Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (From Software)


[H]F Junkie
Apr 20, 2013
Developer: FROM Software
Director: Hidetaka Miyazaki
Publisher: Activision
ETA: 2019

Samurai Souls, anyone?

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Decent game, and Sekiro is definitely an interesting if ironic twist since Nioh borrowed heavily from Souls. But nobody else does that unique mix of combat-feel and exploration quite like FROM.
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From Software and Miyazaki can do no wrong...should be another epic Souls-type game with ninja gameplay....I am surprised that they are teaming with Activision as publisher instead of Bandai Namco or Sony...and the trailer was being shown at the Xbox conference which was also strange...
"The developer has reassured fans that Sekiro is 'probably even more challenging than previous From games.'"

"We think the level of enjoyment is going to really vary and be very broad from player to player," Sekiro's director and From Software president, Hidetaka Miyazaki said. "If you are that player who likes to take their time and carefully piece things together and learn the enemies' weaknesses and positioning, and observe everything, you're going to have a great time. It's that sense of discovery as you explore the three-dimensional maps--you're going to find something, maybe a new prosthetic tool that makes you think, 'Hey, why don't I use this against that enemy?' When that clicks and when it works, that's going to be the sense of satisfaction for that player.

"Whereas the other [player] who just likes to rush in there, go katana-on-katana and feel that blade-to-blade, blow-by-blow gameplay, they're going to feel that intensity. They're going to get that really high level challenge that's probably even more challenging than previous From games. So we feel everyone's going to be able to have something to suit them."

Miyazaki also explained why Sekiro, Dark Souls, and Bloodborne don't have difficulty levels. He insisted that despite the games' similarities, Shadows Die Twice is not part of the Soulsborne series. In a separate interview, From Software confirmed that Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice will not contain any multiplayer.
"Resurrection mechanic allows for deadlier combat than Dark Souls," says Miyazaki.

One major change is its resurrection mechanic, which lets players revive themselves immediately without returning to a checkpoint. And despite how it might sound, game director Hidetaka Miyazaki says this can make Sekiro harder than Souls, not easier.

Chatting with PlayStation Blog, Miyazaki says Sekiro's difficulty was designed with the knowledge players can die and resurrect on the spot.

"There are three ways death influences Sekiro . For the gameplay purposes of keeping the flow good and being able to have this risky situation, to be able to use it creatively, and also that the story centers around the concept of resurrection.

"There’s one thing I’d like to make sure isn’t misunderstood: the resurrection system was not introduced to make the game easier. If anything, it actually can make the game harder because it allows us to push the edge of risky combat where the player can die at any moment."

Miyazaki doesn't commit to the specifics of Sekiro's resurrection system—"the system itself is not yet 100 percent final," he says—but does suggest it controls the pace of the game, and the difficulty based around it.

"Just because you have this resurrection mechanic, it doesn’t mean the player won’t be afraid of death," he adds.