
Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
IGN has released 11 minutes of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice game footage that focuses on the Senpou Temple region of the action RPG. Even though the game exudes its Dark Souls and Bloodborne heritage through its "sprawling world full of darkness and mystery around every corner;" it is clearly its own beast. IGN says the game mechanics are what set the title apart from other Dark Souls adventures and copycats. The game launches onto consoles and PC on March 22, 2019.

Perhaps the biggest departure, though, is the fact that Sekiro has no customizable stats, no character classes, no souls or blood echoes, no crafting mechanics, and the sword that you start with is the sword that you'll be using throughout the rest of the game. Basically, instead of having a traditional stamina meter, Sekiro allows you to attack, jump, and roll as much as you like. This facilitates an extremely fast and relentless pace to the action. To succeed at Sekiro's combat, you absolutely must balance a steady stream of offense, while also being constantly at the ready to defend, because even the most basic of enemies will parry your own strikes and deliver a counter of their own to turn the tide of a battle.
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Hmmm! Their biggest departure I hope isn't their biggest downfall. How many different variations of take downs or kill shots can he do? I really hope the gameplay can make up for the lack of the rest. In the video I saw a ton of the same attacks and defenses over and over and over...
So tired I first thought the headline said "Seiko: Shadows of Death" LOL!

I imagined a smartwatch that worked like Futurama's death clock. Time to get some rest.
This looks really great but I wonder how difficult it's going to be. I had this game pre-ordered in last August .
Sekiro has no customizable stats, no character classes, no souls or blood echoes, no crafting mechanics, and the sword that you start with is the sword that you'll be using throughout the rest of the game.”

Nope, don’t like that. I could understand toning it down from the souls games, but to have zero customization...that’s a major part of the “rpg” experience. Sorry From, might have to sit this one out.
Ugh, might be a deal breaker. I was all excited for this as my 8 year old kid loved dark souls 3, enough that he beat it and kept playing. Was excited for this but no changing anything? might not be fun, that was the appeal of DS3 was options galore for gear.