropped out of contact with you for a few days. you were asking for like 325 and I found someone who gave it for me for 260...

i was doing nothing more aside from inquiring about the item...i kept asking questions and kept asking a price.. Then I told you when I'd be able to pay.. I never asked you to hold the item and not sell to anybody else. If you wanted to sell to someone else you could have...

Anyways.. when I can save 65 dollars for something thats better then what you offered me... anyways.. leave negative heat for me if you like but you can expect retaliation.. sigh..

it was a 2-3 day period. How much buisiness could you have really lost? I mean christ come on. I dont even see that many offers after me in your thread for the ram.. Calm down... I sent you a pm a very apologetic pm at that...

If you're not going to tell the whole truth, please do not post here. I have all the PM that you sent me to proof it. And, actually I do not want to expose who did this to me, but since you expose yourself, so it is up to you.

Yes please, what kind of retaliation will you do? spamming my email? sending me junkmail? go ahead. I am not the one who did the wrongdoing here. Have some ethics please when making a commitment on buying something. You have to be responsible for what you promised and BE PROFESSIONAL.

Just asking you, don't you feel violated and pissed when I did the same thing to yo? so just put yourself in my shoes, and you will know exactly how I feel about this situation.

Thank you

Oh lord, not another one of these posts. I just finished reading one (closed thread now) that could've totally been avoided. I can't see how you could leave negative heat when no actual transaction took place. It really does sound to me like he was just askin a lot of questions and not actually calling "dibs", i've done that before. If you had other buyers then you should've told him to hurry up. Also, a dibs fee is a good idea.. and i like the idea of posting sticky about "Dibs Rules". With that being said, I rule in favor of the defendant.. :rolleyes:
Hahhahha, I didn't actually think he will post here to start a battle or something, because I'm just asking your opinions about this matter, and hey, he showed up and declared himself. This really showed his immaturity by starting the battle, and even threatening by retaliating with my negative feedback. I mean, if you did a mistake, admit it, say sorry, and then accept the consequences, not retaliate.

Well, what this sentence means to you?

Quoted from him: "Sorry just saw the feedback heh.. Ill send the MO out ASAP"

Doesn't it means he's definitely buying the RAM? or am I wrong here?

So, if I'm going to do some kind of "dibs fee" or "deposit" to secure the item, how much do you think is reasonable? by percentage of the price? or fixed price?

Thank you
since the transaction did not take place (as opposed to a partial like one party sends goods/$ and other does not live up to deal) the HEATWARE rules are that you can not leave an eval for your situation, and I agree. Unfortunetly you are going to have this happen occasionally, someone wants something you got, and they either fade away or if they see it for cheaper they'll go for it. Best thing to do is I don't accept dibs in my FS/T, thread, and I give the person a set time to put up or shut up. If I feel they are sincere I'll give a little leeway, but even then Imake clear that "pending" deals still can fall through, so if peeps are interested to keep checking back. That's probably the best you can do. Unfortunetly there are some children on the FS/T,(and a few childish adults), so just be a little more strict with your terms. As far as this deal goes, you've made your point, now it's time to let it go and chaulk it up to lesson learned. :eek:
I know this from first hand knowledge....

If a trade doesn't take place you cannot leave heat of any kind. An negative evaluation will be removed. I tried it one time after a guy agreed to sell me something then disappeared and ignored all my PMs and emails. I left negative heat as a warning for others of his unreliable nature and poor communication. It was removed.
first to drop the cash gets the prize ..

I've held stuff for people only to have them back out after couple days for whatever reasons I dont care if peeps call dibs anymore me the moola and I'll send you the item :)